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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Inferior mesenteric and superior mesenteric ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cocoxaurus(59)
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Teh tpareonnseit reeh esmse ot fit ahtt of eesirtcnem rcauaslv l-ooscnuci ioatpnrsapld nipa atth sltas 1 hr,uo fodo ,asorevin eihtgw olss. ehT ietnpta olas hsa ksri fstcaro tcoiadssea thwi mniteeesrc raacvlus ncoculsi-o doler atnh 06 rysea l,od l,emHiaepprdyii nspnitr,oyeHe PHxM.

Teh" eectimnser rtiicauclon stcinoss of erhet aiyrmrp eesslsv ttha plypsu bodlo to eht slmla nad eralg :wleob het cecila ,yaerrt seroriup menteescir rtyrea ,S)AM( and inorfier tceneiesrm eyratr )A(I.M oBldo wlof hurhgto ethse eiseratr eiecrssna nthwii na ruho raetf neitga eud ot an icaeerns ni bolmaetic nmedad fo hte lstnintaei nsChci.aumcroo nucolsioc of a sneigl vlssee wlolsa allcrloeta dloob folw to ,etpeoncmsa sthu smtymsop od tno lpytiylca npetres tnliu ta tales wot miraryp eslevss rea cdcdel ".uos:iblt//

leCstoaallr bwtenee SAM dna MAI rane the eicpsnl xrlfuee deigeanrM(n sMtcneiere ryrte.a) Trhee is loas allacelort eeenbwt cileCa yertrA dan SMA natdPniolceauao(redc ce.aad)r

a,Lslty I nokw htat ereht si a 3mc- ctciate araot nduof no ,TC but na aiotcr nauymrse uowld tno cdrpoue heset .psmysmto evEn fi you uohgtht ttah eht moysstpm rwee ude ot het AA,A ouy doulc sltli gte to het orctrec sanwre if you seu sd4me'1fah n.aoiersgn

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honey-crusted lesion  ertaG paalt!oxienn rhee'sT laos a sdiel touab isth in eht 010 tmanyoA ptocnesC pdf ubt oted'sn og iton sa hcum ltiade sa ihts .atilxaoennp hn!Tkas +
djtallahassee  oGdo niaoxpltnae but I kitnh an AAA ulwdo eb mroe yekill puisreor esmeceintr adn .tiphace het SMA dna IAM rae rome atnh 3 mc parta L1( to si4)hL, Treilp A cagfftein bhot owldu eb ervy re.alg I eblw this eosnuqit ecsebau I was 3mc adn jdempu ot ,AAA ddtni eenv ees it wsa a rlsciseos uPt eht wto osltesc ieretrsa dna vdeom no +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—deathbystep1(21)
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lal teh hotre evelsss, ireeth ahve lecaltolra lpessuip or yhte splupy to snorag whit eilltmup osucesr of bolod upsypl

IMA nad MAS tbho have tsrallloaec thwi hace eohrt (gamranil riastree and enairedmgn irseart),e os easicn erhet is ivmlvtenone of one fo hte sarterei teh obodl yplups ofrm oerth cna ventpre hiam.isec

utb if thbo AMS and MIA rae dlonvive ti uoldw lurset in ihceisam nda oysmmtsp rseciebdd in teh sq.oeiutn

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paperbackwriter  oSpt no! +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—fahmed14(31)
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hTe 3cm- cettaci tarao enams seh ash an badmalion otciar rmyua.sen eGer,layln tehy etdn ot uocrc owebl eth nerla hrbesanc so I wetn ithw hte wto ssecotl nsercb-ha SMA hsiylgl(t bovae earnl) adn AMI eob(wl o.,rs lanelA) ecilsnp eleurfx si a momcon asrehedwt raea ueislppd by MSA dna MAI so elonimenvtv of hbto anc uecsa reh osmtpysm

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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eth oyln tingh deam me hoosec MIA and AMS is het fact thye splyup the niitseten whhic si teh mnmooc teis fro mehccsii meeenirtcs i.edessa

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by targetmle(10)
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if eht poitno hda ASM nad ilceac un,rtk oluwd ttah eb cr?tecor

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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rciCohn Meincseret cmhIsaie aka ietsnialnt aMin celus are gnasptproial rtascgiiep p,ani ietwhg .slos llasuUy due ot cielCa ),a( M,SA ro MAI csltho.aieseosrr

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neonem  h'sWat hougt atubo ehets esnraw osechic ghhtou is atht uyo ehva 2 nffedriet bliave obm.cos +
codyluvr95  Teh tetcaci raaot imhgt slao aenm AAA leowb eht sren,la fntegcfia eth I,AM +2
sherry  Asol sneic terhe si isth tticaec o,taar the aerrties ovievldn dene to eb caeantjd to eon ne.oraht fI reeht si a coiehc as ni aclice nda M,AS it docul aols eb co.rtrce +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—ankistruggles(18)
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hyW are the MIA adn SAM stmo lelyik to be eftdface in reh io?idntonc

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sattanki  gAna,i ton oto s,eru btu I thnik hyte erwe rebniiscdg a ptetain tihw inrochc ntnatliesi ngaain, hihcw is clslcyaials mfro sehrarislecsoto of eht /.IMAASM +5
mcl  I aws aosl ihnntgki tobau wcihh aarse eahv pcprya blood lpsupy er(waedhst seara), iwhhc I uaemss wdlou eb wsore fof in the csea of iohcncr irmeencset miisach.e fI yuo oklo on aegp 537 fo AF 1,290 ASM &;map IAM ta teh pelicsn elxuref is a etearhwds ;raae eht otrhe is egtmisodroic nutnjcoi gsom(iid hrncab ofrm MAI adn sroiupre tel.)acr +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bharatpillai(40)
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Oen wya to look at ihts wuldo eb ot go kbac to saopgetsnhei of afytt esatsk.r ehyT era tosm mnocmylo dofnu ta teh cartoi ii,rbofntuca os aacyibsll het rwelo dwon ouy go odwn eht dmlonbiaa ,artao omre urtlntbue eht lf,ow sucgnia ehghir lieontapt for iaotroeershscls dan nssoiset of cnarbh llo.v,es sAses ranle rrayte ioessnts si lwle ersdecdbi ichhw is evign off trefa eht lcecia tnrku os safe to sya acleic rknut is adpesr ni yan dnik fo olctshrcaieetro n.oessits

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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gokloin ckab at hist Q I tceion ttha eth netapti losa has ropitsyhnene ..dcu.ol taht veah bnee a ulce to ncdliue het SAM bc tis os lecso to hte relna aeeristr l(naeR a teis?nos)s

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nwinkelmann  I i'ddtn nkwo how to caphprao hsit ,itreeh tbu wno ihts is ym ughthto roeps:cs Pinttae ash ianp eratf If s'it otn deu ot an urlce ih(whc si eth only gntih I oulcd ocem pu wtih ebcasue I nd'idt nowk awht lees it saw ilktgan boa),tu why ouwdl ainetg aucse ip?na l.We.l. eitagn ussaec decrnesai TIG vatciyit hiwhc seanm eisrnadec oolbd fow.l sA oyu epontdi ,tou eht npiatte sah NTH nad ,ACD idnncgiita eyllik eevtesixn .slcostrraoshiee sTih is rttnmpoia seceaub why lodwu iaentg alngeid ot eacsdrein odolb owfl cusae ip,na nweh alyluus it nsd?'eot Wl..l.e erscahessitrool ni eth ertah dlsae to tlbase nanai.g iTsh stnneripaeto sdnuos keli a "tbseal nig"aan of het +1

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