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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old woman has azotemia. Renal ...
Uterine cervix ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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ehT iervxc si teh nloy uresturtc ttah lwuod urtesl in aelbrailt clokadb.e

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hungrybox  dhspnrohroesyi = alntidoi of neykid .su(u edu ot uotibcotsnr ta puileevtrco onjucint or olckbwaf mfro ttrsdbuceo laerb)dd +2

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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isnvaIve racvcile irmacnaoc is itodsaesca iwht hosshoirrpnyed dan lenar aleifur t/d CA gnerasdpi trgohuh neureit llaw adn noti eht bleradd.

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submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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os I dn'to hnikt eth eaonsr orf lretblaia ohpesdsyorhinr is ucsbaee it idneatv het braeldd ro ky.iesdn ti si yablpobr ued to bitun.tcosro treeh is a crecna ni hte teneriu side fo ecxivr ie(netur r)cveix atth si igb dna sit ghisupn on eht ldarebd adn ist ctotnouisbr the lfwo fo ruine ni eetrusr to adedrbl, os hte iurne skcba up to het yinked adn scsuae tiaelablr ynrsoredohpshi and yr.enpdhsshoroi the ekinyd nda stereur are fllu fo enuri dan the cntoan epymt it ot het areddbl sbeeuca ihts assm ni eht rcixev si shigpnu no eradbdl nad ipoengn fo reruest and zgeseuqni adlrdbe to eth bcpiu

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meryen13  i pheo shtta upflleh +1
peridot  naiOrilygl thsi amed a lot fo nsese to em os tankh uoy fro nticugbri,not ubt rafte kgnoiol reom niot ti (on Pomhata p. ),041 ti psceyilfaicl yass ttha lieacvcr rcoc,inaam nhwe dnea,dvac svidane hghuort teh itornera reuntei lwal itno eth dblerad nda solbck het ste.rreu sTih alesd to ye.hinrhsosordp ,aryzC ubt I suseg et!ru +4

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submitted by thelupuswolf(9)
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oT tge ealbritla rorneoyds/dehshrriehoyptru rtehe eedsn to eb an viettucrsbo ssam of msoe ytep ta eht lvele fo eth eddlrab ro RFRUHET stowermnd.a caiCevlr CA si eht onyl eolansaebr tioopn of shtoe sdltei (yihhlg yunillek to eahv ebtalrali AC ni the oterh)s

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hyoscyamine(59)
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I nkwo hist si stuj a irsttgah up ftac morf ,FA btu d'cnoult trseeru asrinntiotal( lecl i)caacmorn laos be croert?c

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hungrybox  mHm I td'no itknh s.o ehT weasrn is "tr"euer uil)a(rgns cwhih oudlw not suletr in latalebir nps.rhdiroyoseh +9
privatejoker  If it si out of AF 0,921 uolcd oenosem giev eth egpa nmrbeu ot eee?fcrrne orhsiysnoerp'Hd llfu dniiefotni is vigen on gpae 758 adn mkase on iontnme of svvaniei ealcvcir nacm.roaci +
vinnbatmwen  16p3 โ†’ paP mresa acn eettcd rccaielv ipsadysal rofeeb ti sseorgsrep to vsivnaie oricamac.n gnesaioD aiv syoopcpolc dna .siobyp arlLeat isonivan acn olkbc eerustr - srnrhosihyoedp - nlaer e.aflriu +4
privatejoker  sakTnh! +
emmy2k21  'Its aols ni mahoPat paeg 104 in hte 8102 o!ineitd +1

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