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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A 69-year-old man with benign prostatic ...
Bethanechol ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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celhBteohan is a scnmcuiria gcrcneoihil nasaoitntg itwh on iotanc on tncoiciin ChA os.rceetpr nhecaehltBo is lynomocm dues to tarte ryauirn orttennei by intacivgat laberdd hsotmo uesmcl aiv M3 qG eseroctrp htta ftcnnoiu yb anrciesgni spsoipaelhohp C senrvocnoi of PP2I n)depoitipooh(ihss ot 3IP adn DAG (F2A200 p2,04 273p, 328.p)

oWgrn nssearw:

  • erinAopt si a smcinurcai tsangiotna ciwhh ldwuo non eiraecns nsdhpoptiioehios euvnrtro ubt ecaeedsr it F00(2A2 21)p4
  • iNiongtemes is an ertdinci cehgclionri sangoit that okwrs yb bgnitiiihn ysccrlaliheeotatnsee hatt osed kwro at hte isuirnaccm eyassnp sa wlel nda is sedu fro aanistmyhe rsiagv sa wlle as voaepseroittp iuels nda nariruy etonneitr
  • enScyiilcuhocln is a izgrpednailo mscaiunrci ntnatithasgo suseac niusasdte aoiinopladzret dan pesrvetn nrctoioact,n esud as a pryltaiac ni nseaiahste 0A2F0(2 )5p15
  • rThatmheipna is a urdg ttha uaoetnrscct rlocicenigh ormasinisnts at eht cntiiicon crtpeesro fo teh oatomunci gaailgn dna eoeehrrtf sobkcl tboh het amtyitpshce rsnevou essmty dan eht tmhapscaraietpy sonuerv t.smyes tI si used ot ertat neotnsriypeh
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cheesetouch  2018AF 36P2 +5
jmd2020  atcBelnehho si a ruaccinims TN,OAGIS not sntitgnaao hr(eto it owudl turhfer xretaeceab )HPB +7

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