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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 69-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
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submitted by bingcentipede(359)
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G eersrpsnte the aiyrpmr etsosarnooysm area fo hte etaarpil obel. hTe mtse reesisbcd a 96 i()ecn ayer odl omnaw wtih ysseron esusis on teh ftel e.sid hSe neestpsr /w a binaiBks isgn no teh ,left areeddesc citamos tnsoaneis ni teh lfet fot,o aergthahsapies n(weh you "rdwa" a rbeumn on eoemn'sos isnk nda yeht acnt' tenriterp t)i no the lptarna securasf fo teh t,eso eaesderdc piioostn sesne ni hte soe.t ehT etsniouq syas rethe is an eeamsduto eraa in the arclrbee rtoecx fo het hrtig esihmpehre.

I dha tbleuro htiw sht,i tbu I nihkt 'its cigsirenbd reossatmysono buesaec of eht oesrnsy oer.smlbp nDt'o stdnadenru eth NUM lisnoe asBni.i(b)k H'seer atwh eWidpikia says: "nsieoLs ficgnetfa the mirprya yanosetsorsmo treoxc eupocrd itrsichcrtaeac tmsyspmo igilncdu:n ,patgsesahiehra raaeoosnegsti, iha,yehtmsepehis dna sols fo nioiar,vtb eroprniipocotp dna feni utohc asbeuce( teh rri-roehddt nounre of het ialm-idlmncaeles ptawayh aotncn nesyspa ni het xeoc).tr It cna sloa dcureop ,nimlgceeeht if it acftesf the tno-nmindoan eeshh.eimpr nDsouettcri of mornnbda aear 3, ,1 and 2 rultses in llnrtaaeaocrt ssphiyheameieht dan ase."eossirgnto

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mittelschmerz  heT iksBanib ptieprd em pu ,oot ser'eh wath I :ufond txi"Sy tprenec of the TCS rbesfi itoirange rfom teh pmiaryr omtro ort,xec ropmotre re,saa nda mnluesaytrppe rotmo aaser. heT aeimndrer ernioigsta mfor ryarpim nyseros seaa,r the ipaelart ,tcxroe dan het upuceo.rml mDegaa aneyhwre olnga eth CST can ultesr ni teh ceesnrep of a nsbaikBi .sgni" ofmr ipogwnwkn1h/nmlt./ssh0t..bB0c5//bv9N.Ki:9/owo +18
yourmomsbartholincyst  I hknit shit ieoqutns is emro pmlyis obtau teh raoathcpgopli aemrngraetn fo het lucsmhounu i(whhc I neoc naaig owomehs aangmed to iflp rdbsckaaw gudrin eht .x)ame roLew tyrixeemt si oagriohcplpalty ppdmae ot eomr iemald tpinoosr fo hte ssynomersooat tx,coer ecnhe ettler G dan hyw AAC trsekso etdn to ftfcea the LE .remo uuonl,Huscm our eiovaftr ,knhu A00F22 gp 052 +17
j44n  uyore cogucldni het CAM wblo owfl mrfo the CMA ofswl ntfro to ckba os fi oyu dculeoc teh iesotcn atth ivdeopsr dbloo folw to eth tpalnrreec uygrs uyo lwli slao edouclc the ecstoni that spsiuelp eth snreyos oprtion rew/ei/wtos:ormnua-ttcoghsrh.ln-ppah-hfutmsee-te1/os/d-v-ncfp/s-tannne-leh-ryosbrb-o-y-amcoo-enowtrh-tapoultiacy-se +
j44n  xcesue me i ssmi skpeo ist het AAC cesabeu its hre segl, olok ta eufirg 4-2 ni hte nkil on ym risveopu tnmocem +
j44n  os if ouy aehv oomrt nad soesnyr teh ranfcti si in hte opnroit htta gsnlobe to hte motor opn,itro if yuo hvae ersonys yoln yvoue ccdeoldu teh tyrear eomr ltisylda +
jy1544  I tughtoh G asw inndtaicig teh apmiryr tmroo exrtoc ni eth oftnalr elob fmro a edlima iwev rnart(eio to eht latnrec uu)ssc,l hneec eht neweassk - and teh reosnys insetsucrbad rewe deu to edmae feacgfnit teh daacetjn tosoeyrsmanso otcxer eb1r/:tr/getdhns1spief.s/egt-at5/p_makP.gdjis//ub.wi8ia20eu +9
juhee  mFro aelimd ttgliaas viwe of ,rbina teh lsscuu eewbent G dan H asw naalirgm cussul on(t ltanrec sc.luu)s tI si enstxenoi of ciegnuatl cusslu. dnA it is na xntelcele namkrlda to help morficn hte taconoil fo hte eranctl lu,cssu ichwh is atodelc neo ssuucl aerrtnoi ot eht aiglanmr suls.uc So G si ngiadnctii the piyrrma nstsoooyaresm .txeorc re'eHs eth emag.i rgp5m4lagaro0sdt:aoe-sa/3e.ee3p23e2./_re4ehi3a30dag4cr6l.o/eimda3a0191tpc1g9g1b-6t1/eif89p3/i5scatjsyi +
chaosawaits  shTi si leruyp a cuhnsouulm tsneuqo.i nyA ferrhut htughot tino it is tusj orkl.eivl +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sschulz2013(7)
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tclaPeenrr- sugyr= toomr etidcfi sumc(el U eMs)akwsNen elsison ermu(rbce) ilwl uesca iaeecsrnd eexsfrel (I nhkti fo Bsinkbai sterpne as h)Ke alexrpiDfIeyr if 'sit ielk r,esieszu utb I kown reuizess nac statr uto sa iprymar rmoto dna nadxep ot vlnievo het syesnor tecorx sa ell.w aeyMb it swa nxpaieosn of eth tueoadsme eara

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j44n  i earge oyu tacn vhae UMN nsisg uesnls eth peantcerrl uysrg si ifneardct +
smitt1  sI A usjt eht sosyenr toxerc nda oeehtrerf u'ldotwn aenlipx eht Usia?kBnM/biN +
chaosawaits  I hvea A as rlaatel yarpmri noorysasotems coet,rx B as rtaleal otmro rtoex,c C as rletnaropf xeort,c D as irrsepou tampeolr ,yrugs E sa sinlaarrmguap y,grsu F sa ildaem aftlorn bol,e G sa liadem rmryipa onmsassryotoe etcro,x H as aiepratl leob nda I as tplcioia.c +
rwd1027  么?表代J什 +
burak  了代它桥表 +

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