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NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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u-w/v.asy2w:ttzopcw/Dh.ewoh?H4vmtuu=bQt/cwo if ru zayl iekl e,m ihst si a doog hreersfer oivde

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d_holles  gAamizn doive dde.u moeSwho renev nderlae stih in oenru l.lo +7
aag  Amesweo ed!vio Is thsi yhw oyu nac iveg 2M+g to apmsleica ,pintetas eucaseb fi ,os idnm gnadomd nb.wlo +4

effect of glutamate antagonist on pt with acute cerebral infarction = targets NMDA receptor

decreases calcium entry into neurons = decreased excitotoxicity = promotes recovery from acute cerebral infarction.

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submitted by โˆ—cantaloupe5(87)
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Tsih noe asw ykritc but I hiknt yuo dโ€™oucvel doen htsi oen iwtuhot nweklgdoe fo MDAN mtSe odlt uyo atht atmgtluea aeatcsvti obht noAMN-Dn and ANMD soecpretr tub ti atcvetaid yoln NoD-nAMn restpecro ni teh raley es.ahp htaT sanme NAMD erespctro ctavtiea raetf MNnDn-oA .sreporcte athT snmae omsiehtng swa yialendg ANMD otcperre taivigctan dna eth ynol nwsera that dmea sseen sa eth gM iniihgtnib MNDA at sitgnre encO het lelc si oderalzpdei yb oADMn-nN opteerrs,c MAND stperroce anc eb ca.itvatde

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hungrybox  I tfnodo/girtd' nwok thsi tdcifao dna rdnewora ti to the rocctre sarwne nda a owrgn nae.wrs Gesus chiwh oen I soec?h +15
yotsubato  >Tath amsne emgtnosih swa dgiyalne DMNA eortepcr gtvaintaic dna the lyon werans hatt eadm sesen sa hte gM nigibithni AMND at tinrgse opt.taa htnl W ei akmse the nagtifs igatng tscieikn ccehoi eircncotr ?hten +5
imgdoc  NMDA csreetrop ear tboh aevlogt gdaet dan dniagl daget le.nnasch lmeutGaat dna attpaears rea dgsneonoeu dglasin rof tish .eceotrrp gdininB of oen of the lagnids si reqdueri to oenp eht ealnchn shut it xsitehib sriretcshccaita of a dlgnia lnhn.cae fI Em meanm(ebr itptealon) is reom egtaiven ntha 07- Vm, ndnbiig of hte idnlga dose NOT enpo teh ealcnhn M+2g( klocb no eth DNAM )po.treerc IF mE is ssel egtniave anht 0-7 Vm ngidbin of hte dglani speno hte eacnhln e(nev outghh no g+M2 ockbl ta ihts m,E cnehanl lliw nto peno ottwiuh algndi b.diingn utO fo teh nrwesa hieccso lnyo MAND rrestepco kboelcd yb +Mg2 esmka ep Ho tsih +8
divya  eetws epaonxiantl mdcigo +
lovebug  el~~lyar~ ee.wts ytunohka ): +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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tA rtgiens rnemmaeb iplattneo hte AMDN rrostcepe rea odklebc yb g2M.+ Teh eltvaog dteepennd +Mg2 cbklo is ldeeierv nopu pizoaatinleodr fo the -tptisopsacny nmebmare . ehT iadgln dtenndeep anatcvioit of het MDAN ptcrreeo eeruiqsr tv-tiaconicao by otw nadgl,si lnmaey tglautmea nda gn.ielcy

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submitted by โˆ—okokok1(38)
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An pmnatiort deletra iancllci icnlaoaptip si imnegber:mer Oinrava tmoeraat and trhie iiosoassnact t:hiw AMtn-iNAD oererctp ctphleiasein. Tish srpeetns as: acrsyhiPcit tadr,icubnes oymemr c,iiedtsf eeuss,izr iaissendsy,k moonciuat tsay,ibilnit naaglgeu itudfsn.yonc

:AF 20;02 pg 282

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submitted by vlodkadrinker(7)
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dn'ot eotrfg tauob eht gM obclk! . . . . . .

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