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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
Left radial arterial and venous blood samples ...
HCO3โˆ’ transported in the plasma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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hte moajtiry of bronca dxeoidi lmeoslceu ear dercrai as atrp fo hte ireobbnaatc befurf se.smyt nI shti stes,ym aonbrc idioedx deuissff into teh BR.Cs roiancCb ehaydasnr (A)C tiinhw CRsB cliqyuk tnocsver teh ocnabr dieixod niot boncrcai diac C2O.)H(3 brcoaCin cida si na anubelst eritatimened coumelel ttha ydmaiiltmee sioiacdtses toni iobcnbtaaer oisn 3HO)(-C nda nryeodgh +()H osn.i

Teh lynew nishtsyzdee ebtacoibran oni is atrtdeprosn tou of the BRC toni eht smapla ni anghxece ofr a lrehcodi oin )โˆ’;l(C thsi si eldalc het rioldche hfsti. Wneh teh odolb schraee eth gunsl, eht tarncbieoab noi is rnsettrpdao cbka iotn teh RCB in xaceehgn ofr eth icelhdro io.n Teh H+ ion diciaestsos rmof het meohglbnio dna bnsid to eth ebnabioract n.oi sTih udseporc het baicnrco aicd ,ianedeettrmi ihhcw is evctdrneo kabc niot corbna diieodx ghrhuot het mtiyzncea ontiac fo AC. hTe corbna xddiioe duproced si exelepld rotghuh eht gulns ruindg .oiealhatnx

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hungrybox  agmnzAi aonlet.ainpx naThk y!!uo +2
namira  ni aces neoyna swtna ot uliiaevzs i.h.tgns. 6ip/e.VYW2ort/ztnf.fcapt2Wsyqo-ue3.lmQfuhh1gug:/ +6
ergogenic22  2CO is eirardc in eth dobol si unbod to loeinmobhg, ownkn sa ngarmcaehbboimnolio OH(2)bC %,5() sddeoislv C2O (,5)% ibrbac si 0%9 +5
pg32  eNic atoi,xnpnlae but can noeyan iryfalc how we konw mrfo eth soqtienu ttah ew rae gsunaiemr HC3O aerhtr hatn eldvsdosi 2OC? +3
qball  @g3p2 hiTs iosnuqte is niksag obuta athw ncaostcu orf hte RGALRE uotamn of c2o dan hte 3HCO ffbure is otuba 85% fo shti nottraspr adn sdoldsive C02 is oabut -%.75 lo.ntbicohfgtrgen/sprboasp/iet-en/creltrh/mo2o-mtplsradc-ncdeiaohoei.nwmdb-olo/x-uay:i/oruns--t +5
teepot123  af 19 gp 665 +2
surfergirl  "tjimoayr of odbol CO2 is redraic as 3HOC- in eth lpaam".s I ssegu htat is lal eehyr't igtenst us on, tjus in a evry nuoovdeclt w.ya +
realnorthomfs  FA 20,02 gp706 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcdumbass(28)
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I ohghtut gohtuth agmriensu a gsa ni the boodl nloy uesamser itplraa puerrses of sddlivseo gsa ni eht doblo

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schistosite  Y,hae em oo.hte.t. tacf atht tyhe exetpc us ot smseau that OCH3- is utdocne ni ihetr sereteunamm for O2C teocncaintrno is lstalubeyo asd.urb +3
happyhib_  tyhe ltle uoy aruedems si odanru 24 nda 22 or omes sb ubt egvi ;M""m if you kool ta hte bal htsee CH3O has a stuin in Mm dna rmolan si 222-8 = teyh ear otn jsut koigonl ta tripaal se.err'pssu +2
an_improved_me  ,..eaY lusrpgiyiSn ni ,inlcci wehn you ear gsnuimrae ontimrtpa psraetmrae in the bolod htk(in ho-iesfbn dimrgaa), oyu altacyul ues 3COH- as an nxamaoroitppi for 2OC in hte ooldb so( uyo esu hte aelvu ni O2C ehnw uaagtnliclc ielk eht nioan pga ro nhesit)mog +1

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by mafoo_xtreme(12)
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oFr ':RsSB

tA the g:unl Cl- otu, HO3C- in

tA eth isesust: -Cl ni, -O3CH tuo

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