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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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eesH'r na enxlclete eigam fomr SBAOMS if epploe rae nhavgi iflifdutyc liisvgainuz h:tsi mc:ha///.rmpRht/VmuoiQmtgWs

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lovebug  ervy efp!ulhl !hkasnt +

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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PAD wsolf ofmr otara ot omlyaprun arerty edegnrcasi fhatTerr doelora.eef dricaac otputu iseancesr

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seagull  detons odplrea- olsa eedacsre chwih oldwu ropd hte ?CO.. +
hungrybox  @uallesg I hkint ti wodlu rscaeien rapldeo cb/ oerm lobdo si giong ntio the lapmynrou eiarsret >- ugsnl >- noplrmuay venis >- ytevullnea reom loobd in flet aeniretrtlmc/ivu -> cin rdapeol +63

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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PDA flsow mrfo teh taAor gt;==& orulyamnP aeetr,sir by spgaisn the RV os three si on ngahce ni 2O in hte VR.

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felxordigitorum  The ts"lea" from the aoatr rndigu eostdlia rqeusrei dcsrienae raiccad tptuou ot teecoms.apn yEexertlm mpraeurte anstnfi haev lmediit yitbali ot nseiarec teorsk luemvo and suht ues cedsnreai erath tera ot earnisec radaicc top.tuu o/ioKwt0wosNb.n.w5.Blv:7chi.n/tb/ksn/348/mhpg +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A DAP lsnayielest easetrc a hiof-glhw ahter afrulei tntausioi in the .aybb einSc a cotfnair fo eht VL otputu is tdernuer hiwotut rngiehca eht d,boy ni eodrr ot antaimin a nomrla CO to teh obyd eht telf itecvlern stum pmup a ihhreg .moelvu ishT wludo olsa esacu hrehig atnh aorlnm lanruomyp iaprllacy lf.ow

I knthi eoms fo eth ertoh nsoqeuti aer tgegtni ta teh aide ahtt ew dtno' wnko teh inedocitr of fwol for esu.r fI eth lofw was al,agg;&uots-n-tr eht emycssit O2P odlwu eb lrmaon dna VR O2P ghh.i utB fi tis' opeoptsi, teh sopptieo owdul eb ture.

niSce sAPD rae aaitdmienn by ,EP2G ttah dlowu urbioctten ot a lwo aipheerrpl svcaaulr crinsea.est

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didelphus  h*eatron eurs netdo taht tihs lonu'wtd mtiacp RV nogeyx ceuabes eht obdol is dddae ot hte ayuorlnpm rtra,ye cwihh has itdxee hte R.V +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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hWy si esdo a PDA eatfr rhitb usrtel ni e"ihgrh anth anrmol fetl rneavliturc cadrcai "poutut evor erideacns irthg" viceruraltn "?2OP osDe the puml eytrra &-tg-; toara hsntu oeecmb dvrseree etfar hbtri, os grhhie xyneog oatar blood owudl wolf acbk iotn eth trihg ecitnrl?ev I gte that eomr bldoo wulod be mppdue to eth tefl re,icnvlte ierustgln ni V/VHHR,L btu notd' dndaetusnr eht 2O

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usmleuser007  )1 ehirhg htan onamrl OC c/b obodl is hsundet orfm rtoaa to rmlopnyau ritresea. Thsi bodol is deadd ot teh eulvom atth swa epmpud tnoi hte rlmnapuyo iearsert yb het V.R wNo enwh hte aygxotdnee obodl snerrut to teh AL & ,VL eth O2 tcnneot dulwo be trargee t/d hirehg boodl losA orf hatt same osrnea mero loobd si gunrntrie to teh LV d/(t LV elmouv ulsp cinaotrf fo RV vomel.u) hsTi renaidces teh .-COghRt >i- Left hsunts have elat nicoyssa c/b teh RV is pghnsiu tinasag eht seecsx ssuprere edtregane by teh L.V sThi lades ot seeEmrengin rdynmeSo as RV snlgeear dna pehssu aiganst het eseprusr frmo eth LV in the .PDA hTus gtifnsih eftL to hirtg to hgrit ot Letf nda uhst eht tlea ianysocs +2
temmy  hTe amnatoy is mrtao-pranlouay oruelayrnay-tpmr -ieetsvfln tafm-tluire eNitr cilctoeevn ttah eht oldbo ddi tno mceo sracos teh hirgt reath ta all dan aecseub of hte TFEL TO RHTIG sunht fo the ,PAD we dda oemr uovmel to hte ELTF .dsei cneHe eht icndseaer tlfe arevcunrtli ttupuo +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  ioGng ffo fo het mcemnots ppeole ahev odpets vobae & naidk giignbrn intghs D Atgr e o htPe: fwlso ormf atrao ot mroynaulp taeesrr,i iwchh rrsseeve raeft .hirbt Thsi aenms dgxeeantodey- odlob lfwo mfor het lyunmaopr aeestrri ot the oaart & slse evuoml iebng nste ot het FL side of eth hea.rt h iTs rtsuels in a ecesddrae aafoletdr ueacsbe reteh is esls bldoo lwgnofi omrf teh lugns ot fille-r eht LF erln,tevic & the ehatr si litls pigpumn whti the asem orfce sa e,oefbr os hte ames umovle of lbood si vieangl, but less ni nieetngr hte FL sdie of het F ea.r omhrt rhee, uyo ues CO = VS x RVSH = ardlpoe - rtodeafla ih(cwh si asredceed edu ot eht )hsi TA DP rutesls ni SV genib lgrear ntah nao,mlr so nhew yuo ulpg hatt inot OC = VS x HR ouy tge a eghirh nebumr fro adiarcc op.uttu +
didelphus  hTe tucusd trusoriase foslw from AP --> tarao in rotue ot saspyb eth sgl,un hihwc ahev eerytlmex gihh eetsnisarc to ofwl. ihTs veesrers atefr rtibh edu ot a prod in 2PEG hich(w swa pupdleis by eth ana)pletc adn reeciasn in i-fldeedts seysimtc c.neetsirsa oS a DPA lpyilyact slwfo aarto >-- PA s(msinaug heter rea on ehtor .eesdctf) +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jandj19(0)
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isTh is a ryev oocl occenpt dxealienp ni eth pdiaR ewRiev yolagtpoh ,kboo gepa 5.72

-fLddseiet to didiresh-gt atreh nshust eltssur in levuom avloerod ni hte thirg ieds of teh earht, cihhw ecsaeirsn LV veulom p(ordael) ued ot oerm obodl reunngrit morf eht hritg threa to teh eflt ethar. An arscneie ni LV rodapel si leqau orme dacrcia uotupt and more krwo rfo eth e.atrh rLtae ni elif tath wlil aeld to an ceirectnc tpye fo VLH wthi dsecaree dacraic ,upttuo rnualpyom repyenhntiso dna a crnecntcio HRV due ot hghi atrfelaod thta hte irtgh etrha sah ot mppu gta.nisa

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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Lwo eaadtofrl &g;t hhgi CO

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hTis si eht taclua tocercr nletaaxpi:on

ADP uscaes oldbo to fwol rmfo snddgeenic aotra to pteatn dsuuct iruoatsers into yunprlamo rnuacotlici (ttrgf--ti"lo)h"e

eTh aels""t from eht arota nugrid ldaoseti qreuesri edesanric adaccri opuutt to enacmtespo to derliev edaaqtue tnuaom fo dlobo to trse fo boyd

:eScruo .0//w5.hgcs3n/.hi4Nvobo8.kpts/ntww:il/nobB7mK

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fkstpashls  Ist' L ot R +2

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