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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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sTih oetqnusi is haedrps ,ntlgseyra tbu tsi' saelenytsil gsiank wah"t uodlw npaeph if htis a'snwom thhdsrimiypoyo beecam lrotdnuelonc veor eth uerocs of her rg"enyn?apc

nrtucyler rhe THS si godo -;tg-& rolontlwdeel-lc AyEoYodpLTTiChH IihyOsPHtmr hgih STH -t;g&- reh ptyiosoimyrhdh must TON be teconlldo-wlrle ed(u to isituopnrd of eth S//T43TH/THTR orneciend sx)ai

So, wno htta ew ueansdtrnd htat the eiuntqos is nkagis hwa"t dwoul ahnppe if ehr hmitpysdoihryo swa onlote"curln?d

erA:swn imentrsci

I hnikt atht tihs noeuiqts is dpaeshr ituayo,clsro btu arf eb ti ofrm em ot tziriciec the ELUSM ngienislc o.a.db.r

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yotsubato  I tknhi hatt iths iuoenqst is haspder usrlyoa,toci uJ t s keil teh erts of eht MNEB +26
b1ackcoffee  ayxclte who oesd tmnaarel tiohamsho nac casue ?stcniemir +1
notyasupreme  eoce1ffb@kca, ts'i not nltmarea hai,hmtsoo iacbyalls ouy tsju vaeh to degaisrdr eht TEENRI tisouqne stem dan hte tlsa tpar fo eht ceenntse i(f eth mm'so THS eogs up) emans thta es'ehrt phtriyhomsiydo ngiog ,no hicwh seacsu mire.itcsn +5
b1ackcoffee  ahTnsk you p@narumo!ytsee +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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shiT sha to do whit grudtninsande two h,tsgni taht mtaneral omyytdrpiisohh is dlkine ot ri/lieeantunmCsr emoednptvle fo eth seuf,t and lnorma nenryacgp In pr,nyaencg icnesdrae msnhoero itmasletu rilve rocpdtouni of roisauv roitpnse kile Sxe ornHmoe iBnignd inGulblo Thxoe),SyB(HnGri giBidnn olnbiulG ,G()TB .cet Mreo BTG dedpcoru = orem T34/T si unbod. Less T43T/ aesucs rmoe RTH arels,ee roem SHT eale,res and moer 4TT3/ pdictonuro tnilu reef 4/T3T lseevl are cakb to na.roml In a mlnrao nyangrce,p htis phpnesa no melr.opb In menoeso twih eeprixsigt-n dyispohytimhor hgoh,ut yrldaae sha mipiarde 3/T4T upidrnootc, and 'wton eb elba ot eekp pu hiwt snedercai Thier T3 lwli ,irse ubt siht wnto' tulrse ni nidcarees 3TT4./ ly,acTiply nmowe htiw 'hmiHoassto dieinrsg to teg pntagrne lliw eedn ot caieerns ehtir rohxeoetnlvyi edos in piiicntnatoa fo ihst enyrcgpna ac.ghen

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thotaak(5)
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lNoaylmr lameanrt T/34 ear rueideqr orf aleft narib opelevtmned ebfeor featl hotrydi aldng si oe.fdmr nAd atrfe fleta yhtodri dngla is omf,dre ealft T3/4 lpehs ni inrab edevl.pnoetm oS inacerse HST aensm eddercesa ntamlear 34T/ nad hust vhae ban iarbn .loenveedmpt Adn eys 4T/3 sserosc .atnaclpe

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thotaak  rccdAgnoi to Ribnosb tlpaooyhg +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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omnutAeumi dtrioiyhist a(ka Hs)ohmtoia + gne;r-ntta-p&g Tikhn outba oytplssiibi of lftae poyohdiytihrsm ued ot ynodibta ieetdadm tmlanare orpmoyyhs.hiitd Laeds to iiCs.rentm dngFsiin ni taifnn rae hte '6P P(to ey,lbl Pe,al fuPyf ,feca oigrPrutdn umu,siicbl eattuPbornr ueogtn, adn Proo iarnB nd.eevtlpmoe

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neonem  I t'odn aesnuddtnr eth lats atrp of hsit neiuqsot semt fi the mr'theso TSH isnsc*reae* indgur a?ngrnpcye douln'tW hsti fehtrru eeicsarn ehr noa/r(d the sue'fts) itnocodpru fo T4 dan thsu tnotcruace het dihhm?ytspyooir +
poojaym  eonn@me on. uAmentiuom ioyprohmiydths si a dcttiuroesn fo eht idrhoyt ,ndgla nad a ecsadere ni ontrdcpoiu fo 4T.3/T n A eecinras in STH naesm that erthe is not egnouh T/T34 ot itinhib HRT, nda os SHT si gienb eleaders ot ltimeuats the iodtyhr l.angd +41
arezpr  SH,T T3, 4T and bnyoullorgthi ocannt rcsso hte pnatlealc aei.rbrr +1
chamaleo  ep@arzr gtohulah tshoe nrohesom ncat' rsc,so het oobtiasdnuetai orfm ihmHsoaots' acn +1
yotsubato  Teh bbay ash tsi onw HTS hoguth +
sbryant6  HST scemo omrf eth prtiit,auy adn tac on the itrdyo.h tboaouiesiAntd taatck eht ,itdhory so HTS dson'te korw. +
kimcharito  on oertig hetn? +
lola915  I khnit tehre si no otrige ueebsca teh bybas' rdhtioy agldn hsa ont yfull lpoeeeddv nad these inollbousmiumnlg mofr eht eothmr dclou ckttaa hte thryiod ldagn ldanige to susesi wiht i'st emenpevldt.o +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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Teh lrea itgnh is T,HS T3, T4 dna hlbrolnguiyot nnotac srsco paltacne. ,TRH ienI,do ITS acn srf.Icso etomhr hsa gihh TSH rgcinedsni(o yprmari i)dryomhythiosp —;t&g oPro biarn epotmIelf vdne oremht ash STI otao)Hsmi(h —&;gt csosr eth encpllaat eraribr Ie—csraen in trodiyh dlnag yMa( eensprt tihw riodsrt at

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demihesmisome  hhhhhA ahTnk uy.o sihT asw waht I swa tgrnyi ot d.trasdenun +1
apurva  epasel eotn that feer 4t nca ossrc the taanlecp +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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taecyxl woh edos rnmeltaa imahotsoh cna aseuc ?nmecisrti

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lola915  mhostiiHa is dcaeus yb eobsitidan ntsaiga thdyrio xerpdaesio and l.tirnohugyobl Those ienoitabsd anc cssro het nalteapc dan ftcfae ibesab odityrh lndga auscign anenciolgt or.ihdohsypytmi +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I ktihn tshi esgt at a opctcne tralede ot hordtyi elslev nad sgypco.nnrreegnt/ea

Eteorsng ciareness the eelvl fo n-iinedghryxbiont nboul,igl which arlpeyirmot sdraeesce eefr 4T adn ,3T dna ceeisansr TSH lntui teh alondaidit TBG bcsmeeo esatu,ardt dan anlrom ellvse era

nScie hits etnpait ahs muimnuteao thdyo,risiti nda uqieersr xrio,ehynt when erh erfe 4T scredesea, dna ehr TSH egso up, seh nowt maek etxar .T4 So nsusel seh snsraeeci reh erthiyoxn od,se hse liwl eb ooyphhyitrd ;gt--& scitnrmei in hte teufs

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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ehre si a ycpo epdats knli .

ir,fst ghih tsh = yihohipomrtdsy

oHw nac hsidoyotmhpiry fefcat me nad ym yabb? rthiody orohmsne are oatminrtp to oryu ybab's ribna and ouvsnre yesmst ,nevdeteomlp tnedaurte erdhoiethyyspills—copaymi ignrud eth ifrst —ratmineescrt ascue lwo IQ adn emrspolb hiwt manrol ed.neotpvlme

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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sihT atelirc fials ot ninmeto orpo ibnar peleoetvdmn ni sodPt.HrmiihyRYE ehT hourta tusm have emtna dtmHhiiOsy.oYrP

sihT esqoniut pstseu me to no

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aesalmon  I a,reeg eth acleirt yuo ledikn setsta "ngsis of aeltf ptyordihrshiemy hucs sa ihayatdr,cca ntnareurtiie hrgwot atrrni,todae rcciada ,lruaefi adn hte eenvlmdetpo fo talfe i I"ro g te shoce nwaers E rgunid het aemx - royihTd" ladng nlaeSeelintlt rmg" grtiny ot adnndsetru owh ehyt dklein rsmiietcn ot a aces ewher het mtrsho'e rohiipyohmtdys swa llwe cderootlnl, and hnte edkas ofr eth elsuqaee fi her HST ds.eaecirn yaebM eneraisdc SHT si eppudoss to aenidtci rowinensg rotidhyhpyo - wlo 4T/3T ieedgnn to eb ltadmseuti by S?HT +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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My htoghtu secopsr aws fi eth heomrt sha niedscare ,STH hed's eb nsuig orme niideo ot eodupcr /4T3. aniengM elss odlwu be laeb ot gte ot eth byba orf nbair .eeopvldtenm

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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This si a eryv iyktcr tnsiuoeq in mrtes of snghipra it. Thye meka su nthik tboua tahw fecfet hhig THS sedo on a uefts elhwi it lrlaey tmean ahtw nca ppnahe to eth bayb in na dyeatoidait-mdenb mipsihoyyhotdr rteoS seykan so so

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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ehT rmhoet ash meumatuion hdriottiisy nad tntareemt is nevig ofr iimphdhoroysty nly.o hwy edso ti eamrtt if eth eh'sromt THS is hihg ro ?owl idaAioeutosbtn ouwdl ltsil eb trpeesn adn thye lowud sawayl ascue riicetnsm epitircserev fo rtomhe shonmore lelv.e Inst' i?t

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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tCnimseir oc(netlniga sithdryoim)oyph si het mtos mmoocn useca fo teablaetr nlemta ydblsaiiti. assueC proo nbrai pevemel.odtn

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