TB nac padser to opssa -1L2 tn,foe hiwch hetn geos to het taclau 1-L2L evrbeaetr elftis Pt(ost or oetlssimye)toi
I get hwy het TFN iinbthrio wduol ueasc bT dan ti eillyaltr sdia sltoiyetseimo, tub the qtuoiens ysas rma"g itsna is ev"ng.aite soeD hatt nema ti oste'nd argm ai??tns I dera ti sa it nigahv a aveetngi garm antis nad ssroecd otu Tb ityesiolstoem sa a lerust
ecairobmuMcty ts'oden rmag ansit eud ot cylicmo icda ni s'ti embmaner. Ill't ekta eth csfcaibhonru-l isnat c(dia as)tf ro wrgo on a nweisnns-eneltejo ltuucer but otn mgar
tWha tewhr em off saw hatt hes' has not dha erfve.' uediFrg 'rseeth no awy ti loudc eb TB
vateor@ddoc yhea heyt aids e"Sh sah ont adh verfe, lorew timrtyeex nes,easkw tatnioinpo,sc ldebdar r,obps or LOS"TEHWGSI elik on rfvee ro etwigh ls?os How nac uyo nto aevh atth wthi otpts d.z. idk salo tow'lnud uyo eahv ot vhae ti ttadecaevir ni eth ungl adn hetn prsead ot hte isanpl cdo?r So 'townuld uoy get otshe xs gih,sste(lwe gouch, .) idk dmub ssa nmeb ckfu them
submitted by โhaliburton(224)
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bfaIlnimix is a FapTh-alN .ritnibohi from mpebdu ฮฑF-TN hsa neeb seoeddntamrt ot vahe a enrtlac loer in the tosh enpresso sgiatna usleir,ostbcu niilungdc rmngaalou frooantmi and eth ieotacntnmn fo sdaiese 4,511)(. ,Naylbto abostdniei singtaa TFฮฑN- unciedd aiovrnttciea fo lruotsibsuec