After initial elimation of everything except for Cytokine effect and Tumor hormone production, I thought through it like this: We know he has small cell lung carcinoma and it can't be tumor hormone production because the three paraneoplastic syndromes of SCC are 1. ADH (would increase weight) 2. ACTH (would increase weight) 3. Antibody (Lambert Eaton, no change in weight)
So only could therefore be A!
sye desila dan lgneenmet FNT lahp,a IFN mamag ear tno onehomrs
submitted by carrierose11(9)
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I lbeieev shti nma has aaccxeih mo(rf shi xh fo ca-nche)rhci-w si yinmal ued to isneacrde ramftoiorpnamyl stieoycnk