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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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H'sere na eexleltcn miaeg mfor BSOSAM fi eppelo ear hvaing ffilctiudy snlgvuziaii ist:h iamRQc:/h/gp.Wtm/rhmVtsoum/

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lovebug  vrey pulh!elf t!hnaks +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by jotajota94(14)
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ADP lwosf mofr arota ot mpaoyurnl erryat aidnegrecs f.ofatrhedlaoeer rTe iradacc outupt eanrscesi

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seagull  estodn rdpo-ela olas ecdsaree hwchi uldow ropd teh C.?O. +
hungrybox  euglls@a I tkihn ti oluwd eaircesn odrplea cb/ omre dlboo si going oitn eht noylrmpua eriraste >- usnlg -> nomlyparu insve -> lleayenutv roem odlob in tefl l/ivrecitntemaur >- nci peadolr +63

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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DPA owsfl fomr eht torAa &=;g=t amnuPyrol ters,irae by npsgasi eht VR os reteh is on hacneg in O2 in eth RV.

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felxordigitorum  Teh sel""at mfro the oraat rdngiu eistlaod reiqrues sndceeiar icraacd ttuuop to moee.atnpcs leEmxytre retrpueam antsifn eavh elimitd biatyil to acsernie ksrote lveumo dan htus esu deaesincr erath etra ot cserenia iacrdca uttop.u .pmhk/vsith:ngBi5w3oN0nlbb/.c4/8n.o/.w7to/swK +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A PAD llteysinase etcaesr a lgf-hhwio arhte falueri tnistiuoa in eth .bayb ncSie a fniarcto of teh VL puttuo is rurendet tihtuwo anrecihg the bd,oy ni odrre to nnitaami a oanmrl OC ot het odby the etfl elnvicrte tmsu pupm a ehgirh .vulemo siTh lwduo lsoa ceaus ghihre nhat alonmr omlrnupay ylacrplia .wolf

I khnit oesm fo het hotre eotsnqui aer ietnggt at teh idae ahtt we ntdo' owkn eth iodreitnc fo wflo for s.ure If teh flwo wsa a-&sngou-ttalg,r; eht sstemiyc 2PO olwud eb molnar nda VR 2OP h.hgi uBt fi 'ist ,espotopi hte oesoiptp odwul eb u.ret

neciS DPAs ear eiatimannd by ,EGP2 htat ludwo nrouceibtt to a low elrappheri acsualrv ase.icnster

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didelphus  nrhotae* urse doetn atth thsi wut'nold pacimt RV ygenxo esauecb the bodol is eddda to eth rlompuyan ytare,r iwchh sah eitedx hte VR. +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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Wyh si deso a PDA freta bhtri leurst ni hr"hige tnha amnorl felt rntuvreclai crdaaci to"puut vero nsdcraeei t"rihg utrealrcivn 2?P"O sDoe the mupl retrya ;t-&g- rotaa nhust obeemc eeedvrrs fraet rhb,ti so irhhge xegnoy oarta oolbd lwduo wfol kacb ntoi hte rhigt rec?eitvnl I tge tath emro bolod ulwdo eb uepmdp ot teh ftel erc,nvteli rntslgeui ni VRLHH/V, btu tndo' rtnseunadd the O2

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usmleuser007  1) reghih htan maornl CO /bc bdool is hnetdus ofmr aarot ot yonulmrpa rt.aresei Tshi doolb is deadd ot eth moeulv atht saw emudpp toni het yrolunmap teaesirr by the RV. wNo wenh eht oaygtnxede blodo estnrru to teh AL & VL, eht 2O ncotten ulwdo be etaegrr d/t rheghi oodbl umelo.v solA ofr atht easm oesnar omer bodlo is etnurring ot eht VL /(td LV olumev sulp oartinfc of VR o.v)ulme shiT nscraedie eht -R.-iOgC th> Letf ssnhut ahve atle scsaiyon bc/ eth RV si gnuihsp iagnats teh xsesec perseusr eeganrted yb eht L.V Tihs esald ot ereesmgniEn dmeryonS as RV eelanrsg dna shseup aagntsi eth reepussr ofmr hte VL in het .DPA uhsT igshinft Ltfe ot rtihg to itrhg ot tfLe nad hsut hte late nioyssac +2
temmy  Teh yoamtna is up-mnayrooaatlr y-onerartpmlaury fvleenis-t ufr-mtetali tectinel vceiNro ahtt hte boold ddi nto cemo sraocs hte ghirt haert ta lal nda ecaeusb fo the FTEL TO RGTHI nutsh fo teh APD, we dda omer evloum ot eth LTEF desi. Hence het eicdnrsea letf calnertvuir otutpu +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  giGno off fo the emonstcm olpeep evha eosdpt oaveb & akidn rbnigign tighns hDoet e PgArt: flwso rmof otraa to alunpmory itsar,eer wchhi evrrsees aeftr br.iht hiTs senam etddaxgneo-ye dbloo flwo mrfo eth mruyopanl aerestri to eth aotra & sels lveuom bneig ents ot eht FL eids of het eahrt. Tshi uesrslt in a aedeecrsd eolrafdta uacbees eterh is sles bolod lonigwf rfom het lsugn ot -elrlfi het FL vic,lneter & eht rthea is iltsl muinppg itwh the msae rcfoe sa eeorfb, os het msea uvoelm of bodol si eailv,ng ubt esls in egitrnne teh FL ieds of eth ae.m F horr t ehr,e oyu sue CO = VS x RS VH = roealpd - adefotral i(wchh si ereesadcd deu ot eht P h T)DiAs sutlres ni VS ibneg errgal thna lran,om so ehnw oyu gplu taht tnoi OC = VS x HR you teg a ehgrhi umnreb ofr acracid outupt. +
didelphus  hTe uutsdc siruresoat oflws rofm AP --> atoar ni ouert to sybaps eth unl,sg hchwi evah meryexlet ghih eitsncreas to wolf. ihTs vseerers ratfe ribht eud to a prdo ni E2GP hw(hci aws ipdeupls by hte cnap)leat and riecanse ni eedi-fdlst sisyemtc is.arestcen oS a APD lytlycaip fswlo orata >-- AP masn(uigs eterh rea no ohert sedetf).c +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jandj19(0)
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iThs si a evry oocl ncpetco iaxdneelp ni eth daipR ewveRi yogtoplah ,obko gepa .725

eLsiddte-f ot stihg-idedr htrea stsnuh letusrs ni vmeoul rdoloeva in hte tgirh side fo teh rte,ha wcihh esscaenir LV vlmoue arled)o(p due ot mroe olbod nngriutre orfm teh thgir areht to hte eltf h.ater An icesnear ni VL oadplre si qlaue meor ardicac utotup dan orem okrw orf teh .hrate areLt ni lfei ttha lilw dael ot na rnctcicee ptey of HVL wtih ereceads rciacad p,uoutt praulomyn pneotsernyih adn a nciceontrc RHV ued to ghih readfaotl ahtt eht tigrh taerh sah ot umpp sgatani.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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Lwo atfalerdo g;t& hghi CO

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hiTs si hte ctalau ocetrrc xiop:tlnanae

DPA seausc lobdo to wolf frmo esedgdnnci ratao to tpatne stucud oierurssat into yronumpal cinlraotuci o"tit--)"f(tlhgre

heT lase"t" rmfo teh traoa uginrd dltesoai qsrreieu aniesredc ccaadir uptotu to oncsmatpee ot irdeevl uqadatee uamnto of ldobo ot estr of ybdo

r:uoSce ss.b5kno.:h0w/8Kw/lcobiBv.o/h//nnNg.t4iwtmp73

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fkstpashls  stI' L ot R +2

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