Why si eth IgG pu tnh?e 'otWudnl htta ueggtss a erelvdos ?ectionfni I egt atth idk is tdecnefi but I frdgiue hte gGI was a asfel lseurt adn ttah ti louwd inapxle the .lasb
shr'oMte GgI wsa rresraedtfn uhoghtr etncalpa
ntdoh'lSu eht thoemr lsoa be epvsitio for MIg? I etg ttah eht baby has cgnoelinat VMC tbu I ierfudg eht omrhet suodlh eb endcfeti sa ewll ot attnismr the asiedes
Had the asme oeinqsu,t I uirfdge the cioneinft was edosverl ni het rthem.o wreeHvo het erbwnno sah the ioftiencn at the emnmto adn peoevdeld IgM and the GsI'g in the aer from het .oehrmt
dHa het esma tquison,e I figrdeu eth fionciten saw velerosd ni eth emort.h oHwreev het wnnbroe sah the iincnoeft at het onemtm adn eldopvdee IMg adn hte G'gsI in teh are fomr the t.rmeho
I tog atht wgron euebsac I ghohtut eht abby culod nto ectare iobinmuomlglnu ta ahtt
MVC si a hepres irsvu hcwih ielk tmso rshpee ursiv nca ermani MCV amrnesi enltat in nceaoulnomr ces.ll Sicen teh otrmhe sha adh hte fnoiincte beerof ehs aeskm GgI ehs dowlu on glnreo dnee to make gIM ot nfdede evctai gMI si nyol nptesre ta eht nlitiai ncnfoeiti evyre itme freaetreth yrou memroy eB-clls wodlu ekam GgI - yeth 'tdon eend to ewtsa tmie agikmn IgM ihhwc( si elyral loyn adme ot buy mite fro eht ellcB-s ot lascs wcsith and roegnud tinfafiy aotatminru ot meak GIg)
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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GIg nac eb readiqu fmro eth hormte yb cgsnoisr the a,lepcnat utb MgI nc.anot T,suh eth eepscenr fo MIg atcsinide ttah het baby ash unecoeterdn the ciointnfe ni uoter dan ntraeeegd sit own atedioinsb to the fceinotni. oS the byab hsa ngeiltcaon .VCM e(Se 0022AF 0p15 rof rononiatimf no oibgnonmilmulu setp)iyos
OEN:T gIM si teh tifrs ybiodtna eorfmd ni esnrsepo ot niiceotnf adn ofr somt sesroeoilg gMI cneerpse illw eb ciaviednit fo nnooggi