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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
Results of a 5-year screening program for HIV ...
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submitted by youssefa(162)
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So nbruem of cseas hwit ieotvips sgoleyor irudng ek""tnia setsenerrp venaeerplc and lsoduh nto eb nactodecu for wneh anitgcullac tpanoipulo at s.kir tpPlioanuo ta skri = taoTl pnaoiloput - ioDgn ,that mus up het nnaula sinicceden felt = 004 + 205 + 205 + 003 + 003 = 0.105

nlApgipy dcinceein rfmualo = 1(0,50-040010)/000 = 2.50 rove a attol of 5 resya.

aulnnA = .0/525 = .500%

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by karljeon(140)
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I 'dotn nwok fi hreet si an uiaqnote orf t,sih ubt I iyacsallb edmupp otu yever svidoini ssorca het tabel ot tge %5~ no aeag.erv

reeH thye a0e0r4: / 0,006 = 0.65 7020 / 605,0 = 5043.000 / 0553, = 00.00356 / 505,0 = 095 2.500 / 0,804 = 0.052

hTe aravege of heest s% orf lla the rsaey = S 55.%o8. 'tthas lsoce gnhoue to 5%.

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seagull  doog I odfnu itsh itsuqoen nngiynao and vgea up diong toshe eindcginosr eth nomtua of imte ew rea evin.g +4
vshummy  Wlle sujt ’odnt diuelcn eth eatnik are.y.. sbeceua htta esdmes em up.. +17
_yeetmasterflex  How lwduo we ehva wnonk tno ot lncdiue eth keiant ry?ea mFro veaaerg *uaa***nln ieccdnien? +
lamhtu  oD not uciedln ienkta eary busceae het iquntseo tmse si ksniga agvaree alaunn dcien.eicn eTh 0400 seiptvios ta naketi oducl vaeh ciqaduer HVI reew,vhne nto sujt ni het last eayr. +9
neels11  ylirlaetl dndt'i tkhni rehte aws na aultac awy to geiufr hist tot bu.u my thoguht rspecso wa:s yako cicndeein amnse NEW .ecssa so teh unnaal agaerve at eth dne fo 5 yrsea wdulo e:b (# of ENW pploee atth setetd ievpotsi at teh dne fo ryea 5) /(# fo pelpeo at atth weer at kris at teh ninngbeig of yrae )5 l&--;-t aka at eth end fo eray 0 005254/5 = 49%5. al os fi ouy okol at year :5 y'llou see ahtt teh at ikrs apluintoop si 0408 hwen 300 enw aescs were uodfn eth arey fo.bere 0550 ta eth den of arey 4 SNMUI hte 003 nwe saesc at the edn of reay 4 odlhsu eigv you 5074 sa the ewn laoitonupp at rks.i but neoitc ttha edn fo raye 5 we heva 0.084 ikd fi taht nsaem 05 leepop erew eflas iistopvse obeerf ro 05 opelpe eewr addde ubt ni dnecieicn e/bhdtestath/irc d'nto teaitr's mt idnk of leik URLDOW ID 1.702 isasnmug aeagver uananl niinecdce si teh maes as ltvuieucma cceidienn tis h aws tusj a chbnu of rwod itmvo. roysr if it asw elubnraeba ot lwoofl +

A related discussion (on a question from NBME 21) is here:

+2/- csalib2(4)

The quickest way to do this is to add all the numerator ... = 1500. Then Divide by both year and susceptible population =1500 / (5*6000) = 5%.

+2/- peqmd(74)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by jotajota94(14)
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dncineiec = ubnmre fo wne sec/as nwe sec+sa lanpotpoiu ta i.rsk enw e=scas 5.20 eopleP ta riks taht yare 0505 (cgldiinnu wen ec.ass In eno nipot ethy erew a npaptoolui at rks)i /205 050=5 94.%

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by felxordigitorum(12)
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eudxElc het einatk e.ayr Add lal teh etisviop essulrt 3002+34+50+0050+002( = 0.)501 ieDvid 1005 by the toalt nebmru of setipnat fmro eth tatrs fo eht niidencec epod,ir yrae 1, so 0006 &t-;--g 600,00/502.1=50 ihts si the araeveg arcoss lal 5 ay.esr For alnuan, diivde 5.20 by eht murbne of ray,es 5 t-;-g& 52/0.5 = 050. t;&--g %.5

s'tTah who I tog it.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sabistonsurgery(5)
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cneIinedc si lylycptia lulceaatdc as a rebumn esieasdd rpe peexdso upopnitloa per utin t,mei lalusyu .aery orF eahc y,aer iievdd eth oplepe ,fdnou by eth opeelp dxespo.e uoY riavre ta urgeisf rf ahec yare negib 4%, %5 dna ,%6 erveaag bgnei .5%

Q: hyW tno ntcuo nketia eyar fro whhic eht ndeciince semes to be 0%4?

A:ns oS tth'as het ktcir of teh euosiqtn. IT semse ot ilpym teh itaekn ayer olsa hsa 0400 wen ,saecs tbu sthi s'nit eninecd,ci tshi is vlcep!eaern atWh dpahnepe ehre asw atth eht topapuilon fo 000,10 saw otn nbige dnsceeer for DA.IS nTeh uoy tetadsr eth nregescni gomrpra.

lyiTylapc ni any cnrensegi aprorg,m uoy wlil ishelsabt eht enselabi rcvaeenepl fo eth esseaid yb etsitgn lla of het eanelrg .poupantoli You indf 0400 enw s,scae tbu eehst ewer jstu detedntecu csea.s uoY xuleecd tehm fomr oryu .ooitnigrnm orF eth extn ,ayer uoy peke a tchwa no teh 0006 tfe,l of wcihh 040 veleodp ADS.I uYo caalectlu icneiecdn rof hist yrea sa 67.% nda cdleuex shete 400 ofmr the ntex yare and os .no

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetsummerblowout(0)
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The hcart no hits ties swosh haeeT/t/oprbur/wpeala cvoie.nrartte(gc)e Tsih eqoinsut saks eldiklhioo" fo inmsisg an ootssiacian" - whchi alylibacs eamsn what is eth aslfe ivitsepo r,ate chiwh is het foieitidnn of Thlyppe/aa I rrero. oiQuetsn tems stseat =ahp,a.l005 whhic is 5%.

eBta si peTy II rrore, and uowdl be 01% (slefa ievgtae)n. 90% dlwuo eb Peowr 1(-etba)

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submitted by guillo12(58)
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I odn't nkow teh oqetuian rfo ,isht tbu I idd tsih: ehT sum fo cecdinein erp /raey eth ums of reumnb gmnaiaeri ni . So.. ,810285000/, = 28.050 ro 52%.

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