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NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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g88h9@ ecueasB" het cioonttsubr is avbeo eth vlalaeor rongeis rteeh si a esaerced ni ari wfo,l otn nugl ,msvueol ihwch uwdlo eamk ihts na trtcuseovib htlyo"ogpa is eth smto flphlue ntleiop.xaan If oyu oknw het ostm bcsai iiooes/ohtgyliopifypnhdnta of riucsbovtte sv svetirtirec w(hchi I o,d jstu n'tdid ni tath toms diepisimlf ,ayw) tneh uyo nac fgiuer ghintyan to.u If isgetonmh is ngpcitmia iywraa lwfo = e,ctovusritb fi smthenogi is igptmnaic awiary vomeul = vtritecier.s HTKNA !UYO

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burningmoon  wHo uotba hse?ymmape rawayi eolmuv gedcnah ubt 'sti rtvutsiebco. +3
almondbreeze  i tihnk PO etnam to asy taht nsegtmhoi SREEGINADC iayrwa lvomeu = ecsvtritrei +3
jgraham3  I kihnt hyte aenm fi hmisogten is ngcpitami LNGU veumol .e(i ocalopic/naxeepsnnmi) = e cevArirriytitasw rsddieor &;-gt- os.b / Prmyenlaahc rriesodd -&g-;t Wtehsi. r psyhmeame teh iawyra pcesslaol .os)(b eebrof eyht are ebal to eahxel fyllu tuhs teh ria si retdpap +
dna_at  stJu to eb r,ealc sthi is not a saiccasll tvcoesuribt ngul eidases anefitgcf teh lamls s,wyaria as it is bveao the anaicr a.reah(tc) ihTs is ttebre aldiesicsf as a dfxie prepu wrayai oitbncos.utr See eth wflo pool eehr orf x"deif c"ttnursbioo - ti cmea pu ni MIED lWroUd os yebma iremalizfai lyureofs htwi the ageim ciens it si nu!ieuq /r8g.pg2e94w/iow/pme:smwd.hea/cmtts +4
notpennysboat  d_anat,@ cna uyo apxelni het opcncet of eht euppr iaywar suonctrobis?t I'm stlil rttype edsnufoc +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by xkno(5)
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I hhrutgtoevo itsh oen gib emti. Scnie het sntoueqi dias eth mass aws gesrpsni on teh eodsuti fo hte etha,arc I gdfueri htat ndirgu nstiop,ainir c/b the etchs ,xnpedas so reom pa,sec os eht mssa wdlou ahev sels efectf on eht cataerh as teh stceh saxdnep n(ad n,lsyevroce itd' aevh omre of an cftefe ruding paeirntixo as hte ctesh wlal .srrte)tca yAaprp,tlne it wsa sjut aigrshtt up kcebloga dan I guhthto ywaaa ot drah. sOo.p

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by .ooo. (38)
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I syaeolnlpr thhotgu of hsti susqontei ikgthnni of ti ni ehtse ecinS het niatpet sha a smas ni het charate ekap teroyarxpi dan ipiortransy owfl llwi be drieuttpn,er dan dwuol ftereheor be se.eacdedr C1VF uwlod salo aveh ot easdcere by shit. Tshi dmtieilaen lal the tohre ecico.hs

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charcot_bouchard  Aer ouy ?eM +3

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Lkei yna of hte ,DCOP hte entitap ahs a liuiffctd eitm ghalinex hte siiendrp rai usht( tis lldaec an uibsretotcv iseae)sd

CPDO streuls ni FVC ederse,ac VV/1ECFF iaort rceesad,e FRC raescnie, and peke optixryea wfol aede.cers

A urtom ro ayn tohre ojcteb atht uwodl mcsprsoe on ro arrown eetsh hte ari awy ttrca ouwld esrpent sa a DOP.C

ginhIlna and glxehina uolwd eb liemtid

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by visualninjacontender(18)
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It udloc eb taht shit si a ifxed eurpp yarawi oortc,tnusib ihcwh ouwld renvtpe fnianotil dna nfidatole fo het swiyaar eud ot eht tourm mpnalcgi dwno no the ra.cteah

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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I degfiur this wsa a beaalvir iiorttnacrhca rcnoubiotts nda otg ti .gonwr

dAcorginc to UoDt,eTpa almiNnTIARlu clhertaa rostntbuioc is vailea,rb ihlew nlRuTmialXAE rlaectah ictboutsonr kil(e in hsti )ceas is ix.fed

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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yWh si reeth a cdesdreae VC?F heerT si a asms rpsnsieg no rhe haat,cre woh lduoc thta oesislpb ctefaf nulg umvleo? fI ew igve reh gouneh ,miet hyw un'dlcto seh teak ni a ulfl ?bhraet

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by docred123(9)
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Hi uysg nca smoenoe pelsea eebtloraa on heets ifd.isngn I sddauertnn hes ash nlgu ccnaer a'tsht pgmneiid erh raa.tehc Btu ohw si hsti veeeirtsretpan fo na etrbivtcsuo o?sdrrdie 'Anret lung rcscena rrecstievti fi ytnh?niga nTahk s

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nlkrueger  I gaeer htat sit' oscngiunf ubt I ledkoo at it sa a ylipshac c*iousor*bntt cinse sti' mgpiiginn on eth aw.r.y.a.i ubt eyah ikd isth is reidw +
ferrero  'Dotens het ehatcar ehav licagrate ignrs so it lwonu'td slcaelop whhic ksmae ti seme slse iekl a paytlic uetbritoscv ?idrresdo 'Im ylalre tno uesr wyh FCV ulodw ghcane ebusaec I 'otdn see owh lotat nlgu tcaipcay or rsdeuali vlmueo uowdl chgane usbeeca oshet era sitcta nondiitsco hewre ereht si on waorfli at .lla I eautdnrnds 1FV,E aepk ypotxeirra fwol, aepk anriystirpo fowl e.ct +2
mousie  greeA siht si a lyaerl hotug Q utb I olsa tikhn I laeylr voer hhutgot i..t. I inealdmiet lla whit a oarmln iatoR cb shtngeoim tcrbtougnsi wlduo yuoovibls puedroc na iverscubtto ntrtepa taouhglh I otnd' kown hwy VCF dlwou eb edaedscr.e I nt'saw uers obatu hotb pkae oytixraepr dna nproitansii wflo bigen eecaesddr nca emoesno ephl em hiwt iths or tlel me m'I ylotlta hoetinivngkr .angai. ear hyte btoh deeadcsre imlpys cb teeshr an nsuitboroct ?.. +5
mimi21  eaY I tog esodcnfu no tshi enq.oitsu Btu I essug etyh awdten us to olko ta it sa a vroetcbitsu idasees . If stih ewre the case all fo hsteo ncntfuio estts duwlo .dec ( eSe FA ) +
gh889  ucesaBe eth critbsnoout is oeavb teh olervlaa rgnoeis eethr is a adeersec ni ria wf,ol not guln ulv,osem cwihh lodwu emka tshi na vutcboirtes lothagoy.p +4
charcot_bouchard  VFC eehr edc eams awy ti ced ni itOtubvcrse unlg deesia.s daRe het ecnotpc of aEqul eserrusp toinp of B.Bn Tehre eh assy ni rhiictsnbo we heva ticosturenv rattepn uaeescb aenmmfdli rayiwsa nge omer tseeacsnir. so EPP mceso .lyaer I ssueg reeh deu ot rhclatea annirgwro erupsres inc aent.odrmws hwcih lscesploa mlearls iay.rwa sluert ni air pirptna.g +1

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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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To htkni ubota thsi siylmp, ti elytllria si na nircbstuoto os ouy anc sutj oheocs het wnersa tihw het DPCO eikl .sFTP

sIt' a bit ctvuetenuiirotni that eth VCF owdlu eb edeec,arsd tub the easnro ofr stih si subecae at the nde nrtiioapxe for VCF, teh sptvioie aeulplr rsupsere upgsihn teh ira tuo ash ezliaqedu twih the sseeuprr fo teh rosatemhpe / awiyar inagtnw to pkee het oialvel thWi na eecsnrai ni eth ayarwi ssictaenre fomr eth bto,nirucots htis tizqealunoai onipt oecms at a hierhg .CFV bSmdeooy ftac ckche em pelase

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submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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tp"ndtsoairprioeo ordcnuite ni het ekap yrxeiotrap folw tare ro mummxai teunim movelu orcampde hitw teh rfcode ireorytpax mleovu ni eno sdnoce )V(F1E. tI hodlus be neo,dt wvh,reoe thta hrtee nac eb a nnitgacsiif slos ni arwiya cnalste-iorsosc eaar ebefro eth eobottxk genftnaitl fo hte tarniopirys or yeirxropat psolo aer ai."vzdsulei


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mamed  lggoeo fdiex epurp arawiy outirtcsnob - het rspoymteri ervuc sohws eredcsdae tisipionnar nda iaxr.oneipt A wleor awrayi iusrtctbnoo tusj btnslu .inaixreopt ractiEcrtxhoa bstnul ipotisn.arni +1

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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siTh hgmti eb a atfrortahigrdsw eanrws, but I aws nwieogdnr ywh eth enpttia lwdou veah a asdeeecdr ioyairtsprn lo?wf ucseBea ot ym u,eddnagtsirnn eloppe tihw oisevbcturt aisedsse have oluretb agenithbr ot,u otn lCudo esoomne palxine to me hwy it ersaeec?ds

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rdk3434  oayk os i adh eth saem dobtu hcwih si why i got thsi enqtosiu ogrnw , ubt ehnt i hda isth erekua nmeomt , ni lwurod thr'see eeivtrteip sigeam bouta tcotiveusrb nda vcretretiis sesaide movulse dan yhet ysalwa owsh ATHELACR SESSOTNI olnga tihw htta , thsi oqtinsue si awhemsto eilk ecrltaah isntseos oettniesnrap , sujt goleog lngu wolf uemvlo atacherl !seonists ehop tsih !pelhs +1

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