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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A healthy 25-year-old man is participating in ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by assoplasty(108)
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tsaF era cetkngoie cpext(e ddo nchia )AF, so hyte coredup noekset rfo rnegey doirpuotcn A-eAolCt)y(c earhrt hatn gueslc.o If het qotnesiu adsek thaw eht rpiaymr ucesor of grynee ruinodctop ,wsa it dlouw tlils eb yleggcno nda( nto ke,steon) eacbuse tihs si iihnwt 24 .ohusr ewrveoH rfaet 42 rhosu het asnrwe ocldu eb oknete osbedi. da,rRsgelse hte ntqosuei ipfyccaelisl iads hte pt dha a msuer secogul of 00,1 nnaitiicgd hatt we ear gkoniol fro tnesoihgm atth spivedro a tsetbuars rfo ouegeoncsge.sinl

nuDigr sdoiper fo traatsv,nio rssbesutat rof oencuesggosinle oemc mfor wot euss:cro )(1 kaownrebd fo xsitegni meuslc, ro ()2 iva od-idchan AF ogtrhhu ypoinr-oAopC.l nVail*e( olas edefs otni onpoyiprl CA,o utb si ton vovnelid girnud iroatvstna -;-&tg see el)owb

)1( The iurpvteyn-alenaa celcy opivesdr tsih atgenuim(l in lmesuc + upretavy --t;&g naianle &-t;-g sgoe to liver g&--t; anamonasiirntt ot rkuahag-otlapeotelt -&;-tg rtpyeuav is stdepaaer morf gmaintule g;t&-- uamigntle eosg ot auer ye,clc reuvapty sego on to )eo.cegenissnglou ecttaaL can oals eb desu sti(h lcoud ehav eenb a rhtig wsnare if it eewr )es.ltid

(2) Odd icnha sAF rae osla eggino,cluc tub aeircts iadc evio(dprd ni the arewns ehci)oc ’isnt dod acnhi, so it si ynol ietnegkoc dna acn eb dlreu t.ou

luohtAgh aelinv a(nd hoetr rehcnabd )a..a feed noti CA-roilpo,onyP htey era nto seud in anrtsaovti eescuba vrniattaos rcstytil rleies no ictaeph eclieosngsouneg. seeTh .a.a ear tno mltbiaeezdo in eht leirv ebecaus the reivl skcla ndraihhanbcc-e .aa. rraesfenats .yeznem nI rtFsi d,iA ciBoehm ienc,sto nrdeu Frasi/ttgvoin,aSnat in otbh eht “snatfgi steat” ihwh(c si whtiin het tmei mfaer of hsit qs)ionte,u ro hte avnioas“trt ”test,a obth eiitzul pchitae nigseuoensegcol. My mtniausosp si atht laevin is deus gniurd rlraueg ibateo,mlsm adn ton rinugd rpoieds of att.irvonsa

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hello  I wtan ot -mezeihrspea onigmhets taht lassopy@ast ahs yradlea tteasd h e.T:) e-mstQ ssaett musre selocug = 0,10 nda the Q assk hyw teh tiaenpt si aebl ot annitmia .algrommoineyc ereeTo,hrf uoy acn immliyeeatd etlenaimi cehicso A dan C scaueeb tcaeoataecte adn ay-otryehextrydbbuat are sesuroc of neryeg grndui neisseotkeg -- tngseikeeos eods otn driveop gelucso ereyng r.cessuo +14
chandlerbas  ^ stih ckches u:ot ilaevn nda iosencilue era enkbro nodw in the uelmcs otni acdhnerb hinac 2 oox acid avi hcnrdeab iahcn mnoaeranrifetsas rr)selev(ebi then eth nevlai adn ceiisnoeul levea the smulec adn sswim ot het vreil ot eb cdaet on by bhacdren hniac 2 oxo diac DH ievi)rbr.e(lres So baciylsal eth cpsoesr morf gknati CABA aevnli dna ineueoclsi eursirqe 2 zsm.nyee teh fsrti neymez si in hte ,csuelm nda eht ecndos yenezm is ni het velir for( oiiptsanimcilf ureppsos -tg;-& bhto noagrs aonctin hobt zmynees ubt dtno avhe the mesa tifyafin rof ihetr uet) urcoes: :gPit1gw0lmM/cpc4p/h7bcwon/ta1s?r45vahn.mCwsp.eei.=/n/.6it/l so reuoy' hrtgi to sya atth teh rveli +5
toxoplasmabartonella  Tnhka ouy orf husc a aegtr anealnxti.op I'nts it uttealamg tiandse of nuilmaget thta bsmcenio hitw vturypea in elmcus to eidyl nneliaa ofr llhiaC yc?ecl +1
almondbreeze  @ aarptmatllnsaoloebxo hktin ouy rea htirg +
revanthshanmukh  sti vengi taht iimotnhene isindthie adn nialev are nliugcoegc Ao.sAn yhw ont shete mrfo eth celgous ni teh dyob ifsrt reocpadm to enlai?an +
johnnybravo  hkhnen@aramvhstu hgoltAhu shote aer iednde ulciocngge ,AA etyh rae losa sneasleit ,AA ciwhh emasn eyht mtsu eb cudreqia form het i.edt siTh ntptaei in the tsme ahs neeb .gitfsna A F 0220 pg ,19 aetctLa nda ealAnni lhep otnrbituec ot icsoneeugsgleno irngdu ntaoristav 31(- ya)sd +1

 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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P. 19 fo AF ash a qukic aeotiannplx rfo !thsi

lcsiyaalB onec ueyro' ni a tngivras estta 'sterhe llist aihpect cisegoeguonsnel igngo no (sa ellw as ngusi AFF) but het eniseucnleogsog si ciomgn from rarepehlpi utseis cteaatl and aennil.a

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by frimmy_11(2)
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usMlce tnopeir sarebk nowd toin eth minao aidc laniean hwchi rsntee lCialh eCycl to ofmr sugeolc ...

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volcanobuns  rf11iym_@m yWh dwlou npieotr karbe wnod eftra lyno 20 ?hsour ntouh’ldS tfa be eht rmaoj trcnirouotb wno? osAl, fi npieotr si iengb ,dues thne yhw t’sin neaivl eht cch?eio nVeial is laos geunligoc.c +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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I antw ot pe-amzseirhe ohtimengs ttha sypassoalt@ hsa alyared daetst .):

hTe tmeQs- eastst ersmu ceuslgo = 100, nda hte Q sask wyh eth pnittae si abel to mnnatiai elmrigomncay.o

rfeoeehr,T uoy nac eemdiamlyti imienealt icsohec A adn C ubeaecs oaaaceettcte nda y-ytdhateyrabtoebrux are rcosesu fo erngey grniud isseeoegntk -- gtssenkoiee sdeo tno epvdori olsguce enrgye ssrceo.u

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by volcanobuns(1)
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mimf1y@1r_ yhW wlodu reotipn kareb wndo aftre lnyo 02 horus? lutn’hodS fta eb het jroam torcunorbit ?now Aols fi ornitpe is inebg sdeu, tneh hwy tsni’ lveian eth oc?ceih tsI’ osal nugolgceic.

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sd22  stI' nto nskgai rfo het joram rnt,tcoobriu sjtu chihw oen of teh cshcoie ttsubeocirn ihgytnna ta +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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aleesP phle

hWy si enialv oti?erccnr

An naoplxnetai bewol sysa ttah aenilv wdluo eb nertcdeov to osulcge dngriu erralug oesbmim?atl

egrulRa liotmamebs = dfe sett,a os ywh dwoul eilavn even eb nretvcdeo to eclug?os

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ali_hassan  FA 1082 g1.9p - naaotrSvti dsay 1 - 3: haipect ssnceogeuoeignl rfmo rpephleair teusis etlcata and inn.alea th'sta lla +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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hatt tdius ncuniimme fo MTE HIS LETAIVENN emda me tscwih ofrm nlneiaa ot .inavle

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