Teh inamrttpo tginh fro otms of eth echist tnseqiosu are ot look rfo eht asrewn erhew you rea engbi the tomni/estcs anssepofroil ielwh entgreispc hte nttsipe’a yaumoo,tn eneecfebci,n ,mfieenacnecln-o .etc Most fo eht esochic rehe ewer erihte ayorccatus ro yicaasllb iengb aenm ot het teian.pt The rotercc ihecco is ot pleh teh apintet tbu losa ievttaom tmeh ot oncutnie iyhplacs tyeprah dna ot olny sue the iprmte as tlielt sa .yssaecren A msiailr qsueonit ihh(wc I tkihn was on NBME 32 -- yhet ear kdin of nlgbnied eghreto)t was eht eno wereh het pattein dha ttes stlersu taht inctadedi he hda rccnae btu eth dreinset iads nto to )ytullroniav( tlel ihm tiuln the toolsconig cmea ni arlte htta a,yd and hte napttie saedk uyo oaubt teh .lesurts ouY ondt’ awnt ot the eil ot teh tatienp nda ysa uoy td’no wkno ro atht he ’edtons ehva cencr,a utb uoy saol tno’d nwat to eb soabinntiurde to hte siertsen’d aolebnars(e) rtue.qse
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hTe lmciaed trsreumnqeie to anbtio a tmepir yarv yb ettas, ubt rae ulalysu dfcoenni to sfpieicc tpsey of isildatsibie or nioodsi.ctn hsTee sa a leganer erul indleuc eht ues of ayn siseavsit ecidve scuh as a elriewhca,h hu,esctcr ro na,ec sa lwel as a nsmgiis elg or .tfoo moeS settsa also eudcnli aeirtcn adc,rrcivsluoaa nai,p ro ortrripsyae tn.iodnicos botuA flah fo SU saetts 26)( lcunied edsnslnib sa a qyagfinlui liiitydsab nagbilne eth pnrseo to noibat a itbsiidyal knapgir rmptie ofr esu sa a ae,snprgse dan 14 asetst clneudi a aesddlib andh as a agiyiflqun iasil.diybt ruFo saetts ciuelnd fasd,seen adn two ssttae Viiag(rin dan wNe koYr) ncielud anetml nselisl or tvleedempolna adiessbiilti sa ignuaqliyf iisibadsitel
uro ygu usse a cane s..o.
wtb i otg it gwonr ): acsue i otthghu it is up ot het DVM