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NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by dr.xx(176)
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g.irth he ytballseou tmus nairme ni teh wgtinia area os thta eh si at ahnd ot tckata his fiwe rewehenv erh xame nde.s og NEBM!

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meningitis  I uessg it swa lla aobtu nto nreifofg aintgerbt fomariotinn ni oedrr to ton eakm msatter resow seicn eh lwil reigfu tou hatt the iwfe odtl no s,.lhAo.mi tsi a GEHU HSETCTR ubt teh oyln sroane I oghutht he dlshuo syat in the tigiawn omro swa tjus in case eth fwei died eyth dlcuo aietnd him nad llac hte lipeoc rfo tis.ioeqnnug +11
temmy  o,lAs he hlosud sayt herte ueecbsa shi iefw ddi not tagrn mhi the smsrniepoi to see m.ih astePnit eqtsruse pt.rums +3
nephcard  tDocor should otn ieeelvb wath eifw tlod .erh Teehr yam be moes threo osaren rfo nriuyj os tegntabrit nriioanfmot dolush nto eb drep.vodi utB reh iwsh of not tlngtei ehr hsbandu in sldhuo eb fleflulid +2
charcot_bouchard  .No In earl fiel ttaneip e.sil In dBroa ueqs thye lysaaw tlel het h.turt esnUls ethy eakm ti ryev bo.ovuis in ctfa sti a rbaod ueqs l.reu oS u ievelbe rhe tnillu vreonp ertews.ioh +7
drdoom  hTe igrivpalen relu of caAmienr demeiicn adn awl si anviudldii No hrteo posern is aengrtd edalt“uf scc”sae or egpilrevi to onrheat res’psno obhdtya—t ceidunls eth yashipnic! eTh saincyiph stum rieeevc necnots morf a ssno)o(ciuc so“erpn” foebre hety oeebcm a“”tiae In hte aesm ,ayw eht espnro te(h tean)itp tsmu egvi ctnsoen boreef aeonyn esle is edtmteirp ot be dilvnevo ni ehr ,erca spsoeus ne!ddilcu +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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yiubOlsvo uyo 'odwuntl wolal teh aubndsh niseid, btu eatfr isgrtna at shti esnoiutq rfo ywa oot n,ogl I esordean tath uoy w'lnutod llet ihm ot leeav ofr 2 ase:sonr

  1. It itgmh ucel ihm in ot het atfc ttha ehs ltod uyo btaou the besu,a nad eh wlil alshe tuo no reh if eh tseg eth .ceahcn

  2. fI hes wnast to call het oieplc nda ssrpe egshcra it wlli be eretbt htta you kown erhwe eh .si

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123ojm  'tsi yoru tfirs n.iopt ulsens teh atentpi has a ploorofof sceeap nlap rof newh hse si asrehiddcg, uyo tnod' tnwa eht saudbnh to ownk that seh lodt oyu uatbo eht ue.asb thta wlli upt rhe ni eomr .gaedrn +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ko eht way i dkeolo at itsh sw:a

oyeur otn %010 resu ehs was kctdteaa nro do oyu antw to be the ronesp gnetlli eth bsudanh ehs an eaktcatr so uoy eomrv:e B C

glaiownl mih in htiw hte enapitt, gdo wkosn wtha htat ygu ahs indehd iwht him sloa uoy ilwl aekm a ghue sneec : A

eth noyl nthgi to od si eb oaiilmctdp sa epeplo nowk heyt teanr dwleaol ni hte tetamnert raea adn by that uoy aeusrs erh aeyt.fs

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drdoom  hTe raevlgipni uler fo emraiAnc deicnmei n(ad a)wl si nldviuidai omnoauty. No hoert norpes, olesporfansi ro ,eiowhsert si drntgae ufde“tal ccessa” or eeplviirg to hreatno s’proens y—ttbdhoa niudescl eht napysihci! eTh pciiayshn usmt ceirvee notnsec fomr a i(cosco)uns opsrn”e“ freeob hyte eombec “a ”ttp.inae nI het msea wy,a het pnoesr ,no(w eth )ttepnia smtu ivge nsotnec frebeo nyaone slee is rmeitdtep to be evnildov ni erh parsue—sscoe lciuded!n +1
llamastep1  trhlAgi ew ogt !ti lol +2
123ojm  B and C rea ctuallya wonrg euebsac yhte tup eth ntiaept ni gadern fro when hse si diehdsagcr adn has ot rntuer omhe. hes palybbor hsa gtisnh ehs eedsn ni ehtir emoh (eg ,apotsprs ,myeno cte) and fi teh nbshaud skonw hes sha tldo oyu baout the buesa she si at isrk fo igbne +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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ehT einipglrav rule of crmneiaA meniiecd (dan wla) is niulddaiiv t,ounymoa sheiowret nkown as b.yetlir In carmAine l,wa on ohetr spnre,o oopsfnlasrei ro hteerws,oi si egtdran “atudfel ecsca”s ro lrepiiegv to tnrhaeo ’oepsnsr b—ttdoayh nliuecds the iahpi!scyn (It neve siuelndc pssseou! stTa’h yhw, ni Arnacmie wal, uoy nac be eimardr to mesoone nda tilsl be dhcrage ihwt xsalue eprus;lat/asa agmrerai ≠ yruo esupso rnneirsguder lbidyo“ si)”t The aycihnpis mstu vreicee nsneotc rmof “a conci)s(uos ”oprnse erbeof htye eecbmo a“ u)s(ocicosn eaittp.n” In hte esam ,way teh senopr (,nwo )tintepa tmus gevi tnneosc eorfeb oeyann seel is dmipterte to be ilvonved in hsi or erh acsps—eueors leddcuin!

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