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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 4/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 53-year-old man develops a fever and ...
Clostridium perfringens ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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dlCmoritusi rigsrenpinf is a nomomc uecas of isyonscmore nad odluw eb srdiedbec sa a gaerl +a()gmr odr 8A3Fp220(.1)0

  • ialciBsl tbsilsui is a emiolt marg + dor nonkw as ahy lcbliais uondf in iosl and eth ettsninies of u.amsnh It is salotm nreve tgnicaepho dna esud ni ibicrptoo upl.epsmnset
  • ecoBeradtis giialsrf is an reaenabo klie sloiraitdc but it is a argm vetinage .odr It si oufdn ni gnlu secsseabs mfor riaitp.noas
  • tiisLear oosgmyctnneoe is a mgra oiivetps odr btu it si reom tdecoassia ihtw uscnpniotmo of tuidaezusrpn irayd or idle tasme and ti suaesc iotlisressi iwhch nac psnerte mofr dlim tirigatstsorene ot i.tigisnemn It cna eb deoscaaits whit sesisp tbu roem oymcmlon ni the de,rlyle ompisormed,oinmumc ro rowbesnn adn uwdlo ton be dtsaeosica iwth .snoiyrscemo
  • SlUSCtCOpyhCoa seauru is a gmra vtioeips c.coci
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fatboyslim  ^U#W 07521 +

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