ntpeLi si dseaerle from pdesoai tiuess to ieucnd ttayeis. 'tsI a urplpoa egtart in marhap sa a spbeisol te-oinatsbiy rgd.u nI esobe pietnsat, eht aersneci eopasdi = seircndae eltpn.i eThy ebmceo lnpiet ,esienvntsii nciergud trieh byaitli to feel taeits.y
,nhrlieG on het oerth d,hna is edealrse by het moahcts csoaum ni nopsrsee ot odfo utstomilian ot uecdni .nrugeh
submitted by โbingcentipede(359)
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ntpeLi si dseaerle from pdesoai tiuess to ieucnd ttayeis. 'tsI a urplpoa egtart in marhap sa a spbeisol te-oinatsbiy rgd.u nI esobe pietnsat, eht aersneci eopasdi = seircndae eltpn.i eThy ebmceo lnpiet ,esienvntsii nciergud trieh byaitli to feel taeits.y
,nhrlieG on het oerth d,hna is edealrse by het moahcts csoaum ni nopsrsee ot odfo utstomilian ot uecdni .nrugeh