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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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'eersH an clexelnet agmei mfor AOSBMS fi oleepp rae nhviag udifficytl aguzlisinvi :hsti pcg/mmWh/si.Qutammoh/RtrV/:

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lovebug  ryev luelph!f htknas! +

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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ADP lfswo form aroat ot pmonyurla yerart isdcgernea orlrTe efrhaa.fdeeot cacidar tuputo iceesasnr

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seagull  dtoens ald-epor oals descaree cihwh olwud dpor eth .O?.C +
hungrybox  agell@us I nkith it dlwou isnracee orpaedl b/c mreo dloob is ggoni ntoi het namyurolp etrrisae >- lsnug -> ympaoulnr vsnei >- ulyletnave meor oldbo ni telf ltrtcieivurnme/a >- cni opelrad +63

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submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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ADP fswlo omfr teh aAort ==;&tg oaunmyPrl iareter,s yb snsgpia eth VR os heter si on cnhgae ni O2 ni eth VR.

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felxordigitorum  ehT "ta"sle fmor het raota udrnig italedso sreiueqr nsceirdae acdacir optutu ot oepanc.mtse elrxmteEy rmreaetup aftnnsi aveh mietidl tibyila to nrieseca oktres euvmol nad hsut esu rieaedncs ather tear to eersniac cariacd .oututp N./nwg/b/nh.ol.bwv:tkBsn04mtK5c/is/8oopw3.h7i +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A DPA tsiynlslaee seceatr a lhiowfh-g aerth rlieuaf ottinsuia ni teh b.bya ceSin a foianrct of het LV tuupot si deteurrn outhitw niaregch teh dbyo, in orred to inmntiaa a noamlr OC ot eth oybd the left nrlviceet tsmu mpup a rhgeih vu.eoml hsTi lwuod osla ecasu herghi tahn olrmna pnrlyuoma crlyiapal .oflw

I hkitn meso of hte erhot uoistneq are inggett ta het iade ahtt we 'odtn kown eht toiirecnd of lfow orf .urse fI eth olfw asw s,g&;-ruao-ttnalg eth msieytcs 2PO ulowd eb normla dan VR PO2 hig.h utB fi sti' pep,toiso eht tpsoipeo doluw eb rteu.

eSicn AsPD rea ameiiandnt yb 2E,PG atht dlowu nttiuocerb to a wol hrilppeera rusalcav .sctireesan

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didelphus  hetarn*o uesr ondte hatt shti tw'odunl campit RV ongeyx esauebc eth doobl si aeddd to eth oplnraumy t,eyrra cwhhi sah deteix hte RV. +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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Why is deso a DPA aerft tribh srtelu ni heihrg" anth rloman ltfe ntlceuvrira acdraic otptuu" voer ecsairend hti"rg tculiaverrn ?2"OP eDso teh ulmp rytera --;gt& raoat thsun oeemcb reseevrd eratf i,tbhr os hhrige ogyxen raato lbdoo lwoud wlfo bkac inot het grhit nr?teicvel I tge hatt emor obdlo ouwdl eb mppdeu ot teh fetl ,rticnleve nuieltrsg ni R,/HVHVL but d'not dtresdnuna teh O2 tib.

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usmleuser007  )1 gehrhi ahtn rnomal CO c/b obodl is hsnduet mrfo oatra to rmolpunay saerrie.t hisT loobd si dedda ot eth mulove that swa peumdp tino hte yprnlumao sartiere by eht VR. wNo ehwn hte eytogenaxd dbolo runtesr to eht LA & L,V eht O2 enotnct dlowu eb traegre /td herigh lbdoo ovmule. oAls ofr ahtt esma raseno omer odolb is rguteninr ot teh LV /d(t VL ulvmeo pusl ofiarnct of RV ).vueolm hsTi isecanred teh >.hg C-Oi Rt- fetL usnhst ahev alte syocasin /bc hte VR is isuphgn atnigsa teh excses rpesreus adengrete yb het VL. sihT ldeas ot emeenginErs yedmnroS sa VR eealsgnr dna susehp asaigtn the useprsre rmfo eth VL in eht AD.P suTh isgntfih etfL to higtr to tigrh to Ltef nda tuhs eth alte cansoysi +2
temmy  The yoatamn is lmaotrunypoar-a pmltnyeauar-ryro efnesvt-il iarf-tmeult iei otvnecterlcN htat hte oolbd did nto cmeo cosars hte ihrtg htrea ta lal nad ueasecb fo eth TLFE OT TGHRI nutsh of eht ,PDA ew dda rmeo omulve ot eht FTEL ised. ceenH hte anceserdi eltf rievurntcal outupt +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  gnioG fof fo hte tcsemonm epleop aevh otpdes eovba & adink rginginb nhsgit PDogAh:rtte e fwosl ormf araot ot arnlymopu rtae,ries chhwi srrevsee tfrae thir.b Tsih mnsae aedxeon-tdegy dloob flow fomr het nlpymaoru saerrtie to eht atoar & lses veumlo igneb stne to the LF sied fo het ater.h h siT letrsus ni a eddsaeecr lraetdfoa baueesc ehtre is essl dolob lnfowgi frmo eth glnsu to ll-efri eht FL ic,nvreetl & hte arteh is tslil ignpmup ithw the esam rfoec as efb,reo os teh msea meoluv of bdloo is gviel,na btu sles ni eetnrgin eht LF seid of eht e or Fh.mar t hee,r uyo seu OC = VS x HVR S = aelrpod - alrefdaot hwhic( is eeearcdds ued to eth P T iAsDh) eulstsr ni SV being grerla tahn lornam, so ewhn uoy glpu htat iton OC = VS x RH ouy gte a igrehh bnmeur rof diccara ptout.u +
didelphus  eTh utcdsu suriaseotr solfw form PA --> aarto in uotre to spasby teh u,nsgl hiwhc heva lrmyetxee ghhi rcssntaeie to wlfo. shiT seresvre freta brhti edu to a rpdo in G2EP chhiw( wsa upsplide yb eth atne)clap dna aerscien ni ldfeeitsd- smsyietc eetrsa.ncsi oS a APD tylaiycpl wofls oarat ->- PA a(gmsnsui eterh rea on oterh eedft)c.s +

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submitted by jandj19(0)
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iThs is a rvey lcoo occtpne lapnidxee in teh Rdiap iveRwe ltohpaygo obok, pgae 27.5

dL-esditef ot hergstiid-d rteha tshnsu sutlrse ni luvome dvaeolro ni eth irhgt edis of eth h,tear chiwh esiaencsr LV ouvlem (ap)rdelo eud ot orem ldboo tunrneigr rmfo het ithrg hrate to eht etfl .rthae An enscraei ni LV earlodp si qaule mreo ccaradi ptuuot dan ermo wrok rfo het erta.h Larte in lefi atth ilwl dlea to na cietnccer teyp of LVH hitw eaercdes crcaadi pt,outu lnaurpomy rnnyhteeiops and a oitecnncrc HRV ude to hghi oraaelftd tath teh tigrh eraht ash to umpp agti.ans

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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oLw fdaeralto ;t&g hgih OC

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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sThi si teh caautl orerctc npaxnetal:oi

APD saseuc odblo ot ofwl orfm edindgnesc roaat to tpntae utucds iterorssua iotn rnlpuomay rocnitcilau i-tf)gt("lo-trhe"

eTh se"l"at romf eht rtaao gnduir stideaol euiqrser cnarieeds rdacica uuottp to oecpatmsne ot redevil eatdqaue oanmut fo obold ot etrs of boyd

Sc:oeru 0bhv843i5/n.7sbwk/swt/Nnctwh.oi:.gpKooB/l.nm/

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fkstpashls  'Ist L ot R +2

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