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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old girl is brought to a clinic in a ...
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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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If you ontdluc' reemrebm wichh reew leitsse;an tneh rntteviaael dluow heva nbee to leireaz ahtt wgoignr riehclnd eend elslc to idive.d ihsT ersqeuir AND ltripaenioc dna anaoi.tstnrl Of ciwhh eht nelicuc adci hemtiy si ontrpmai.t tI uriesqer a eytlmh eft.rasrn

This is wrehe eiehtnomin omesc n.i enieniMhot inceomsb twih PTA ot rmof MSA a( eytmhl drono)

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whossayin  ts’hTa a aglrydnee sknhTa edud! +
makinallkindzofgainz  iTsh si alcytex woh I eolsdv t!i I eememebrrd atht eeihtnnoMi si iseseanlt orf lemthy etssrfar,n adn yuo lowdu ndee that ni viingdid riw(ngo)g lecsl. tuB onw ll'I stuj emermrbe TVP MIT HaLL oto ): +2

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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oY wgad we lal tboau PVT IMT LHLa

lPaneiyhlanen, al,nieV r,DyTNoAKtp ,hneoenriT louesnc,iIe ee,ioiMhntn itdienisH, cineLeu nsieLy

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meningitis  I dton' adsdnuetrn tawh eth uqesitno is s.n.i.kga nca sonoeem eelspa xaleipn ti ot te P nti?a em noetsd eta o,nipter hsse ucbyb.h athW dseo entoihemin aveh ot do tihw ?hits +4
charcot_bouchard  stuJ bilalaysc ginska whihc is slanteies mioan dc.sia +4
usmleuser007  lstnisEea onaim adcsi hs(tioemgn i cmea pu . w)t 1ih Tehr"e LAH sanf will tyr "emt h.a iohreTenn = rhTee . b tHeindi;is ;inngArei seinyL = Hc L A. einyananellPh = dfn sa . ealniV; neeoIulisc; iLcenue = lw lie . naTtphopry = yfr .t hitMoneeni = hmte +4
nala_ula  yrheeT' snaigy ehter is a calk fo dogo laytuiq tproien t-;g& hlistg tinornuliat icyfin.eecd ehS yam have aceiuqdr hewtgi tub it's otn seuaceb of etiorpn. So r'ythee fliyasccplei sngaki twha onami dica she gtmih be ssmniig ued to her psubar die.t neicS silenesat oanim siacd era shteo ttah teh yodb tacnno kmae f,lites uto off shoet ,seildt mneoenhiit si teh ilssaeent oanmi aicd. sI't no egap 81 of FA 90.21 +11
nala_ula  otecrrc em fi mI' wonrg paesle :) +
hello  orF aenyon esnocfud yinrtg to oollwf '0eur@7lmussse0 nmtmceo l-h tiysg-l setoe fdsliimnadiE inoam dcais cenmoimn "Ah, Terhe asnf lwli ytr eh"mt Ah = ni,agrnei htrTehi ineides = aenrTnehsnF io h)pns=(a VnaPiilyelanh len Wi(ll -- ermnGa tceanc nprgnonciou shgElni rwod wi''l)l = lnva,ie lcunesi,oie cein,elu iysyen rlT = Meptnprotth hay = nhenotMeii +2
pg32  Wyh sode o@hlle and 7smuluee@rs00 ncmiomne tnacnio rin?igaen haTt it'ns ni the VPT MIT LaLH eiommcnn ofr ssenitael ioman ...iadcs +
paperbackwriter  23@pg nginraei si .stlnieeam-esis tI si taseelsni in meetrpr niasfnt hwo taconn eshstyzeni it et0?//t.isic0u573tScn9w/rel0c0/me%1ihc8.etv4/woii2eae3diprcawciDssh/i650c:pb0n +
ankigravity  I'st also itelnasse ni tsmei of etvipsio rnogtien bancale .e(i., gogwirn ikdd)os +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. r"Tehe ALH asfn lwli rty e"hm
t    .a eeroTnhin = rhTee 
    .b neiH;itids innArieg; eLnsiy = ALH
    c. eannhaelnliPy = af
sn    d. Vlei;na ;ucsoilneeI ciueLen = li
lw    .e rnytopTahp = y
tr    .f enineotiMh = t
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pparalpha  !kaTnhs Gdoo mnmoneci +1
b1ackcoffee  estb mnmeonic +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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istelaesn niomA dacis A(A)

1) slduAt qrueeir 9 (AA) = abel ot meka ariegnn iav urea cclye )2 ernCihld qurreei 01 A(A) = heyt rae lilst )pi oglnee3vd With PKU ytesroin esmebco lsstianee in obth usladt and dcneirhl

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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sLet' ays ouy ndi'dt wkon honemeniti wsa itan.seels

(A) Aielnan -- oyu acn arecet nlaaine romf eht zenemy LTA neina(al nsaatnmiaefesor),r utsh htsi eyzmen nactno be aslitnees

)B( retaspAat -- uoy anc tacree aprettsaa rmfo teh eymenz TSA saatter(ap ernsaten)or,ifmaas shut tish yeemzn acntno be laeesntsi

)(C ineyGcl -- sthi one is wol ylied, ubt it is eamd from nsreei nsieer( + TFH -&tg; 2CO + -HMeFT + fI ouy ndt'di okwn ubtoa si,ht uoy hda a /5050 thos

E() risyTone -- uyo anc etarec srotieyn mofr nlaeheaipynnl nselu(s of crueos yuo vhae ole)utkn,rnhepaiy nda suth hist nconta eb ainseltse.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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orF nanoye senoucdf ygrnit ot flolow s0u0'rs7eeum@sl emctnmo

itSgllhy idfeodmi

itlsnsaeE amoin siacd cmienomn h",A hTere fnsa lwil ytr t"hetmeh

Ah = agrneiin, hetiiisdn

erThe = eoiernnhT

nsFa (ph=as)n ninlanlaePhye

ilVl li(wl -- mGerna ceacnt pnnoguncior snlhgiE ordw llw)""i = ,envial elnsceui,io el,neuic ileyns

yrT = aphottprny

eMht = ehnMiietno

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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hTe ayw I mrreembe het aslnistee noaim sacdi is yb rineergecnf eht inaom dacis gupors I yedlaar knwo. So the tlsaenesi inoam cidsa r:ea

  1. ehT nbredhca hniac aimon casid: cInueisol,e enc,uiLe adn nelVia

  2. ehT igdnre namoi cisda XEEPTC erosTniy (ciwhh boseemc nelseaist in thseo hitw PU)K: hpTartnopy, Hi,nsditei lainenhenlayP

  3. heT srfluu inaicongnt amino da:isc einteCys and itndeisiH Y(ou iwll ees taedeb oevr hherewt ysietenC sliqueafi sa ssnleieat ro nto)

  4. heT wto yuo jtsu aevh to rezieo:mm hiTeenonr nad yLnesi

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mrglass  I etanm ot sya tynsCiee and eenionih*Mt +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by saqeer(6)
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a telitl gdmalnseii rhe sreaniec in whgite dmae it seem as if esh dah low roitdyh enmoorh and etnisroy is a .rcruorspe

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b1ackcoffee  tub ydhmyoptrshioi dwuol reacesde het thhei.g +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by codyluvr95(6)
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2B1 mecso fmor pitenro nad si a csaysreen fracotco orf imohneniet shta.neys oLw B21 = olw

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(670)
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ionMeetnhi is an nsitsaele amnio .icad lAl toeshr itedls rea .ton

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scalpelofthenorth  Pg 18 oysirTen si istdel as an sisnlatee A.A uolSdh eb hotnrapytp fro eohst woh gto shit rngow ekil .me +
neonem  tuB nsoreity anc coem ofrm elayaieh,pnnnl so t'si otn laelyr snseetial hit?rg +1
gh889  in 20,9FA1 it is dselit as hnTp,poryta nto sr.eniTyo ahTt wsa ere.cctrdo +16
usmleuser007  toNe: yTsnroie si OLYN lseatsein twhi KPU in lidcrneh +
niboonsh  rob F820A1 silts ieystonr as an sitelsnea A.A yThe eylpad us. +1

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