Pre-central gyrus= motor deficit (muscle weakness) UMN lesions (cerebrum) will cause increased reflexes (I think of Babinski present as hyperreflexia) IDK if it's like seizures, but I know seizures can start out as primary motor and expand to involve the sensory cortex as well. Maybe it was expansion of the edematous area
submitted by โbingcentipede(359)
G represents the primary somatosensory area of the parietal lobe. The stem describes a 69 (nice) year old woman with sensory issues on the left side. She presents w/ a Babinski sign on the left, decreased somatic sensation in the left foot, agraphesthesia (when you "draw" a number on someone's skin and they can't interpret it) on the plantar surfaces of the toes, decreased position sense in the toes. The question says there is an edematous area in the cerebral cortex of the right hemisphere.
I had trouble with this, but I think it's describing somatosensory because of the sensory problems. Don't understand the UMN lesion (Babinski). Here's what Wikipedia says: "Lesions affecting the primary somatosensory cortex produce characteristic symptoms including: agraphesthesia, astereognosia, hemihypesthesia, and loss of vibration, proprioception and fine touch (because the third-order neuron of the medial-lemniscal pathway cannot synapse in the cortex). It can also produce hemineglect, if it affects the non-dominant hemisphere. Destruction of brodmann area 3, 1, and 2 results in contralateral hemihypesthesia and astereognosis."