erp lUdroW dI :1227
PAC seusppli CN III adn VI, s,mauhtal idealm poetalrm eol,b lsuienmp fo eth proucs ocalslum, paaoprhpaamlcpi ,gursy mrsfiofu us,gry dna iciloacpt o.elb
Bisedse eth aettlnracloar paoamiheni ithw caalrum a CAP ertsok cna secau raatocrleltan seahiterpsas nda evssinnteouenv(mmbnl of artlela uat,lh)ams dyxi,esal iavlus ganoisa p(aridmei uslvia igcortenoni of jocbt)es nda aooogsipsarpn laibi(tiyn to znecoiger sf)aec
APC tsr:eok Vsluia ingAaso an[c ,see utb not eogriznec be]ojtsc and Hls,itncnaliauo ertanaltorlCa amiinaoehp tihw aulcamr gipr,ans axleAi hwtoiut aa[fiipahgr naitndmo shirepmeeeh vid.n]evol
Lnisoes of the reTlpoma b:eoL
uporeSir oatlmper yrsug: ictcouAs aoasgni a(ttienp tcanno efrefenaitdit beenwte o)dnssu ieMldd ptleomra yugrs: netvomMe ngsaoai at(ptnei tcaonn efneifetiadtr teewneb eth ginmov nad sanrotiayt objct)e eIrnroif orpleatm gryus: duspiple yb A1.P C ssiagpnaPoroo lnaityiib( ot fiietynd hte efcas) 2 . roiocaAsmapht s(lso fo lcoro seonanist dna hyergienvt pspaare yrag to he)tm
submitted by โlsmarshall(465)
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PAC okrest can ceuas "opsgoinprosaa" hchwi si the btniiiyla to ezicgnoer aalifmir .eascf sdCuae by ablleairt soiesnl fo vluisa ionsatocasi aas,re whihc ear tuaisedt in eht iierornf opirotieotpcmlca ctoxer ffmru(iso .r)ygus eTh ibailyt to amne prtas of het efac g..,e( no,es u)mtoh ro iidentyf diaidnvlsui yb tehro secu (,g.e. olithcgn, sovc)ei si eltf t.itnca
oitthWu iwgnnko a,htt eerbrnmgime ioicapltc boel si nlvoveid ni lauiv's ffus't rlyoa,db igidnlncu egima sropscgnie dna shit ptiaent si hvaing ssuise twih ntdsngdirenua gmeisa hsodlu be eugohn to get to the nwa.sre