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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A protein found in the brown adipose tissue ...
Increased ratio of oxygen consumption to ATP generation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ishT rientop si na innpcogulu taeng (leikly etnhrigmneo cwhhi is uondf ni robnw asoiepd and sreves to sanreiec heat opoudtcnir. uoiUlnngpc atseng liwl saeuc ceareisnd iptayiemelbr fo the otnmdaorhcii eemn,mrba nigetssecinat mreo goexyn conpotnuism in rdreo ot reeegnta eth amse oin tedgna.ri eScin mroe gxenoy si ncmsoedu ot eeetanrg teh esma entrd,iga rmeo exyogn oldwu eb sdmcuoen to eetnegar teh smea nmutao fo APT, so hte otrai of egnoxy otscoupminn ot PAT reeannitgo nr.eeascis (0220FA 87p)

nhteAro way fo khtgnnii tuoab hits si hatt gxeony lwil dceuniotn ot eb emouncsd ot pamttet ot neeteagr het t,draenig btu teh eylak anbmmere lwli etrepvn het rgtnadei frmo ingeb ormefd rloperpy adn reofehetr eerntpv ATP mofr gbnei fdme.or uhTs ether is the same anmuto of exgnoy noesmudc ofr tetlil to on APT gebni mdea os iaagn teh atori of xongey sitpmouncno ot TAP nogniateer cenis.esar isTh si orescl ot wtha laualcyt ppnaseh in the dyob ubt I udnof ti eaires to khnit otuba it teh ftirs wya.

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feochromocytoma  l,yxtEca het neorlcet ropntrtsa ni eht otcioardmihn illw peek nogg,i tub TPA stssyeihn uowld sp,ot wchhi aecsus oopdnuctri of .aeth +
thegout  if eyoru' ilek ,me uyo ipedkc ddaeecser orati fo yogxne ot PTA ni a anrbi tfra ohtwuit nighktin ouatb hwta a aiotr s,i tgaot eadr eht rwenass erom auflclrye ni lgno elgiugnr .axem +16

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