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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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eesr'H na xelneeltc migea mofr ASMBSO if olepep rae naighv fltidyifcu auinziglvsi :sthi hQm//Vmuicg/stpmWoRta/rm.:h

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lovebug  ervy uh!elpfl nkatsh! +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by jotajota94(14)
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DAP ofwsl fmor aroat to pnolrmuay rtarye irdneceags hoeeatr.dorlfTefa re ccadiar uopttu ensasreic

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seagull  entosd oepa-rdl lsao rseceade ihwhc lwudo odrp eht ..C?O +
hungrybox  sugeal@l I khint ti oldwu einacres lardpeo c/b mreo lodob si gonig itno het puyraonlm rseriate -> nlsug -> opnayrlmu envis >- vtaleyunle oemr obodl ni eftl ec/uenalirttivmr >- icn rpdloea +63

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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PAD wlsof ofrm teh otraA =;=t&g aunlmorPy rt,aeersi by assginp eht VR os ehter si on egachn in O2 in eht R.V

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felxordigitorum  eTh le"st"a omfr teh ratoa igrudn edatlsio euqrersi enrdicaes idrccaa pttuuo ot .npcsatomee eExyrmlet eateumprr inntsaf have ildeitm latbiiy ot arseeicn oskter lveomu nad tshu esu aricseedn herat aetr ot asneeirc aiarccd uou.ptt spsvlib./nnmnw8:w0.wc4Kbooi35k/.tt/B/gNohh/7. +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A PAD nteeiyssall ecetrsa a lhw-igfho arhte freiaul oiintuast ni eht .abby ncSie a frtnioac of eht VL otpuut is ndrueret howttiu hinaegcr the ody,b ni order ot taimanin a ranlom CO ot eht bdyo hte ftle lceneirvt mtus ppmu a gehirh e.uvmol Tihs ouwdl osal cusae herihg athn ormanl onlaurpym caaylplir lf.wo

I nhtik seom fo teh rehot iensutqo are gtegint ta the daie ahtt ew not'd wnok eht icneoirtd of flow ofr .seur If teh flow asw -&u-gl;oaat,grsnt eht ycisestm 2OP dowlu be nrmoal dna RV OP2 ihgh. tuB fi ti's ipetoos,p het etpoposi dluow be rt.ue

ecniS AsDP are endaitnmia yb EP,G2 atht wudol nocbittreu ot a wol eipprrlaeh srucalav tasrc.siene

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didelphus  eoanrth* seru enodt thta shti oldnut'w tiamcp VR gyxneo seacueb hte dlobo is daded to the anplorumy y,taerr cihhw hsa txeeid eht VR. +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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Wyh is dose a PAD etraf rihtb ultser ni ghi"hre naht lomnra flet creuiarvlnt rcacdia "ottupu eorv deneascir t"rhgi cauelirnvtr "?P2O seoD the plum yaetrr -;-&tg oatra tsnhu ocemeb resdever rfeta bht,ri so hgrhei eogxny atora lodbo wldou lowf abkc iont hte hgrit celn?evitr I etg htta roem lodob uolwd be pupmde to the lfte ect,envlri tenlirgus in VLVRH,/H ubt nd'to stunadernd teh 2O .itb

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usmleuser007  1) ghhire htan ramonl CO c/b oblod is hndeust from ortaa to opmnrauyl rset.aeri ihsT doblo is addde ot eht luovme that saw dmpepu oint eth uplryanmo ertrsiae by the VR. Nwo nehw teh yndtaeeogx oolbd rsnuter to the AL & ,VL hte O2 eoctntn uwlod be eraegrt dt/ hergih bdolo ulv.eom Alos orf atth esma esnaro mreo oolbd is renngiutr to eht VL t(/d VL oluevm pslu rtincaof fo RV )mlev.ou iTsh erscinade eth . g -Cht -iR>O fLte nsuths ahev late aosyncsi /bc hte VR si guphsni itsgaan eht cexsse uersspre etdnreeag by teh .VL hsTi easdl to seignrmeEen odnmSery as RV eagenlsr dna shpues aisnatg eht sesrerup frmo eht VL ni hte AP.D sTuh igsnifth tLef to rhigt to trhgi ot Lfte and hstu eht leat sciaonys +2
temmy  eTh yoantam is nyo-paamartrulo ayorapmlre-ntury eletnifsv- frmeta-tuli octrenvlite iecN htat the dlboo ddi ton oecm caross hte trhig arhte at lal and seecaub fo teh LETF TO GIRTH sthnu fo hte PA,D we dad orme mvoule to hte FTLE side. neHce eth cniedsear letf acrluviertn upotut +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  ogGni ffo of the tcnmomes leepop vhea sdetop veaob & nadik nrnbgiig hsgnti e gAer:oP httD lwofs mrof toraa ot louapnrym aerters,i hihcw vsersere etafr brith. sTih seanm gexoda-tedeny doobl wfol rfmo eht umnyropla rseierat ot teh aotra & ssel lvomue engib enst ot hte FL ides of hte e.atrh T hsi uelsrst in a ardeecdes atraedolf cubesea htree is ssle loodb fnoliwg rmof the nslgu to -rleifl eth LF etecliv,rn & eth earth is llsit ppmguni tiwh eht msea efroc as reoeb,f os eth esma umvelo of oobld is vnlgia,e tub sesl in ginreent the LF dsei of teh t.hFr r mao e ,hree oyu sue OC = VS x R SV H = peadrlo - faladorte h(wcih is eacsdeedr deu to eht T Di sPh) A rsstleu ni SV bgnei rlrage nath ,laomnr os enwh ouy uplg ahtt tnoi OC = SV x HR uyo egt a ihehgr embnru fro aarccdi tu.pout +
didelphus  The tuscdu taseriosru flwos rfmo AP >-- ratao in utore ot byapss the lgsun, hicwh evha yetexlemr hgih rtsaceinse to wfl.o sThi reevsres artef hrbit edu ot a orpd in PGE2 hwh(ic asw dpleiusp by hte pantecal) nda nsearcie in leiddestf- setsymic nea.reitscs So a ADP lpiatycly wflos toara --> AP gnsaiu(sm reeht era no toher et.c)feds +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jandj19(0)
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hTsi si a yver oclo cnepotc axdilpene in teh dpRai veRiew tgpoalyho oob,k gpae 7.52

ddestfLe-i ot riedgt-hids erhta tsnuhs lruests ni oemulv relavood ni eht hgrit esdi fo teh r,ahte whhic cernsaise LV oulemv ad)(poler deu to rmeo dolbo ninrergut romf hte rithg rahet to the eflt ret.ha nA sraeneic in LV perldoa is qluae omer adcirca puuott and mreo rokw orf eth .retah tLera ni feil atht ilwl adel ot na ccetirenc yetp of HVL htwi adcreese dcricaa u,totup oprnlmayu pnteisnreyoh nda a rcencoctni RVH ued ot ihgh tredfloaa that the hgirt htrea ahs to ppmu

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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Low adtolearf &g;t ihhg OC

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hsiT si eth taucal corerct ln:opnatixea

APD csuase obldo ot lwof rofm scgeinednd aotra ot tatpen sutcud iusersrtoa tnio aryomlunp ltoiciacrun li)"g-fth-rtteo"(

eTh tsl"e"a mrof eht ataor rndgiu oldaetsi isrureeq sceidnare cacadri ututpo to etpaeocmsn ot evdlire qeaudaet amuont fo obldo to rets fo yobd

oc:eSur og:tvb0/n/pB./8hwh.cwobwsis/.4/ik.K5m73nNtonl

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fkstpashls  'Ist L ot R +2

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