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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#3 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying the efficacy of ...
Flagellin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cantaloupe5(87)
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asurapCl hsldecoiycaarp vcasncie rea efotn getdancjou to neptisro ot rpveiom gyimiu.onnmctie ellgnilaF is eth olny srnwea oichec saht't a .notepir

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mambaforstep  hbto MCH 1 adn 2 ear entprse ginatsne htta rea EPNRIOST AF( 1920 pg .010) so ni edror ot clitie a T clel esspne,ro you eden a ptnoeri TNAC( EB A CYC.AS)LPO ttah is wyh nsivacce ofr ocadlsyericpa gninaest ear nefto gtaduencoj to gt--EOT;sN&RIP os ttha ew nca teicli a -cleTl ssrpeone A(F 0912 pg )712. +7
lovebug  umalFlleg = Pinoer,t ,9(1FA p.142)g +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—wasabilateral(47)
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I kinht yeht natw you to tinhk tuboa hwo nuctgaejo ncvcaie is da:em haloceaprdsicy + pnotrie frenagtm (ot cneiud T needdpent miemnu eep) ynOl ilnaegllf si a pneirto (ro at tlsae uosdns klie eon) in the itopno tli.s

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vi_capsule  lglluamFe is interop. F/iamiirleibPl - iycrLetGnopo +4

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submitted by enbeemee(12)
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i gte hwy s'ti ifglna,ell tbu is eht csicfipe oranes atth PSL is wrnog si caesebu 'sti tsuj ont ohw teh ceianvc si eadm? LPS wodul olsa liitce na mnmuie treoi,anc gihrt?

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nor16  iLpid A of LPS cna eb nsesed by 14CD fo gscamharpoe cnsigua cok,sh sit ont a rnt,opie os no minmue ntraeico as ni vtinacinoac rl(m,ahou GgI acsls hitswc iav T2h nad B )sC.lle +4
eclipse  aatllyuc eyth do esu PSL as jdaanvut ni sacvenic +3
eclipse  utalclay heyt do use SLP as ajuatvnd ni eiascncv +3
hyperfukus  RTsL eoengrczi nmocmo soimtf ldaecl otipdgeathaosca-nes ceorallmu naptetr PM)A(P in ai,crteab ,nuifg i,seruvs and rtoeh e.tsngapho RTL sanngiilg in the limnoutaod fo ntnaei mminutyi + aeipvtad iiymmntu aniastg ,egahptsno LRT o:tngissa ACDN-G,p lealf,ilng adn lipid emcaeb aeniestls nsteicddaa of ete+cifafevfse vcencai d.aasjunvt LTR nsosigta oeripvm hte ccfyfiae fo ,encicva udercgin -TRdsebaC slniecote rsehthldso adn eaicnnghn eht gemdtnuia dan aluiyqt of roemym cleTl- spoe.rsen +5
hyperfukus  soem xaert fnoi ni eacs eyth sak aorhetn niyanong q +5
aturner713  toN seur fi hsti estatmr rof tsih ro ton, but eeNssaiir eavh ispdhoeaLOcOcriIGla S)LO( nda ton eraYOcpdhcPiloLsia SP(L) +5
schep  I 'todn udeandstrn hyw SPL outdnl'c eb teh nrwsea sol.a WdrolU iensqotu ID 45 icclpilayefs assy tath etyh rea nisgu LSP as a nugaoejct +1
jp1003  I htkni tsi' aueebcs isiearNes odse haev .SLP heTy vhae OLS a.ietnsd +2
jp1003  o*dse ont vahe SLP +2
thrawn  notDse taterm - ew otdn ieenrlcayss jcietn hte amse cpsiee LSP/LSO ni a ccvaein - ityagnnh ot amek eht eunmim temsys weak up ot a ettrha +1
an1  Teh rtem ailgidoeapocroslchi (O"")LS is used ot efrre to a cruoogelwa-ltewih-lm rfom of btriacale ase.cldhpicyolipsaor uBt cetniinjg LSP llwi uniecd okchs nda het DXI'N"ENTOO ecaacsd dmnneeiot ni FA +1

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