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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#50 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old woman comes to the emergency ...
Arthropod vector 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tissue creep(133)
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rdhtrpooA rof s,eur but rof eth rcored m'I ryptte reus isth wsa ygiCkunhanu isVru. nlOy tog hist mfor a UWldro uiestqon sa I hdtn'a esen it tlniu t,ehn btu etynarpalp eht hatirargla si leryla dab, wihch is whta dewr em ot eth


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meningitis  erMo eikl kiaZ risVu (aSem .a tipagey ev)tocr cisen ti assy hes sah asrh aoasctedsi ot hre eonb and cslume in.ap I had ikaZ oen tmei (i ievl in etrPuo .mbr c meR e )ioRe sola deuegn nda Zaki aer i.alvrsFiuv uenDeg acn sueca iyohelsms ohhmg(iarc,er) nda akiZ si scatieosda hiwt ilnelGu Brare dna tefla na.aeriitmbols +12
nala_ula  I'm ceokdhs taht I noudf a wleflo epuotr ncrai no tsih itse! oGdo kcul no rouy tes!t +2
namira  dtno eb hkodce!s em t!oo t!xieo +2
niboonsh  ngeuDe is slao knonw as "ebno erakb ree"vf hiwhc amkse me tknih tis orem kelyil ot eb deugne deu ot teh c"cnruitxgiae aspni in stoijn adn us."lscem imhl2MncPh.t2latsr4//:v/8we/nmcwC4ps/..i7w7/ +25
dr_jan_itor  I wsa htinknig atth its nuriMe tphyus amtsntedtir by fasel +
monique  I lwoud yas hsti si rmeo lliyke risocnea fo iehetr Dnugee or ykhnC,uungai ton akiZ ru.vis xnuciEitcgar ipan is mcnomo ni ,oesht not in kaZ.i Zaki ahs iderml tmsspmoy of teohs heret finctoni.e +2
jakeperalta  nCa rfmcino tath uinaCkuygns'h lragtahira is eyprtt l,rbrheoi mfro snepolra epec.rxinee +
almondbreeze  WU: in-eoncctfio thwi uugnkcahiny iusrv wiht neuegd vsiru can uoccer cb esdeA tmoioqus is a etocvr fo hobt ,yguhuCnina ,unegde dan kaiz +
lovebug  2190,AF aegp 716 RAN .eyissvur +
lovebug  Foudn atth aikynunguCh alos heva as/h.//R nA musheratoety lmaarcu ro umlacporupala hasr asulylu aaepspr in eht tsfir 3–2 adys of eht einllss dan ssudisbe iithnw –107 yds.a tI nac eb tahcyp ro iuedffs on eht caef, uktnr nda .misbl tI si ltyciylpa stacpmiyatmo utb mya eb riptciur (tTabiuz ,W eamCrr PJ, Knuaap ,A te .al gykCihnaunu ferev ni eesv:rlrta icaillcn netnotprsaie nda .cesour Cnli eftnIc Dis. 0702; 5:4 1.e ) +1
beto  ti si &enaukvfrin-tcgyg,u;he t,ilahpolagayrr efiudfs amcualr ,ahsr dgeneu has oerirbotatl-r aipn yltosm +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by haliburton(224)
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my neots mrof :WDOLUR dsena geyiapt suoiotmq = u ndgee so,uth othsetsua aisa, cifpica l,nassdi arn,iaecrb msciara e A,H eoa=brorrtilt nai,p njtio niap, lceusm .hcea pchiee,tae r,uupapr ,pietassix lenem,a ae ibontortypcho euaei,kpnol oihcnoctnaneetomr

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thomasalterman  nuegeD si an .rvsuaibro The tmrnatpio nhsit rea hatt hes was vnrliatge in imndece olt)icrpa( and htat hes sah cic*rinuaex*gt pnai in eth tisonj adn umls** hTsi is hwy eduegn is aak br"eeab-onk vfre"e +
sam  Smae tevrco +
sam  Saem trcveo +
macroorchidism  ehaY I sedmse up the uoenisqt oto, tub aetrf g,digngi the xteac iurvs nts'i piatontmr ia,kZ( ee,ugnD or gnauyhnkiuC) cines hyte all ahve ahtiralagr DNA ear rrodthAop oenbr e hAornt eintisrengt cfta I lerdnae rfom Q sabkn atht wtsa'n in AF saw taht ighkyunnuCa easmn sppdo"te awlk" nda ahpsenp beuaesc fo esevre ioyllarahaprtg dan si osal eiasdaocts wiht a hars +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by astrid93(2)
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tsI euDneg be:ecsua

n,e-gueD nnhuiukgyCa nda kaZi :heva ,verfe aamloclparpuu ahrs dan aaisarhgtrl nda rae natsrdmttie hturogh eeAds ati .ygp-eunegDe dan iCngukanh:yu vhae igincctexrau inap ni itj,son tub uednge sah oloarbriertt pnia a:Zk- t.oio olw edgra evfer le(rud nuk thuniago)-Cuy ahs oenst fo sytsommp ucosrc iiwtnh 2 skewe e(lurd o)tu dan see'ugnD ensot sotmyspm crcuos 201- y.dsa hTe eqsintou assy 4 ydsa goa hte enosrp rdteneru rofm eth

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by thepacksurvives(21)
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My hogttuh aws taht stih si ecndmie thpyus fmor elsuo o[n a i,cerus hrsa noly no het krunt, laihargatr]


oseltny,H evne if ti si dnugee saw het same esnawr uhrgs ejmoi

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uslme123  I did oto ... tub It looks klie the timnig tifs treebt for gede.n +

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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I nweord i shcoe xeaus“l tnmi”arnsisso seauecb aems ucgkboradn fo tsqeionu estm asw in SAOSBM tngsait eth caetu umsre isnsecks klie rtnpaineetso fro Hep .B

oneN eth way, ENBM nsi.w

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