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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 63-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Increased resting cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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VA Ftsasiul reut-ro oobdl form the aleatrri esysmt to eht seovun te,ssym saigs-ybnp the oseriAlret = Iearsenc PL g;-&--t CIERNAES .VR llA ni all = sIanrcee .OC

dncicgoAr to rodWlU, teh terarolsei era a moarj ecosru of eenssitacr ... so pysnabsig eth lteraioers slutesr ni a dacesere in lTtao eeraihpPlr caeRnsites ... csagniu na aencirse ni eht aetr nad mulove fo blodo inegnturr to eth at.reh I am rpetyt ruse erteh si oemr to het ipsholoyyg bhiend its,h utb I epho htsi pxaeelind a teit.ll

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big92  temyIdlmia"e loowglfin onc,ritea nruseoatroive usitafl (VFA) si idacesasto tihw na caernies in dcarcai pttuou O,C() hvadecie enompadlnyrti uohgrht a rocudtnei in yecismts luraacvs ecsartsnie, iseecnrad ordmclyaai oaycttli,nctir dna na acnieers ni erokts ulomev )(VS dna taher e.rta evOr eth lfgwooiln kwee, itlanucgirc dbloo luveom sniseaerc ni ccnjnunoito htwi seecinras ni arliat adn ianrb nacittiurre .teppeisd These asneartilto are oadetasisc wiht yarel ecsasrnie in eftl ctraeriunvl )(LV lligifn essepurr hwit eth lapotinet rfo nrsetltau taicmp no lartai and tarucnvreli crmhbae emnnosidsi dan toucnn"if. PM(D:I ' 2 5er584)h52sT5 e laos arnohet stdyu yb ptsEnei from teh 19s50 linkoog at teh seffcet of 'sFAV feectf no CO in men :DPMI( 831)15.207 yrAeplnpt,a eth ierasenc ni snitegr CO si a ibg boemlrp asbueec ti nac lead ot ihuo-tugtph aicdcar irelfua LV)H(. +32
hungrybox  eJssu ibg92 you ewtn in on the sceraehr omal u tsum eb PSTM +6
temmy  big92 uyo are grih.t thta si wyh pteasg seasedi eagpst heav gihh ututpo craicad iefaulr eacubse fo het va sn.shut +5
kevin  atwh si re"ecisan PL" +6
jhan17  cnAorcdgi to h"kiWweni an aeioeorsrtvun fsulati is demfor gvionlvin a arojm yrerta ekil eht alnoamidb ra,ota it nac laed ot a agerl eseaecrd in ralepprhei ceienarsts esuecba it yb sasp elreatrio ew(her jramo BP is mo)edrf . siTh drweelo leaeprrhpi cisrtneeas sauecs hte terha ot sinecera etrisgn daircca tuotup ot mainnita poerpr odbol lfow to lal s"eis.sut +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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I dton' elef keli yan of htsee mtesocmn evha fulyl ddresased hwy het piaettn nylrcetur sah sadcrneei iergtns CO adn NOT edseeacdr S.V erHe is woh a reifdn of eimn nleadpixe t:i

APM t(a irtensg H)R = 23/ DPB + 13/ SPB = 77 mmgH in itsh ptti,nae ihhcw si elowr htan ornmla 93( mHmg fi uoy eus 80.21/)0 So MAP si eaerdsdec dan het nki/hytrseeod oragsn ntre'a tneitgg eth epunsirfo ethy ,ndee gidnlea to RSAA tctavoniia nda S/mad.OeeB MPA = OC × TR,P os isht olcud be due to low OC irteavle to RPT hwt(a we suylual epexc)t or olw PTR tveiaerl to CO. Thsi 'ttpsniea realg AV taisful ahs deopdpr her PRT revy wl,o cihwh naesm reh CO umts ahev eneb vyre ihhg ofr hte spat 15 rasye to etmscaopne high( tupotu erhta eflrua.i eSh sha lyon 5 yads of mssmt,ypo cihwh amsne esh si earyl no ni rhe HF. Sniec she dah chsu a ghhi OC to igbne ,whti her dopr ni VS hits raley on ulodw litls aeevl erhe twih na NRSCIEADE VS mdoaeprc ot a moranl .aneptit essUln ehr lpesu si epsur hhi,g reh herat tmus eb muipnpg a ssmeavi rstoek umoevl to niintama a rmalon tlosisyc loobd seurpesr thiw csuh a wlo TPR MP(A = VS x RH x PR.)T Eveyunllat, rhe VS aym ceersead to be ebwlo armonl, btu not os laery o.n

Fro essol:tcNe emotpn dasrceede rreltiaa 2O tas seuacbe bolod si igfwnlo ofmr ytrera ot ,ivne tno hte orhet awy un rot.aodN daresdcee xedmi vnoeus 2O tsa baeeusc aaerltir odolb is ndolofgi the ibavunslac evni irgth ofreeb mxedi 2O sta uldow eb uo re.tdesmNa sancrdeie SRV aecesbu of eth large VA .fastlui

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by the260guy(18)
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Btu se'reh my bpeorml hitw this isetnu:oq ti asys atht seh sha a 5 ady yhrsito of BOS adn ewllons egs.l oS yiovbulos eth ethar is aii.lgnf I ipkdec ersDecade Strkoe eVmoul orf ahtt n.esaor

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nwinkelmann  AV lsatsifu ear neo seuca fo tgiuuhpth-o acairdc riuefal. sTih rnepos psnteers thiw ahtre iaref,ul tbu ti is deu ot iayhcnolrcl drainseec egnsrit .OC +2
lukin4answer  nanlnwmei@kn sye thast hritg, eh has lfiaing utb neioquts is nskaig htaw is the nidfing of isht tatne,pi I rtusnnedda the ucsae si tuilFas gcsaniu hghi tpuotu ,uralife tub tyhe it'ndd aks hte sonrea of shi F,H ehyt are sagkni hte iing.dfn I csoohe cesrdaee Srteok uVeOml /: +
happyhib_  sTih swa my lgcio dna tog to eddarecse sretko eovuml sa ;llew ehty nerta inksag wtah adceus his HF ro nyhignta it syas tahw si eth tsom yilekl ingifdn in thsi ptneti.a fI ish arthe si nafglii deu ot LHV fmro snsetnicto drseancie OC odtlwun he AT HTIS REYV OMEMNT WHTI hsi hreta naflgii evha eedsdarce rtkseo emu.o?.vl +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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OC is diensreac thwi 1 ) ceasddere e ofatd2la)r insereacd rd3ea) lpo Idcesaenr rtctaioclntiy

An sneertooivau isulfat tesreac na eltvtieanra eutor ofr liaart oldbo inot het ounsev atnricoiclu /ow noigg ptsa hte oelrtsaier h(te ormja ecsua of eeuhatn.s )rsTi,cs by nidgo os teh RPT )tadefo(lar sedesacer nda teh OC si cdsearien.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by uslme123(86)
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FV'As = cardieesn ridcaac ut.UToBtpu siht 'tsin wne rfo iths or?snep I wive htis sa a aerht atth hsa lnfyail genub ot lfai -- deardsece eticfevfe uioclcyrrat muoevl t-&g;- adernscie RSV.

tuB i esusg uyo a'cnt haev B efbero A -- ewvethar -\-

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happyhib_  ish pb asw isenmoght keil 1/00;35 itwh cidlasiot ornaud 05 I ufidgre he ltuocnd vahe iesdrcane SRV eeusabc shi licdstioa dlwou eb gri?heh +2
trazobone  I had tish aems nsgoinrea I tcelpmyleo seldosg rvoe hte PB 🏻🤦♀‍️ +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nuts4med(8)
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nenoyA ehav na iead yhw eht seeceadrd aailrter O2 siuonatrat si tnec?rocri igsAnsmu hes ahs upml edeam nices ehs ash EL edea,m lw'tduno a wrole 2O sta eb pxetedec to?o

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haliburton  I bevelei terhe dowlu eb on ecaersde in O2 osaanttiur aesucbe dgexyatone oobld ihgh( rreuseps) si dhntesu toin tdaxeeneygod cici.utr sA ognl sa eth nlgsu nca ekep pu, sith sohudl scaneire svnuoe gtxneioynoa on ea.rvage +7
hungrybox  yt btoh fo yuo rof h,tsi swa nogderiwn hte esam ignth +
coxsack  2O tas ntow’ hncgae cb/ uyr’eo ton andgdi eeanxgtodedy blood to teh aaierrtl sd.ei oYeur’ jstu kganit lareitra ooldb nda ttigupn ti ntoi nsveuo olob.d eamS onraes ywh >L-R acardic nhssut o’tnd ecdeears 2O ast (iehlw ni srtnc,toa a RL>- suhtn wl.d)ou +5
hungrybox  jsut zared:iel eht hghi prusrese of eth larireat smtsye esepk uto sl-wsepruero vseuno olbod in an VA sailtuf bly(porba ovuosbi ot ostm ppl ubt ti wsa a eakure tmnome orf me )llo +2
chandlerbas  ya ouy nowt aveh sadceeerd rtliarae 2O sat cbeaues otonaigyxne of dbolo si sreopinuf delimit 19AF( --46)5 froerthee anoeniogtyx fo the odblo nehsppa hwiitn eht fitrs den.css3o of egnneirt the nurmolpay llpcayiar that ouy cloud neev hadnel ahignv mroe tdedeaxgenoy odblo eetnr +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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ateHr :rliafue hsiT is hte tsom irosseu iionacmpltoc of rgael rtaeeuonivrso .sasitful neSci uoyr odblo fowls rmoe kycuqli ugothhr an viesruronateo sfialut hatn it loduw if uyor ooldb wdoefl uroghth a lornma socrue fo ea,setrri sailrcilpae dna ,nsvei oyur ehrat muspp adrher to sepnmoecat rof eth dorp in oolbd spesreur d(allec gtht-iohpuu ahtre )u.filaer revO emit, teh cnisradee yetnnisti of oyur tehsra' impgnup anc keeanw ouyr rhtea cle,usm ilenagd to erhta uia.lref

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