ehT key rof sthi bgeni nsdcistieg rnuysmea si tath its' a wddenei otcari hacr. ,oslA he'ster neeunv pelssu (iihsenddm"i luesps in het eflt rpeup rityet")mex nienmag htat obodl is not igpassn rofm the iatrco carh ot eth ltef niclauvbas rryeta (ti's not nagssip eht iotcra .c)rha
loyn ighnt I dluwo dda is het catue aetrnu 3(0 s)tunmie nda xh of ciconae sue sehpl tpnoi rostadw ntgiesisdc ynreuams
olsA, sngeei as stih si a tSnfroad tyep A lnvsivo(e taroic c)ah,r nwnko clatmisooncip are eatuc rocita tntrgagouirei snmifnegt(ia ni isth xp as 62/ iicostdla rmruum hared setb at flte atnelsr rbdr)oe nad rdcaica notadmeap . :)
submitted by โbingcentipede(359)
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ehT key rof sthi bgeni nsdcistieg rnuysmea si tath its' a wddenei otcari hacr. ,oslA he'ster neeunv pelssu (iihsenddm"i luesps in het eflt rpeup rityet")mex nienmag htat obodl is not igpassn rofm the iatrco carh ot eth ltef niclauvbas rryeta (ti's not nagssip eht iotcra .c)rha