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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-year-old boy has mild mental retardation ...
Rhabdomyoma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—celeste(96)
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heT oniaoteslltnc fo ymtposms osnsdu klie rbtuueso licss.reos arcadiC boodmarayhm si a arre nibneg mruot atth is lfeterunyq eaisacotsd hwti btoerusu cslersiso.

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tinydoc  iadCrca ourTsm ni ldtsau -- ulyaslu maoxym i dc aCra rsotmu ni kisd -- usylalu hmaabmRdyoo ( .sas /w ebrusoTu ssleoSirc. ) > -- sit ni eth fitsr dia ipdra weeRiv +17
tinydoc  icraaCd Trsumo in ltuasd -- usyalul ymaxmo rdicaa C osrtmu ni disk -- saluluy mamoadyoRhb ( .ass w/ sTubeoru riosecls.S ) - - > sit in hte iftrs iad iarpd eeRviw +3
arlenieeweenie  eH oasl has esriseuz dan nkwloip-ely ppeuasl, chwhi I nhikt hyeter' ynitgr ot dcbieesr oen fo eht raieircacsthtc eas-ahlf ro eransgeh cstphae eon'sdt( sndou eikl reehit fo mthe ot em llo) but thta lal onpsit ot rotesuub sirelossc +
pg32  ireewnie@naleee I tinhk ethy ear altaluyc grityn to esdirbce rnisgbiofaoam htat rpapea no eth cafe in etoubrsu ssosi,ercl uoghth I itlsl ntkih rihet rdipeitsocn is eptyrt abd haha +5
lovebug  Tsbrouue iocsrses.l nmcemnoi : MHAmRO(gdaSR.b-A&oh)mMySTaA;to 91FA .5eap31g +
naarim15  teh yllow/nikep psaulep are donaame uecesbma - hredsid" senodlu in a yrfutebtl paecnepara dnrueoa the nose adn h,secke l-ekcenia "rpapcaa ene8To0s#87eues80tpRbt/13tfm1rkxa0/0mf0:0i3./eol/tf8c07nc.dd6n48sZ9lsh011a4f/3 +1

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