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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
Abnormal brain development 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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hTsi uqinesot si espdhar n,erglsayt tub i'ts eeilsnstayl aksnig "wtha udwlo ppeahn if tihs awm'nos ihsdoipyroyhmt eecbma lnrceultondo eorv eht ocsrue fo her ang"pyce?nr

ucrnerlty erh THS si doog ;&t--g nd-eloloetwclrl pETIiHdPyh tsTOCrYHimoALoyh hghi HST g&-t;- rhe hiydryotoshipm muts TNO eb nooetwll-llcerd d(ue to prudsioitn fo teh HT/RS/4T/3TTH edorencni axi)s

,oS nwo tath we rustdennad ttha hte oneqitus is nigksa aw"th uowdl hpepan if rhe iyoohhyrptimds swa n?dcoeltunr"lo

e:Awrns esciinmtr

I kinht ttha shit snuotqei is radhspe yrloi,tuacos tbu afr be ti orfm me to citicezri het LMUES cnnilsgei db.ra..o

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yotsubato  I inhtk atth shti iuqeotsn is erpasdh aut,rcsylooi ust J kile eth rset of eth NEMB +26
b1ackcoffee  lcyaetx who sode namrtael otioasmhh cna aescu mncer?tisi +1
notyasupreme  1bfkc,eace@fo its' tno lenatmra oohamhi,ts yasblcial uyo sujt eahv ot reirdgsad het EIRNTE oueiqsnt esmt and the ltas rtpa fo eht tsnneece f(i eht mom's HST esog u)p measn ahtt eesh'rt mropyyidhsthio ggino o,n icwhh sasceu mcnsirtie. +5
b1ackcoffee  anhTsk you p!unmoryeea@st +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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hisT has to od iwht ngdartdnesniu owt ,tsihgn atth ntaarlem yipmhiythdorso si lkdine to nlsreiun/teCimar oeetnpvldem fo hte seut,f and lmnoar neyngcrpa oysyoip.hgl nI agcen,npry acndieers mooernhs esmuittal leriv ntopcdroui of oaisruv espinort ikel Sex erooHmn ndniBgi onublliG r,Bye(nHhxiToGS) diBginn ilbGluno )(TG,B erMo BTG rpdedouc = erom 3T/4T is .nobud sLes T/T43 ssceau eomr RHT rsel,eea rome THS ,slreeea dan erom 4/TT3 otroducnpi utnil efre /4T3T ellsve rea ackb ot rnl.oma In a alonmr eyrnc,angp ihts nhepaps no ebrlpm.o In eemsoon wiht ep-rsgeinxti hyiormdsyiohpt ,gthohu adleray ahs aieipmrd 3/TT4 cdiptrnou,o dan 'wotn be beal to keep up wtih dreceasin da.enmd erThi 3T iwll iesr, tbu sthi wno't ltesru ni necdiears 4T3.T/ ayTciyllp, onwme hitw tioHhs'mosa nsdiregi ot teg tgpranne lilw dene to ierceans erhti tyheeoornxivl oeds ni pincittaiona of siht epgrnnacy e.ganhc

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thotaak(5)
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myaNlrol lreamtan /4T3 rae ruiedqer rfo etlaf airbn evnmoedptle eerfob laetf tryihdo gndla si m.ordef dAn ftear atelf doyirht dalgn is fmr,deo tfale 4T/3 plehs in barni etdevoenpm.l oS reneisca HTS asmen dseareecd trnaemal 34/T and stuh ehva nab airnb detpn.eelmvo ndA yse 4T/3 rsossec at.clepan

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thotaak  ocgircAdn ot sinboRb othlypoag +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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mntioemuuA idohisrttyi ak(a )otmashoHi + nt-&tga-g;nerp Tkhni otuba ibiopsytsil fo aletf ypomhiodtrysih due to iytdanbo tdaeeidm tmraalne ihoyidhopm.trsy eLasd ot .nCireitsm diFngsni ni ntaifn are het '6P (toP yl,elb leaP, ffuyP ef,ac Pindgturor biuucism,l anrtruPbeot tnu,oeg adn ooPr nBiar leemvtpneod.

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neonem  I odtn' nustnredad the tsla rapt fo hist eontsiqu tsme fi teh et'mshor STH sieecn*ars* rgidun ncgpray?en ldu'otWn hsti uerftrh crneeasi her /a(nrod teh sf'eut)s indocpruto of 4T dna usht atcectruon het hooyrstihyd?pmi +
poojaym  nmn@eoe n.o Aumetiuomn yrithomhypodsi si a teistodcrun of het oyhdrti dag,ln dan a ceresade in ntoucodipr of .T/43T nA eecarsni in STH samne htta hreet si nto ognueh T4/T3 to bntiiih TH,R adn os HST si bgeni edelsrae to esmtuailt het orhyidt .dalgn +41
arezpr  TH,S T3, 4T adn gbhlilonytour tnocan cssor het anllpceta ri.errab +1
chamaleo  erpazr@ hltghoau osteh mosnohre cn'at csros, the bioetasatudoin rfmo htamoio'Hss nca +1
yotsubato  The bbay hsa tsi wno TSH thuhog +
sbryant6  STH socem rfmo the u,tyapiirt and tac no eth .oiyhdtr sotediuoibAnta katcta het rohty,id os TSH se'odtn o.wrk +
kimcharito  no irtgeo ?htne +
lola915  I nikht heret si on etoirg bauscee het asy'bb yidthro lngda hsa ont lfylu veeddeplo adn tshee sguobliumllmnoin rfmo hte thmoer udlco tkctaa the yodithr lgnda iagdeln ot sieuss hiwt 'tis etpolnmee.dv +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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Teh lear tnihg si TS,H T,3 T4 nda lhinrloyugtbo catonn rossc pa.tcaenl ,THR eno,iId TSI can sc .rfosI tremoh sah ihgh TSH ii(gsonrcden mrripya ii)dtyormyhspoh &t;—g Proo irnba Ioepmtdeefv nl eohmtr has STI to)a(sohiHm t—&;g rcsos het laletpnca ibarerr —raIneecs in yhtdiro ngald Mya( peetnrs whti itodrrs ta rtbi.h

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demihesmisome  hAhhhh Takhn uyo. Tsih asw ahwt I swa igrnty to rna.dsudetn +1
apurva  alsepe onet thta efer 4t anc ossrc eth nlaaepct +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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celayxt how soed mranaetl hioaotsmh anc aceus in?mreicts

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lola915  aiHmhtsio si aecsdu yb astiebdoin aigstan dihtyor sxdoreaipe dna eshoT ibientodas acn cosrs the nctlpaea nda ctfaef ibeasb irtodyh ngadl cigsaun tongciaeln sohihmpoyrdt.yi +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I nikht ihst egst at a cctepno tdealer to yitodrh svleel adn /reggnny.nsctpraeoe

rgenEots csernesai teh lelve fo nibhxry-ieitgnodn ulni,oblg chiwh rpaitmyoler edeesarcs refe T4 nad 3T, nad rnesecasi STH itlun eth iiddalanot BTG mesobce sardat,tue and manorl lselev aer .deerorst

nSeci shti pnateit hsa antmoiumue oihydsir,tti dan eseiurrq nyhoiterx, henw ehr feer 4T eesserad,c dna rhe TSH eogs u,p esh nwot ekam raxet T.4 oS unssel seh csnesiaer reh xoyntrhie o,dse seh lwli be rhohdiypoty ;&t-g- crmniites ni teh stfeu

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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reeh is a pyco atdpes nlki .

r,sfti hgih hts = oohisydhitmryp

How nac iymryihpoohdst fcetaf em adn ym yab?b yordiht hmonesor era ptaonmtri to rouy a'sbby arnib dna uroenvs tsmsye tpeedem,nlvo naterduet ecymrploaiosypielisy—htdh gdunri eht sifrt sai—ttrnrecme auces wlo QI adn ombrleps wthi nmarlo vepmet.nldoe

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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sihT ecitalr ifasl ot mnnoite oopr irbna pnveelmdote in rH.itYRisdPohmEy ehT rotuha utsm veha temna isYtihydP.orOmH

Tihs ntseiquo spetsu me to no .end

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aesalmon  I ,arege teh tlrecia uyo keidln tasset "sisgn fo atelf prieyhoshirmydt husc sa ia,adrytcach aietennrtrui wtrogh ra,retntiaod acicrda a,ruelfi dan eth npeveolemtd fo eflat g I ri"e ot ehcso earsnw E ugirdn eht mxae - hyiTrod" gdnla ni"nerlaemSlg t tel ngriyt ot danduersnt who yhet ikedln semiircnt to a aces ehrwe the ohtm'rse pithdyyohrsiom aws well n,lcloteord and hnte ksdea orf het lueeesqa if hre STH casndeer.i yMeba nedcrsiae HTS si psposeud to etdicnai esiongnrw pohiyyrdhto - olw /TT43 deninge ot be uetmadtlis yb ST?H +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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My hgtthuo srepsco aws fi the mreoth ahs cndsreeia HS,T seh'd eb iusng reom ndoeii to udrcpoe 3/T4. eanniMg elss wudol eb aleb ot egt to hte abby rof bianr vompntd.leee

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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sihT is a reyv rkiytc etisounq ni mstre of hrispnag t.i yeTh emak us nikth aobtu whta cefeft hhig STH edso on a eutfs lhewi it lealry temna whta acn aehnpp ot eth yabb in na ntatdeoebd-amdiyi yiiprtmoodhsyh eo. mtShor ansyek so os yn.k.sea.

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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heT hreotm sha maountmuei dsyitrhtoii adn retattmen is iengv rfo isyohhpriytdom ny.lo hwy soed it mtreta if het hroemt's SHT is ghih ro lwo? Absntaitouodei wudlo slitl be eeptnsr dna hyte uwlod salyaw aeucs ctsmiiern rircsipeeetv of hrmtoe nomehosr lve.le 'nsIt ?it

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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ntmCsriei lntegnicoa( ytpsiiohmyo)rhd is het omts mnoocm aeusc fo rbeatatle atmeln i.ltiasyibd aCusse oopr bnrai eeol.etnvdmp

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