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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
An 11-year-old boy has had persistent pain in ...
Lung ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +34  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jambo2222(34)
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โ€™Ist na aaet.sorocsmo oaScamr = eoestnmuahgo e.mst tโ€™Is ni eth segl os kntih hwo a VTD soge ot .ungl meaS ied.a

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tinydoc  Pcreetf ywa to emmerreb ti. nkhaT u!yo +11
chandlerbas  dueIs teh cmmenion BP (dlae) oTgoetLlkKn....ei ta eth tems it said tolis"ycote "sams nimaegn ahtt ti sah ot eb etrihe ,arBset dKnie,y hrtioyd or ulsgn. enon of het sert ear osnpoti avgleni nsgul. tub 2oma22b2j yver necoii htta works oto! +1
jajajaja  eldabrsh@nca I tkinh oyu tgmhi eb nugsi teh uinmcnemo arksb-dcwa LPKTB- si fro ymirrap craesnc thta mte ot neb.o roF lmeex,ap a rirmyap lgnu naeccr cna met to beno adn euasc na oiyltsceto lnei.os utB in hsti seca eth yrmrapi nccaer si eht gaiMnne ttah het cmmenuion ensod't ltlyucaa plyap to ihts oustieqn +18
chandlerbas  ya ruo'ye rhigt good fu!s!ft I odnt owkn why ahtt daem ssnee rnigud the .ui.osawnye.qyntsa to dad to eth eohrt .asso.toenmecor.assmcmot rae vegigseras and %01 ismzaeetsat to eht slnug aiv msoltygeuhanoe at teh eitm fo sdgnsa.ioi +
mtkilimanjaro  stuj ot dda, in rmtes fo enuvso iocailunrtc grheteyinv goes ot tehar iva nvea acav nad ethn to teh lugns. hTe lyno way eht noeb woldu eztatimseas to seeht hrote rstucrsteu duwol be fi ti cnunoidet htruogh tleaarri iaotilucnrc hwtuiot eieg,nsd whihc msese li.klynue ehT lyno esno taht sdaper ot eht elvri aer orfm hte TORPLA vueosn stmye,s aak ton onbe ynlo lnooc tc.e +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cellgamesgojan(43)
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boamJ is .hgtri I swa giendra hrgtuoh jnloGa adipR viRewe nad he ssteat thta het nglsu are eht tsmo oncmmo esti of iemaatssts rof eaoorstmc.aso

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 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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uPifnal osenB Kill heT unsLg: orPB;tsrae,ta&etstg eidyn,K hT,dyori nLsuttah g the mcmnneoi in AF 2200 ofr mrrpyai tuosmr htat yma teaiazstems in eht eo.nb

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balerion  ,aY btu tsi sgikan rheew a rraypim bneo esloni sismtsezaeat to. otN ngul g;-&t neob +3

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