C dpi xnoxoeti iibstihn enotrpi hn(stsinslsnoatayriet) iav DAP oitiosralnby of EF .2
natognlioE cfrtao 2 sidnb ot the niyaocalm TNRA- dan hpsle hwit tganoleion of eht peptied cnhai
FE2 ihhwc is a fyliam fo rranintpstcio orftsac hhicw steeralug lelc yincclg mfor G1 ot Gs whne( ont obndu to Rb)
lilsy me onfcused teh owt as eth esam LLO
submitted by โhaliburton(224)
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F2E si llotaaitnanrs glietooan orftca 2, ichhw is ensyescar rof oeniprt ntsse.syhi