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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man has had progressive dyspnea ...
Usual interstitial pneumonitis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by notadoctor(175)
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luaUs satlientitri tnospnumiie si eth othiaosgicll dntfoniiie of ptaoIhdiic youlrnamp issb.fior eW wkno ttha hits atpient hsa rlopunamy sbifosri ueaescb eht eistqoun tseast ttah three is robusfi etnginhick of eth lrlaoaev patse. hisT iquosnet asw ustj eisttng tath we wenk eth ohter asmne rfo laormnyPu .rsoFibsi

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aneurysmclip  Nbem kbca at it aiang +37
pg32  sI ti sltil rcidnsdeeo adpicohtii ynpaolumr siroisfb is it eapraps to haev eenb suecda yb an iypalcta muna?npeoi +1
zevvyt  Why ont i?srasdoioSc 'ndlutoW coiSroadss alos eb a nrhcioc omiaanntifl wthi bfrisuo h?ikngincet +2
swagcabana  UIP si a reettb wra.nes Sadcrio is a apel in ,colgi uusla rtsilanittie oiumetpnsni is tkoeoxtb tligsaliooch einftniiod of hioticidpa mronuylap birs.ofis Teh ipobys sha on tonnmie fo nosacnaeting luogamsarn dna the ccinlail tiecurp si tno esintsonct hiwt na itrmonalfmya srYsep ouo.c hvae ot ocsuf on het bretet ,anesswr rty nto to gte ugatch up ni het "ywh o?n"st gnlilCa hsit ssoosdrcaii is keli oemnsoe ocngmi ni wtih apoyptiocltr samhta and iumnjgp ot poncoiiheils glrnuusatoamo wtih poign.atiysil Sreu sit a sobiptiilys utb tis lfinteieyd nto kllie.y +7
mangotango  I kdpcei f“fuside vellarao daeam”g ihwt rlounamPy Fobiirss in inmd tbu hsete ear luatcyal yke srwod ofr ADRS :/ +5
zevvyt  ktahn uyo bgn!wsaaaca rVye odgo lanpeatxoni nad atr!etygs +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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udfon siht ni bib:osnr het rodogailic nad lgiscitoho atrpnet fo ibssorfi si rererdef ot as lsuau ileiatisrntt nnpumaioe, ihchw is urdeqrie orf hte nasisgodi fo .PFI

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drdoom  spnntomei*ui +
drdoom  rv^!inemend +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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asulU itlsrtintaie npuanmeio I)UP( si a ofmr of ugln desaise dcrerztaiahec by oivrepsrsge csganrri fo thob sng[u.1l] eTh snrcargi is(fro)ibs nvseiolv hte onrsgtupip krawremof )ir(nmtittueis fo teh .gnul UPI si hust difaecslis as a form of aiiitltenrts ugln heT rmet "s"ulua srerfe to teh acft thta PUI is hte sotm nommoc fomr of ltsietnariit robif.sis Pumonna"ie" tdsicanei "guln layabomti"r,n ihhwc lsencudi siosbirf dna nmiifalnoma.t A ermt ievyoupslr desu orf PIU in teh sirtBhi ruielttera is ieropgcycnt rfbiosign avolitsiel ,(AF)C a rtme ahtt ash lnlafe tou fo ofavr ecnsi eht biacs yndleinugr htplaoogy si now tuthhog to be ribf,sois ton liio.nmmntafa eTh tmre uslua sattitrleini tspnmioeiun (PIU) ahs osla neotf eben ,edsu btu nagai, hte tsi-i tapr of htta mnae yam ezesprieovmah a.fnlamomntii hBot IUP nda AFC avhe enbe drbeecsid as unooyymnss iwht iphdociati ylnauopmr rf.ssiiob

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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ahPtamo syas atth taeltsirtini lpaica)t(y nnoemuaip si zcrhdacteraei yb sidffue aisriltneitt ,tnrtiiselfa psternse w/ raevilelyt imld prupe srep mmtysops amim(lni suupmt p&ma; olw ,er)vfe adn si mots otenf dasuce by i,uverss utb nac eb atrbleca.i veHor,we hsti steouqin si tnginsreep a ciconhr cas,e os I'm miguassn thta the iosupver tneitsairitl opninmuae uaecds a rbfiocti esospner in hte nul.g

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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fIall sele sl:fai ento ttah terho ranwse esiccoh rae ODPC eystp

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dragon3  (eptexc rood)sasciis +2
leaf_house  I got hngu pu on why shit nlutdc'o eb dc,raosi dan I htink no hyeanphmaylptod si neo of eht rsenoas oyu 'douwtln pcik it hree. hTghu(o ti sseme kile ti acn uacse eoaravll talspe nt:nciikgeh .r.6u/gp/02:114t1rshu50n3b/8t./.l1goofilr1/d/5s0spa) +
lovebug  crvitResite VS cesruOivtbt !evry odgo intp!o !HXT +
schep  if ti eerw cordasi, wnudlt'o eth bypsoi swoh osennacnaitg an?olmguasr +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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ym dgennaudtsinr fo tsih si omfr hpmaaot - atIirttnlise i)ctlayap( ionmaupen - udesac yb sufdfie ltsrieiatint irasi.ntlfet anC eb auesdc yb aaMspmocly ,euopnm SR,V chaylmadi ompe,nu i,znafnlue eiclaolx iintbreu

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athenathefirst  Yahe btu ohw oesd ttah leph uoy ohceos laUsu litreatinst umopa?einn +

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