Tihs lgir hsa na pteocic thyroid atth sha aminrdee ahcetdat to eht oguten by hoayogsltslr tdcu. hTe amss acn be entdedfiii as an cietpoc rodhity taerhr hnat a rysotloglash cdut ctys deu to hte taeukp to c99T ercet.teatnetp ,uTsh a piobsy owlud swoh toiyrdh i.lfslolec A2200(F 3)p26
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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Tihs lgir hsa na pteocic thyroid atth sha aminrdee ahcetdat to eht oguten by hoayogsltslr tdcu. hTe amss acn be entdedfiii as an cietpoc rodhity taerhr hnat a rysotloglash cdut ctys deu to hte taeukp to c99T ercet.teatnetp ,uTsh a piobsy owlud swoh toiyrdh i.lfslolec A2200(F 3)p26