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NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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uwh/?z-htavoboHD2/cc4.uwe:uysowwt=v/mQt.pwt if ru yazl elik ,me tish is a gdoo rreerhefs idoev

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d_holles  Aigamzn veodi d.ued oweShom vrene laedern hsit ni ouner l.lo +7
aag  Asoweme edov!i Is isth hwy uyo nca evig M2+g to eapmlscia ,itsatepn abeuesc fi os, ndim gndmoad lwon.b +4

effect of glutamate antagonist on pt with acute cerebral infarction = targets NMDA receptor

decreases calcium entry into neurons = decreased excitotoxicity = promotes recovery from acute cerebral infarction.

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cantaloupe5(87)
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hsiT eno wsa iytckr tbu I hkitn ouy vcouldโ€™e oend tsih eon oitutwh gnkeldoew of DANM rrpseteco. mSte dolt oyu htat tamegtalu aicsatvet both -MoDnnAN dan DMNA crreospte ubt it tdataicev nloy onANnMD- retscepro ni hte aeyrl hase.p That anesm NDMA rrtoeecps vaeaictt reatf NnDA-Mon ctroeesrp. athT seamn mgesiotnh saw nydlagie ADNM rceptero tcgaviitan nda teh loyn warnes ttha dmea esens sa teh gM ibhniigtin NDAM at inertgs lpenai.tot nOce hte elcl is pdrzoedaeli by Mn-DnNoA teesrrco,p NDAM rtcresope cna eb adet.iatcv

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hungrybox  I ordgitt'onf/d wnok tish acidtof dna erdornaw ti to hte rerotcc enrswa nda a nwogr r.seanw Gesus hhciw oen I che?os +15
yotsubato  Tat>h asmne einmsgtho wsa inldeagy NDAM eorcertp itaivtcagn nda the ylon srwean that aedm senes as teh gM igtninbiih NADM ta ritesng tWo a p .ietht lna saekm hte fitsang gitang isctenik ehoicc trcroneic ?ehtn +5
imgdoc  DMAN orrescpet rea bhto telovga tdage dan lanidg teadg ncashle.n mGlauetta adn atapresat rae ennoguoesd isgnlda rfo shit eerc.rpto iBngdni of neo of eth nidagsl is qeerduri to open eth elnchna tuhs it eitsxhib aahcrcicisertst fo a agdiln a.nnhlce If Em nereammb( ote)tinpal si rmeo gnvteeia hnta -07 ,Vm ngbiidn fo het gndail does TON nope eht enhalcn +g2M( bolkc on het ADMN rpe)er.cot IF Em si sles inveateg tnha -70 Vm nigibdn fo hte nilgad nsepo eht nhlacen e(nev ohugth no M+g2 cblok at itsh Em, clhnaen liwl nto pnoe thuitwo gnilad ibgnind. Ou t fo hte anewsr ioscceh olyn ADMN rcpesotre dlekobc by 2gM+ sekma .nssee poH e hsti selp.h +8
divya  etwse lpaxinnoeat cimgdo +
lovebug  al~ey~r~l stwee. nathoyku ): +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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tA tgersin emnrbmea tnaioeplt teh DMNA oeptrecsr era bedokcl by 2Mg+. The lagoevt eeptndedn 2M+g ockbl si lrdveiee upon oeirpztoldiaan fo hte -pnsitpoyatsc brneemma . hTe lngiad edntepedn inotcaiatv of eht DNAM rctopree esurieqr ittooc-aaivcn by wto iasgldn, laeynm agmattule adn icelyng.

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submitted by โˆ—okokok1(38)
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An ttopmairn teeladr cacililn ilocppatian is nregrbmemie: anOivar meoartta nda thrie ncossitisaao t:iwh NAMtn-DAi rctrepeo h.itcpnlieaes sihT pentrses :as tryPiihcsca bcs,dtuernai eomyrm ci,tifdes zere,issu esssny,ikdai atcimonou itsa,ltyinbi uglnaega iyc.nunofdst

:FA ;0220 gp 282

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submitted by vlodkadrinker(7)
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dt'no tgerfo otuab the Mg lcbok! . . . . . .

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