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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman comes to the student ...
Obliterative endarteritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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lhsiipSy hsngtaseepoi si hte tolanfinimam dna ilottnoeirab of hte sava osrauvm ls(lma bodol eslessv) htta esdfe ergibg dobol evssles lkie atrao, tesrari,e rs.rlieteoa tI eosd ton mtrtea waht eht gseat is, .T idmllupa neicsft teh svaa usmarvo nad, ni eth ce,prsso oerbateltsi hte rsenev adn oblod s.veslse shiT liksl obodl lpyspu ot ohets aesar = misiehac tbu on aipn penasisl( echc)nar. rMeo cozideall ni rrleeia ateg,ss nda ni arlet e,tsag het estrcpeihso de,imsesitna so uyo aehv eth taoar adn aspnil rcdo tnlnemoeivv btu aesm sngahetos.epi Etid:( nGjoal lapdeenix isht oremhe).wes

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privatejoker  oS is teh yeahlvi eildpim ew-sitesp fonomirta fo shSilpiy yopmstsm sa ntepeesrd ni FA metocpel BS t?neh Why erkab it ownd toni tesgsa dan evah us larne it sa chsu fi hsti is otn eht easc ni lear rctia?ecp +5
lilmonkey  atxE,lyc Gojnla odnimtnee hsti in oen fo his iouda esl.ctuer llA kdisn of ionsesl in yishipsl suaedc yb als.ciitsuv +3
lovebug  I know i'st silly .iqousten tbu uoCld naeyon iegv na ywh aewnsr si myyopletch adn saaplm llec tno iuoen?hepr.stl bc sliiypsh is a caiebatr, otn i.svur +1
trazobone  buvlg@oe ym uegss si bc ist a ,oehprisetc os it ’dnoste cta iekl a nroaml ciet.braa neO fo the encinrgse tset for hsspiyil si FTA sbA, os a ieofrpratonli in apmasl clsel akesm .seesn eTnh by cudoeni,dt if sti ealb to efcfat apslam ls,cle it anc od eth meas twih yoesmhyl.ctp uBt stih is em tgyirn ot cgoil iveyntrghe getethro so. +1
jatsyuk38  Mya eb orwth ntigon hatt einrotgcizn lgoaunsamr anc eb uonfd ni het ammsug of yrarttie shyi.islpl stneDo aechgn het tcceorr oeccih sa nseot wsa ynol 2 sekew +
unknown001  llo, i ujst love oe'sraztbon ncm.tome 'esh a amrts eudd +

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submitted by liltr(25)
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tI is ipyls.sih sSyiphil si an iernitdatrse! :)

eh“T pctilohago necshga sciasaetdo ithw lshiyspi era zaricechartde yb boeetivtlria idneetrrtsia thta is oudnf in all taessg of teh ”e.eidsas

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submitted by oznefu(22)
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dCluo nynaoe gvie na xemaple of hatw saeidsse odwul ebst atmch het orhet esarnw hseo?icc

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vonhippelindau  Leysorp si a egncanoinsta gormnaaul yi.f I fduon taht roaugnlma hwti satupruipno can eb csdeua yb ylcmisatssoob nccogaird to iRbnosb pg( :701) In“ the nrlaom osht, teh nglu olnessi fo aitybscomolss ear eprsvputaui ephMcgasora aveh a ietidlm iatibly to nteigs and klli .B itdead,rsitim dna the esrepcesint of eth teays llcse ealsd ot cuodtnine rtmrcnieute fo tie.lrhuopsn In sius,te B. rdeidtaimtis si a runod, -5 ot -μm15 yaest lelc ttha dividse yb aeobdd-rsba bg.nuidd tI ahs a hikt,c nobourcd-luodete ecll al,wl dna bviseli lcienu (iF.g )851-3. tnImoelenvv fo the skni and lyarxn is eotiadsasc wiht mredak pltiaieelh pysai,ahlerp ihcwh amy eb samikten rof muuqssao llec coinr.mca”a +7
usmleuser007  lamuoyronatogPsu A niImntamolnfa aoyfinrmmlat esocpsr ni hcwhi heter is tfiionltiran fo lropaecoupmlryhon cllse iotn a erom riconch aear fo litanfnmioam zareierchadct by monluraoenc llsec, aohag,erpscm lesytcypmho nad psobysil maalsp e.lslc etmnycisAoc sp. si im-v,giospeart atgis–afcenv-tdiae ilnsamtfueo baritaec ttha secua ptolaaosgumoynur octfsnniie in ,sdog a,stc et,alct ,aogts wse,ni rssoh,e ofsxe and nhmau gnise.b +2

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