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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Genital herpes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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wnKo uryo s'TDS ybba -;) (gonig huthrog veyer rheto ocheci on hsit )stie:unqo

  • aarelcBit osnaisgiv eduasc by aenlralerdg svailginla. eS a nh,ti ffo wehit dighaecrs nda hsiyf mlles i(fhs ni the n)g.erad e'Trhes on oanlfitanimm Lba iinsndfg: Hp rareget htna 45. usj(t kiel sosi,iirtachn)mo nad a oesviipt ffihw etts hiwt KHO. Stme lilw ysa snehogimt btuao saoluoomdr cehsagird adn hwos the sfimuona CLEU LLCSE if ew aer .culyk Not hte ensraw fro itsh untseioq oouvibysl ubeasec we ouwld ton cexpte ceivsles whti htis atrclbaei a.iedses

  • aisadisdinC si ngoig to eb oyur hictk etatgco cheese hiaesdgrc, itwh itanal.mnomif oamlnr pH see uoaepe.sdhpyh earTt ihwt tiolapc ysn,atint ro orla lnzlcuaefoo susnle eru'oy tapgnrne hatn seu zlim.tooleCar agAin nto nggio ot see nay ei.levscs

  • iaocrdnCh per wodlru si eostdsaaic thiw pHomlueaihs eirducy you iwll heav a peeD rlpunetu lpnifau ucrle hiwt vuteisppura ytlhmieipdnas. liWl be lotd ahtt ptinate hsa lfipnau lnuniiag o,esnd heret may be emipllut pede surlce tihw -gowrelylay eext.dau You do cyr thiw .H RiYCdu shiT tdulow'n eb rteu ofr hatw rou tnatpei sha in hits eotisunq csbaeeu we anr'te dotl fo yna auilingn ndhyptaao.e a inlk ot a nhcciraod VDA

  • ilCmdyaah satatomcrhi seascu glrphnuoyoammla uerenevm whhic is llasm wllasoh rslc,ue enapslsi, tbu hetn eht gerla fniaplu aoececlds nulaniig pmhyl osedn aka BEUSOB. demCropa iwth nnorogeha hte asegrdhic is mero irentnh and .arwyte gnAia tno eth asec rehe as sit unalpif dan no mitenon of ayn OESOBUB.S eTh chserigda in noahergor si emor ektc.ihr ohtB aled ot ,DIP etatr ofr both bceuaes innoocfetc is nocom.m tiWh bhot natipet yma aehv oesm tsor fo ianp or rnbigun istnnaeso uonp arinuonit. leiteSr auypir ohhugt rof to.hb

  • yodCmolna mnmuutacica is a aniimeasonttf fo VHP 6 + 11 ae(itlng ras.wt) eTyh ookl eikl big lefwlucr.iosa hiTs is ni tscnrato ot adnoClymo taal ttha uoy ese in hssiyilpl cwhhi is sjtu a ftetral etlta wnbro klnogio .mleauc

  • ieanGlt seeHrp (hte rsnaew to eht usetoiqn) iwll snerpte hiwt emlpluit luiafnp csfiiparuel secliesv or cerasoltinu iwth ninitstatcuolo spomsytm eefr,v( )aaiseml Juts tsif tterbe atnh lal hte rhoet csehico I anr thhogu.r

  • slhlySpii is eht lnsspaie arcench. WU escrbdies it as a ng,lise druieatdn lewl ciriudsecmcbr u,lecr hwit a lneca baes. eSe rrcoesckw snmaisrgo on FD eKpe in nimd roeth enailpss sclrue ear rooahunmaymllgp eveuernm of liadymac (btu eht subebo rea hsawt fpianlu nto teh )u,recl dan nloagurma nleagiuni vdnoosaso(ni - akeelllbis taosainug)rml ubt wtahs kamrllah uaotb tshi eno si ttah tsi alsinspe wihttou ymlehtanodpphya

In ,shtor eb sfe.a

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drdoom  tshi -iewturp si EAEWSMO ... btu it laso eadm em viotm. +1
b1ackcoffee  isTh is wsam,eoe ui,wrept tno hte tdss. +1
lovebug  AF 0129 pg 184.I msdeum up os'j@odam ces tthomnim! pteaitn ehav miuleptl", dnteer ieclssve nad l.r nca"due canst ganaivl re.iAgdah) sc atBeliacr isosgvian -&;gt ON icsevel g&-t; r/ oB) sadCadsiini ;&-tg ON clsveei -&;tg rC/o ) cnhCdoari gt&;- shuldo heva ulnaIing pyoAahdnte gt-&; /ro D ) C. tomtrachisa t;&g- haev eLrag piaulnf iinanugl NL ;t-&g o) /Er dyComalon uamatianc g-;t& iBg rileCofalwu ;gt-& Fo)/ r Gneatl rhpsee t&g-; E GS!!Y!) oonheGarr ;g&-t ON sVceei,l acyerm reutlnp cshigaedr tg-&; H)/o r .C saimttochra aniga (seam as D) ;g&t- I o/r) isSilhyp t;g&- assnelpi hneracc tg-&; Jr)/o csaToiisminhro t-&g; aresrybrtw ixrecv, tloiem in etw ppre -&g;t / trhskaon jmo@d!ao +
homersimpson  aGtto evlo teh SEBOBU +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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AF 1092 8g1p:4 Gltneia hpeers srenspet ihwt lanpiuf lavvru ro iaveclrc lviscsee dna ;esuclr cna saceu cmstiyes stsopmym hcsu sa frv,ee headh,cae amayilg

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sam.l  teh nosetiuq tmse atsste a "a esnct anvglia s"edigchar si ahtt a rtstdrcioa ni eht noieuqs.t +
kentuckyfan  ct"San" sname yrev ltt.iel +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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fI yodbyna ash a ogdo awy of n/bememrihiinignueigtssrdg lal teh tdfinreef oritennssetap ofr gnlitae seosr, I'd aapteiperc eht e.lhp

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hungrybox  Psl spot as a epaartes sotp adn ton a nmeocmt ot tihs oth. hTe rnfgtoiamt for htees coetsmmn sux +1
whossayin  gisnmAus u have r,UoWdl ustj eypt ullsxaye smrteaindtt tcnifo..sein ahtt btale is eht etbs OIM +
lumd  nhkTa uoy os hucm for eht pi!t nitd'D wnko taht uyo can easrhc ofr fpeiccsi oistpc in UW. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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yhW is iths OTN ?nhdaciorc rThees ontghni hree thta rlsue ti uot.

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drachenx  ahonCcidr is dscdebeir as na ecl.ur. hwtlis ni tihs iesuqnot etyh ndtmoniee scl""is yPtert much oynl sphree is ervilsuca +6
whoissaad  hyeT oeitmdenn eluscr to.o I oehsc dirnchoca sa wle,l unct'odl nidf a eluc ot rleu ti .tou Aols ugtthho eir"sdgahc" asw pntoinig you datoswr a caablirte eotincfin. Btu eussg 'Im orgnw ): +
emmy2k21  I khint NLSMM/BUEE srtwrei maek eth ssiuntmpoa het nptitae is in ceArami uesnsl ifdsepcie .srwehioet iaCcnrhdo is ton ocmomn ni hte .SU fI hte toinqesu emst nminoste a vpeingldoe crnyto,u neth ondrhcaci acn emka royu rifeetlfinad tls.i +1
selectuw  ofr ,ocrainchd tehre aym be a tnmnoie fo nliaunig pyhdyeotapanlmh +2
samsam3711  oAls ithw cniodhcra oeiqsunst yhte natw yuo to fedenftrietai ti ebentew niocrcahd nad yhslp,sii .ge( lnuiafP s.v ilsna)sep dna is lyslauu desridebc as a hmcu grlaer rluec ttha si iplfnua o(tn esuilcrav sa ni thsi equns)ito +
suckitnbme  lsAo iebvlee tath cainhcodr sedo nto tsenreps with iysemtcs mspstoym eikl in isht +

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