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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A male newborn is born at 28 weeks' ...
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submitted by โˆ—bingcentipede(359)
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A uemtparre ntifan dseo tno avhe muraet nastaftrcu lsevel litnu eekw .35 iBgne nbor at 82 ,eewsk his etyp II utmeonpcsye rea ont lyful amreut /antyvehet' edcduorp ohuneg ey.t

yTep I nad II eutsneycpmo line het tsebmena nmaer.meb Type I (C) rae q,usmouas nad teyp II (D) aer ilca.bduo

:E arllovea p hm:eaoacBgr ACR:s B ycllpaair itlhedaleon l?lce

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jj375  eeHr is a bellead graidam ahtt amy ep!hl )A Cyipallar elmuhetdnio )B sCBR C) epTy I ecymputeon D) Tpey II ceynoupemt )E I ikdan tnhik eehst aer vraaolel gsroaphmac e gtdneea-jbibmdumtuos.erh.pMuiej/dmilac.s:a-/g_aoinpan_gii.//ts +10
j44n  idd aneony else tkihn D swa tiryng to whos a erlllama odyb thta s'ID a epty II tneueypom +2
j44n  my dba i nemta **B** +
i_hate_it_here  I rsue ddi +
prostar  rmLealal bdsoei aer nto ibilsve in htis tiaannmcof.gii yehT rae ewived ni lEontrec omicc.rospy +5

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