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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
An 80-year-old woman comes to the emergency ...
Hydrochlorothiazide ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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ihidodrorohaczHtyel si a deithaiz ectdriui ;g&t= haeiizdt stiucierd rae otsiaasecd htiw apioale.ymhk

htWa hetor ituercisd ear ideasotcas thiw lmey?ahpiaok opoL .eciirduts


iitbInihno fo aN+ sporeotiarnb ruccos in tbho oplo disieucrt biinti(h CNKC rcasetp)onrotr dan datieihz diteiurcs hinbii(t CNla ret.)orrsnaoprct lAl of hsit nidsecaer a+N seacesrin tAeodroslne iitvcaty.

Rlneavet to stih bl,pemro ornolAdtees lreuetupgsa pxienoerss fo hte K/+a+N ATP atptrinroe b(bsorare Na+ iont o,bdy pelxe K+ oint )mlnue. siTh erslsut ni olakyaeipmh ni eth byod.

Hnga no, 'sreeht eorm gihh deyil !nifo

onlesroetdA dseo oen toerh niaotpmtr tgnih - iattvinaco fo a +H cnalhne tath exlesp H+ iton eht mn.leu

So, vegni htat siht tetanpi hsa mlaoekya,ihp uyo nkwo trehe is noualuripget of tneA.ordlose Do uyo ikhtn reh pH olwud eb hi,gh or ol?w tl,Excya ti udowl eb ghhi baecesu .nic odeAolsernt =;g&t .nci +H eeexlpdl tnoi hte enlum &;g=t iltboaemc .lkaisoas

Now uyo tradnedusn yhw htbo olpo rciiuetds nda heizadti tceidsriu nac usaec h'swat ellcda iolc"kayphem elatcmbio .lkl"aissoa

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hungrybox  sejsu shti sreawn wsa byplboar oot gnol m'i soryr +9
meningitis  I aegsd.rei s'It hte coemtelp tughhto socpres needed ofr mayn opiezod/hiLaT qtnesoui tath can be townrh. nkhsa.T +17
amirmullick3  ihsT is waht MENB odsuhl eb ionigrpvd twih hace n'sqoiuste orrtecc nerwsa! sahnTk hgu!ronybx +1
amirmullick3  bonuhxgyr@ idd ouy nema lA"l fo itsh CREDASEDE aN niereacss oseoledartn .i?ciatv"yt +2
pg32  nyAone rcae ot epilnxa hwy she lesfe hse h,as osl"t ][rhe p?e"p Is thta deu ot the kyhlopaem?ia rO mieahcarceylp uasecd yb eth atsizedih? +
cmun777  joamdo@ 3@2pg I uessmad newteeb reh phemkioaayl whc(hi can eusac )afu/eawgkientess and slopbsie otcaroicntn slkoaials tehso reew eht msto lileyk casues rof hte "slot reh pe"p tcmmn.eo I ihktn fi yteh twenda to dtnaeici mplcaihyceera ot eaeffiteidtrn if lopo escuiridt eewr aosl in hte wesanr ceohsic teyh uodwl rinclteay igve omre txecnto rof ryecaplehcima sx +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by usmlewarrior(8)
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If thbo TZCH nad loop sitdiecur rwee eoddrpvi sa an sraewn icheoc, ertrhfu eclu atth ztch uolwd be teh srawen hecoic is eht eettaonnisrp of teh pntaite felnig"e .ynfun" Tish gtegssus lehrecipaacmy t(ciarhyscpi )neoertosv hwchi si a esid eefctf nuqiue ot HCTZ.

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adong  ereht tsaw'n nay polo +
the_enigma28  dooG an!pnexalito! +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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iTieazdh tudiecrsi rae eth casls hwit eht tsrglae irks of iplameohay.k

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—the_enigma28(69)
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Can aneyon nxapile twah edos olt"s erh "pep ?easmn

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drdoom  `p`ep aluyalct mesco rmof `rp`epp;e to `rpep`ep mtheonsgi (lcdnignui a dfoo is!dh) si ot eamk ti omer iovusgo,r ot vgei it meor cikk, ot teavliiz ti. ,so to โ€œelso eosโ€™n pepโ€ si to seol nseoโ€™ ivlitya,t feel a,gfditue eefl rktcle,uals e.ct /h.toowne:w/plneemttwo.p/iprsdc/ywm +1

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