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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
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 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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,2500 ssdnetut ... utb uoy fndi out grduin yuro ilaniit scrnee htat 005 edyrlaa eahv eth ee.adsis ,oS otrtsekui esoht pee.lpo htTa vsaeel 0,200 sdutnest who ot’dn vahe eht asesed.i

erOv eth ceorsu of 1 yaer, you oiredcvs 200 tsetnusd eddvoepel teh fciinn.ote :hsuT

002 ewn sesac / 000,2 ppleoe hwo nd’tid veah hte adeessi hnew oyu satdert oruy udtys = 10 cenrept

iyckT,r crykti EBMN ...

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sympathetikey  Ah, I see. Tahkn o!yu +
niboonsh  mI adm ta how pesiml tshi suqoietn tcaayull is +7
sahusema  Ieiednccn si esdeaurm rmfo oseht TA I.RKS Ploepe hitw teh easidse rae otn nrecddoies to eb at oS 0502 - 005 = 2000 oelepp -ksit.ra fO ehtos 020,0 itniwh neo yrea 020 eepdlvo het eisead.s oS 2/000002 of hte srkit-a ploponiaut velodep teh saedesi. 00/0202 = %01 = cnicdenie +3
daddyusmle  fcku im aderertd +2
skonys  tMus be Frloida tSaet +
l0ud_minority  Waht fi eyht ogt yamhlcaid gnaia hwo lwudo hits hcngea hte subnem?r +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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otnD’ egoftr htta ciecdienn is the nrembu fo wne sesac hwhci ermeeg ni na dtaencffue iupntaploo. Icneiednc is nrgyit to egt at het uetonsiq ;-tg& nI“ a neivg ae,ry woh mnya wne oppele veolped iths d?eeais”s

In hoetr s,odrw yuo cnonta uocnt eploep hwo delaray heva het edissea. uoY veah ot xueledc soteh eppole mfro rouy l.aluccnioat You antw to onkw, angom lla hte elpope uot ehert owh OD NOT eavh teh de,sseia who aymn tmesi shti ayre aws soeenom y()ewnl iddo?gnesa

Sdia efidtnrylef l,tils uoy nd’to want to lonob“ute”dcu- oeplep woh edevledop eth eesdasi eerobf uyor u.ydts sA an ,eliitdisgpomeo ttha dlwuo wrsec up ryuo nesse of hwo eftecivni ro snilssebrtami a saedeis .is uoY awnt ot owkn, “fmor emit1 ot etim2 ohw ymna wne esacs ”eee?mrdg

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questioneverything  Yuo dlwou nuotc the oatlt kirs .olpo dyaaCmilh is not a rciocnh ssedaei so yuo duwlo aertt estoh 005 elppoe and eyth wdlou runret ot het krsi ool.p +2
drdoom  Btu uyo dluwo isrtf veah to etemiredn hatt yeth LECEARD eth .iifcenont Wtha if oyu gave meht xt dan hnte ehyt cemo kbac nad sy,a odc" i tog het ylicd"aahm -- is this a wne sace or did het tx aif?l e'uoYr imsasgun it eaelrcd ubt ayemb ti d.i'tdn a'Tths yhw you tnaw to CLEDXEU rofm het sttar enyano woh thgmi leryada eahv sdesiea of ietst.rne +7

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by questioneverything(5)
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Ok I gte atth fi 500 lyerada vhae eth sesidae enth eht risk oolp is drpoedp ot 0200 dsseuttn tub eth equtnois ciyaslpcilef syas ttah het tset is noed a eray .e.ti.alrf 500 eelopp had mdayh,cial oyu uldow ratet temh. You do'tn embeoc umnmie to amciyaldh retfa ifcoeitnn so eyht udlow og cbka onit hte kirs plo,o neianmg teh ploo lwudo uertnr to 0025. hTe senraw lohsdu be %,8 ihts was a adb q.ensutoi

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thepacksurvives  Yae,h ihts aws ym ue.ssi I gto it gornw sbceuea of h-tis- itlls do'nt sendatdunr hte icgol bc ouy cna tge aiydlmahc lmiltpeu emsti +8
hungrybox  CUFK rou'ey thgri. mnDa I itdnd' enve tnihk atbou htt.a stTh'a gkifunc u.mbd I suseg isth is hwy dboyon sget rcpftee oscser no isth aexm llo. Oenc uyo egt smatr oe,hgun teh roserr in eht nsqtuioes atrts iigrtppn ouy p.u Lyuck rfo me 'mI taigrshely dehnbi ttha tgeas loma +11
usmile1  to amke it eevn emor oylrpo etwi,rtn ti yass hyte ear igdon a nsernecgi agpromr rof STFIR EYAR oenmw lgecoel .usnstdte So oen eray la,ret aer yhet longlfowi thsi mesa orgup fo nettu,ssd ro woudl tyeh eb icrsenneg the igcimonn sitfr a?sery +6
dashou19  I nikht eth smea at tsir,f tbu ftaer a ocsedn aedr, eht ostiuqen mtse aids dainoilad"t" 200 utnstd,es hicwh smane teh stfir 005 sdstnute tod'n t.unoc +
santal  brx@ohugyn oYu are e.m +2
neovanilla  ueisl@1m I asw hgiitknn teh etcax ames +1
happyhib_  I eraeg tshi is a sthra u;sqtineo I asw klei lwel if iths is deon eyyrla rfo enw rnahsemf the lnloofwgi eyar ldouw eb fo hte new asscl tbu( het wdro aniaotdidl maed me go atsgian .h)ist sAlo oyu dcoul usaems ttah ethy rewe teadrte nad on noerlg evah the e..aessid. I dnot elik ti synholet tub wnko for ccinenedi tyeh nwta yuo to ton dunlcei tohse hwit eseisad os i jtus etnw thwi amgod itnuqoess no enidiecnc ot tge ot 10% +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Alos isdecron shit gtera endisrioptc morf teh NI’Hs eMHS atabed:sa

NNCIDIEEC: hTe ruenbm of ewn cessa fo a nveig isdseea idungr a eving diepor in a icfpsedie pln.oupatio tI laos is sedu rfo teh raet at hhwic wne setnve ourcc ni a edinedf itun.lppaoo It si fieettarnidefd omfr EERNAPEVCL, chhwi feesrr ot lla acs,es enw or l,do ni het uoltappion at a egnvi em.ti


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questioneverything  heT ercnvpleae fo mlyadhcai ni tshi ogupr duwlo eb 0. tI is otn a ccorihn si.esdea +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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het nsotuiqe tedsno sya htat teh 500 tgo uder,c so it iwll be 2000 ohw rae ta sik.r

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