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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A physician prescribes a recently marketed ...
Phase 4 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: clinical_trials phase trials

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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aspeh neo - si ti S?efa

pshae 2 - sedo ti Wro?k

epahs 3 - nya Ionemvrp?tesm

hepsa 4 - tasy on teh Mka?etr

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lovebug  esDo het udgr "I"WMS ? AF,1:) 9 56pg2 +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Tihs tigmh eb a more nvtiiiuet rerkowfma rfo durg itlra haseps.

haePs 1 / irFst ouy geiv nyol to yhlateh ee.popl ouY atoncn tets a new pyarteh no idiulsanidv ohw ear reyldaa i.”s“ck oHw udwlo oyu sdithginusi evresda dgru feftec omfr antocmlpcoii fo eht esiasde? In the iegnbngni ouy spmliy aveh to prvoe ttah eth durg stdo’ne usace brseplmo ni nrlaom das.viidnlui Yuo t’nca eopvr ttah fi ruoy tiilani ytdus sdlceuin nmno”arnol-“

heasP 2 / eS,dcno uyo igev ylno to het i.cks This slte uoy to deeermint fi eht gdur hsa yna feebtin sowrveahet ni hte edtendin fI it edso nto proevdi tie,efnb eethr si no“ na”erso to andcvae ot het next

ahPse 3 / Tr,hdi uoy tmsu vroep thta eth gurd nto olny dieprovs a fibteen tbu is aclyluta eerttb htan eht etnurrc aran.ddst ”d“e(aoeH-tha-d ;tilra odramn ertlolcdno rit).al

ahseP 4 / If oyu apss teh thdri a,stge uoy nca eleesra ryuo dutocpr ot atmrek tbu must iuervls orf rongemtl tecfsfe hihwc ldcuo nto eb ptacdrue yb eht err,iela rtos-etghreas .hpasse

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spaceboy98  Tshi is teh diakn tish we need orem of. eowsemA xtanplienoa ,nam I iwsh hyet etrwo FA ilek sthi +2

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by thepromise(66)
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ntoD' ookl oot drah ntio .it teh smet syas NRY"TECLE DEK"RMETA et h SWIM comemin:n

M: tdeeraMk gsdru - hsaep 4

lassicc etsmkia I emad by not rgedain /reyolprp oirknnvegith

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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rmoF .enhametrcwotcc e(nrve ahedr of it ebfore but ssmee ilke a oogd an:ixloea)pnt

"saPeh IV esdt,usi nefot elldac otsP gteinkarM ialvnecuelrS ,lsTiar ear etdnoccud areft a urgd ro diceve sah eneb drpvapoe orf smrncueo seal. mitchaaraulPce scnoipema vhae levsera bjsicoveet at shti gtae:s (1) to ceaoprm a drgu tihw heort ugrds lyraade ni hte emtk;ar )(2 to toromin a 'sgudr lrontmeg- ftfneesesicve dna amctpi no a ae'tntsip aquityl fo flie; adn (3) to tendmieer eth tsfeevcoi-teecfsns of a rgdu eaprhyt laieevrt to rtoeh tdraiitoanl nad ewn et.pisaher hasPe IV dieutss can sultre ni a urgd ro eviecd ebgin etakn fof eth eartkm or icrntiserost of sue duolc be depacl on eth crtdoup ipengdend no het siidgnnf ni teh sd".tyu

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seagull  le,lW I asw tno srmat nad utp spahe 1 cseni ti wsa lkgatni atlo oubta aeevdrs efetcsf adn whirlwdta omrf teh naiet.spt utB onw I ees I ahve 2 aetrx dab. +
link981  Peahs -1 rieDnmtee if dgur si hEFaeSAP s 4- tunoCosin naucsreveill of a drgu taht si aeyrdla on teh eahtrkmTe. nevigtet lcayerl steast the gudr si takmerde. htTa anesm ti spedas the nclialic irs.tla teeMrdak sgdru veah aesdsp ehsPa 3 +

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