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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-month-old girl is brought to the office ...
Hepatitis B 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by chris07(69)
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ehT oyln enniiofct on tath tlsi thta oyu owuld enve rnsece an wrioheste ehhaytl aeingappr naidluviid is eHp.B ehT htesor I lwudo tnkhi you ynlo khcec if eht ntaipet has a rpiotatenesn htat askme yuo cetspus hemt, ekil BEV fi yhte had sgnis of mon,o or SVR if yhte adh eprotsirrya mytms.osp tA ttah pti,no yreth'e no gerlno nnicerges ,ttsse ubt rome ocidgastni soen.

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gilbert  I tgo ti ghrit ebceaus I ohtuhgt of teh pvnracelea of BVH ni n.aihC +10
yesa  Al,os HVB rosfm cnocirh eifnocitn in nhdcrile (VCH crhinco ni dau)s,tl os if 'sshe tno itcncveaad ofr t,i you cseenr ofr it ritfs. lAl fo eht rshteo ouy dton' nsrcee fro veen fi tyhe aseuc a ttelna coifintne .V.C)(M. +2
veryhungrycaterpillar  girl@bte. ca.Eytxl Yuo t'don aomlyrnl scener ppoele rof epH B ni the S,U nselsu 'eetyhr frmo a oimcahgdr.ep enChise aiismtgrmn are noagm hatt gm.dopehiarc +2
whk123  I tsuj ees inCah dan ekrdma .EVB I ma mbud +5
blastocyte101  OALM 3w21h@k .sma.e wsa flegnei so oudrp ihlew gcikipn ti +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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ckLyu t,cidnoude but lnokiog cb,ak I evilbee wtah hyet rwee ioggn ofr si wtah hse dhlsou avhe enbe adavceintc orf ta 6 onmths fo gea ne(ics heetr rea on ptaarnpe ostsp)ym.m

pHe B acievnc si asllyuu vengi at hrb,ti 1 h,mton nad 6 ntmhos fo ,gae so tsi' tptyer rtaiptnmo htta hes be cdnecavait ainstga ,it selnus hes aydarle sha ,ti in iwhch esca esh udlsoh eb retetad ot oiadv siihrcos.r

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ls3076  hwo acn we ytalcual be cpxeedte to kwno cioantvnica lhseu..sde.c hreet umst eb mseo rhote nsorae het wesrna is ccerort +5
cbreland  I ond't tnkih we dene to oknw atth hte ntoicivanca hsede,cusl tub tath the ylon eohrt ewansr hitw a icvcnae saw rodevu.ains I duergif ttha rteeh oluwd ehav orem pstomsym fi hse dah ovanuiersd u(psl di'tnd itf eth atilypc yalrtimi erwecimmtsi/rur deropmgiahc) +1
koko  Why sdoe it avhe ot be tsoiehngm ihwt a SvceVna? Rci sI eeetxmyrl nomomc ni tsnb’a,ilhoedsbu rsneec fro aht?t +1
makingstrides  I dn'idt gte ym hep B avceicn tniul I aws a eten +2
srmtn  it si edarlet ot het nrciensge nuidrg gnnrc,yepa tiognnh ot do iwth n.cciseva +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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the hldci si omtasptamcyi uasecbe iipethtsa B si styoml nseilt ni anftsni ude ot opor hpeyyclmto eothr esdseasi uwlod raoblpyb owhs omre pstmsoym

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by goodkarmaonly(2)
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roDisresd nomcom in esat saAi anidoccrg to ojnH siitaa:tGlep EVBB oetifncni - lymtos lgaenid ot ayrhaesnoapnlg hpA CalA ilam asTteeaiiahnosNmrs indlke ntnIeilast tyep csagrti AC

In isht squei,ont scien eth epnatit is ysatmiapcmto dan EBV nsit xayeltc ecner"eds fro", etwn hwti peBH sa teh rnewas

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ls3076  i hnkit oscayamttipm is earlyl eth yke ereh -- ogdo atcch +3

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submitted by nukie404(8)
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To usm ti ,pu nvee fi uyo ddnit' zioremem the elhow amniztunmoii ,tlaeb si't yase ot merbmeer BHV nuiizmnatomi is onde ta ,ihbrt o,1m mo2 nda 6om ul.ygroh Aols eddda tath teh aybb si fo Etsa sAnai cnedte, adn het afct tath ohetr etisincnfo on hte lits 'anert deerncse fro ni teh tfirs celap ni ohlgnl-heytaoik a,tentsip I think s'it fesa ot eddcue VHB asw het ranwse

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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fO lal ehtse suvr,esi eHp B si teh lnoy one thta a cdi,lh fi tnfieec,d luwod eb a circhno a.crreri husT we olhdsu ncerse to meak ures ttah we nca retpnev rtfeuu srki of srciihr,so et.c

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by skonys(58)
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oS rae we dpeopsus ot sjtu yloo isth neo? wtf

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by avicenna(12)
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dooG asrhecre ot raed evro p-eBH neigb npaveterl ni in!cahn760lth-118es:9/1i90rceyscsormmi/sma4t/..2tdbb8/de1ciielfcp21./at-tc-8o4n

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bilirrubin15(0)
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I thhutog astepiiHt B sah ighh apneveclre in eivdgepoln ceiuo,nrts hes is orfm a alrru nogrie rmof nihaC, I otg gtrih. uPsl ttsieHiap B si msaitmytpoac in ewn .rsnbo

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by syoung07(58)
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You stmu konw atth pisteaHti is leapvretn AF in .aAis


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