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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 37-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Cardiogenic ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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olCo nad apel rmiettexise rlseu uot uiritbtvedis sauecs ig(uercnon,e l,sniaahpayx cs.epit)

olHicyopvme dlouw dbesriec a cserosp of elmvou loss b(ilgende or darnoyth)dei dan dwuol tno xnilpea eht skelaccr or jarugul vein nonessdti.i

dton' be hrwton ffo by eth aomlnr earth uss.ond

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baja_blast  iaRse rouy dhan if uyo ewer oals wrnoth ffo by the omlnar ehart +11
jmd2020  I tkihn ihts tinoequs si ooyrlp dtncsreou.ct neCiciodgar sokhc ouwld lrsetu in na ECRNESAI ni RSV - sthi 'mnsowa PB si ../.7004 +3
drdoom  d02m2j0@ wol BP soed ton nema eht SVR tsn'i ncsedriae โ€” ti i//s d!aeriesnc 'sit tsju thta hte tearh is so fdefe up tath vene asyesmvil recsidena RVS is ont engohu to anntaiim gdoo srpueers +4
drdoom  eranhot yaw to npeli:xa naigemi ouy era onigsl odlob lomuve at a aostnnct rtae eo(oesnm dpunech a eubt into ryou aotra adn gnraniid uyo lkei a )g;pi at r,fist ruoy htrea wdolu bate otsnrreg n)otp(oyori nda ratesf rtophc()yrnoo to tiiaannm ;PB at eth ames eim,t lal oury erlrioesta loudw nsrcioctt to nntmaiia loodb olfw tsera dan( npi)fouesr to ilavt useitss ... tbu at eosm otnip uoy lilw eahv tsol so hmuc dobol htat lla teh orpoyto,ni octnohyrrop m&;pa VSR ni the olwdr loudc tno asev yuo or yrou BP .. oruy PB lilw mpmulte on ettmar hawt toncoraymsep ssnecmmhia royu ybdo sah pu ist vesle.e +7
drjo  algJuur esonuv nodesiisnt dulce em noit dcrniogecai coksh treha( stni' nmipugp wlel tgsluerin ni kacb p)u vs hte erhost si,ldte pse nsice tuctevrosbi cohsk 'sitn na neraws heoicc +
kavarthapuanusha  kraCclse egva me eth clue +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—trazobone(97)
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oloC nda epla ieietsxmter surel tou rdtvtisiebui uecsas ,noueenicgr( lphaiya,axsn s.itcep)

ymiepovloHa lwudo eceridbs a spocesr of olemuv lsos ngeedibl ro( ehd)tayrdino dan uwold ton ieanxpl eht sckceral or arjulug unvseo isn.toindte

otโ€™nD be htownr off by the anomrl ahert ssn.odu I am tngegit eral good ta shit slragdmniebc n.igth

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cheesetouch  SYKJ, if ti sswoh arsbceldm to one nrspeo 'tnoeds ncyarlessei maen it osde to tanrhe.o Adn tow'nuld hits opbisles shwo dasmrcelb too ot tmeh :P? +
trazobone  oN bseaecu evIโ€™ seen a etnrd erweh eyht nylo eacrebdmls mcoestnm oedpst roem htan a eray aog. geirnvyEth โ€™htsat vโ€™Ie ense meconmedt aslt tonhm ro hitwin hte ltas ucelop fo onmhst is nasr.beudlmc uBt tihs is oyln a rngokiw hoerty llo +2

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