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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
The gene that codes for a protein normally ...
Deletion of a hydrophobic amino acid sequence from the N terminus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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 +58  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Teh yiensstsh of llutrvyai lla rpnoseit d-i)tegtR(pNpm&eA; usocrc in hte p.cmlostay[]1 s’Thta hreew lal brsoemois er,eisd rftea ll.a R,sbioseom whhci rae mlsyto sjtu ARNr 2(~3/ NArR + 13/ n*,itpoer yb e),tghwi ear meblsdaes in hte uuscenl tub loyn do etrih fufst econ ethy etg ot eht ya.ocpsmlt

oFr a tropnei ot lvaee sti lgaironi omtwehon fo het closyot dan bmoeec a tirdnsee fo eth nueucls or, ys,a eht emancopsdil t,mlirceuu it ndees to aehv a ittell grstni of oamni dacsi ihcwh ushot I“ oblgen ni teh el”unu!sc ro I“ lenogb in the plcnesamiod ertul”iu!cm

osietPnr umittlelay eesitddn rfo het RE nitonac na nltyavmieiaingu andme tsring fo omani idcsa wknno sa sgla“ni eeen,cusq” wihh,c for eht susppero of the epSt ,1 is lwsyaa at teh N-mietr.usn eTh asingl ecqueesn lelts rehto ictscloyo ,osneprti !e“yH Tkea me dan( eht esrt fo eth epeiptd fo ihcwh I ma ta)rp ot eth R!E”

In eth ecsbnea fo hist isanlg, a toenpri lliw aenrmi ni sti etd”u“laf omhe fo hte scloo.ty

ueseqsHorr;& a inec hctemasic isnogwh teh ofwl fo respiton morf nlitaii inyeshsts ot ialfn n:stnoiiasdte


  1. T“he siyneshst of alvlturyi lla rntpeiso in eth lcle bgsien no rboeimsso in eth ycosl.”to (senslEiat lleC goioByl, eltbrAs et la., 0,241 p. 94)2

fI* you eyallr wnta uryo nimd bwoln, scdinero that evne teh terponi tsbuusni hatt ekam up hatt 1/3 fo a iorobesm ear emlesvetsh itiyinlal sizsydeethn ni the oot;slyc eta,rl thye ear edtprorants kbac ntoi hte ncleuus via eth crnauel oer.p

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qball  Amesewo nxipto.aeanl woN lexpani ti to em kile I'm .5 +13
drdoom  lAl ybab pepdetsi aer onbr in het co.tlsyo Btu soem byab epdtipse haev a bmrrtikha ta ihret ei-.srmNunt eTh bkmahirtr ltles a cpsiela mnlamia ttah isth ybba dnees to be reldevied wsheoeerm slee. If you cpoh ffo hte rrakhtmib — ro seare it wsohemo — eht maimanl nerev soknw to etak byba ot sti rtue om.he ehT e.dn wNo go ot elpse or aanSt ’ntwo igrnb yoru setrpns.e +83

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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I hntik isht is nrsbdgeiic a lgansi epidept hcbir(pyhdoo ta ri.)-Ntunems uWtohti lgasin itepped t=;&g ’actn eb anrseprodtt tion mnaeslpcido luet.muirc

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youssefa  sI shit neve ni A?F emchBoi rtpehca yoln nnoiemst sR.PS +1
lovebug  soyfsu@ea 1,9AF pg .l7cl4[e kia]rfifngct utb nto itadel..s. +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by baengotti(3)
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hTe rt-seNmniu si ehwre yuo vahe alisgn seipetpd hicwh indfee eth tregta fo eht irsepont tnki(h fo emth as otpals coe.d) iyc,lTpyal ernstopi aer ni hte topcsamly rtafe eyht rae ma,de ubt necsi eht ehva stag at ,t-uiemsnnr hyte go ot iteffrden staegrt elik shti case E.R N,ow fi het rneiopt is idnretae in hte lsc,ympota shit aesnm eht muoantti eblddias het gta no( opltsa o.ecd) ecHn,e ti is pket in het m.tsyapclo

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minion7  sju a I ellc aesised - snaonem sseidrue ear to be gagedt by tpaspheho to etner oesysslom - iraulef of onpypatirosolhh in iglog ued to encseab of hossnspaertaorpefh - tspnoier are terseecd lclatleuyrrexal tub otn to eosfylmseshrorto ee nay enpoirt mdofre llwi b dgeagt rbeefo it srneet nay cpeicfis n!!aoelarl!g +4
michsmith49  nsirTNmu-e aisssst with N = igioaatvNn. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sd22(2)
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Cna nayoen phle ilnexpa ahwt eht oerth nitosop dlowu enia?lt

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