laWredir-lPi symroend si zraidrecteach yb aihah,pygepr vesree ybst,eio dna eittelcullan dsiyliabt.i noNe of teh rtoehp idrsdoser telsid aer tdeeciarrczah yb ippehayghar to hte itpno fo l.Piwrre-ladi AF[0220 ]8p5
nmnaegAl is eht ohtre ddrersoi of gpiiirtnnm ile(k -Pidall)eirWr epcext ti si zdtirreachcea by ,seseurzi aa,txia eeresv teauienclltl d,asltiiybi and opaaritnepirp lhtuareg.
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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laWredir-lPi symroend si zraidrecteach yb aihah,pygepr vesree ybst,eio dna eittelcullan dsiyliabt.i noNe of teh rtoehp idrsdoser telsid aer tdeeciarrczah yb ippehayghar to hte itpno fo l.Piwrre-ladi AF[0220 ]8p5