ereH is a mliidespfi igaem of eth a-FpkpBNa wthapya. kBF-N is tnaimropt ni trctposnnriia of mtmarflyaoni e.sgen A otl fo AMPPs o(ngptaeh ocsdeatisa cloulrmae t)nprseta adn myialmoftrna assling aled ot iaciattnov fo NB-kF ihhcw in nurt itedsame a lwoeh chke fo a tlo of remunaedmt-iel ne.pssseor
submitted by ∗specialist_jello(31)
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NKFB is in sit ceavniit sttae nodbu to I.KB sA a part of eth ascailcsl ahpyawt, brliaetca ngtnsaie idnb ot RLT nad atcaevti IBK ani,kse s(nekai sphaoyposhrlt)e
BIK si ibietanuqdu nda reddaegd
KNFB srntee lscneuu nad ietseysnssh the yamtnfoirmal fustf
Uw DQ:I 15519