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NBME 21 Answers

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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sTih tenusiqo si twof-o.ld uYo mtsu knwo hte kcanodnmg-iieis harrcihye nda lsao cnseidor ta.umyoon kiMang mi"natrnoseme"cdo rfo aerncit teasrtenmt is norw,g ecusbea it etvlaiso yomotuna nda difromen tnse.onc iPsicyahns holsud psylmi lpxniae eth ABsR' fo lla neatrmett ioonp,ts dna lwalo teh fymlia ot ddicee wtah si esbt sedba on ordfnime cennots nad i"etrh tcriospnpee of the TISA'PENT sweh".si fI rethe is no dancvdea ietvr,idce etnh eth iicsdoen udlsoh be elpapaed ot a auorsgrte ikeascemdorni-. yoirtiPr of aosgestrru is s;usgl&p-eo-dutta -tcnt;iesg&hpgg.-;lbren-nisdsa&ti-rl eYs, hte sesuop dlwuo vhea riehgh irir,oypt tub eht fyialm lohsud at lstea try ot ecarh a nonuscess rftis feeorb agaplenpi ot yn""lo het wfe.i fI a onscus,nes ocntna eb ,eamd tenh het wfie dwolu heva irtfs sya in teh o.ciineds rfo,Theere euincgaongr teh lfyima ot ediedc occrdiang to het iwsesh of teh TPENTAI wdlou be a retbet trsif ,etps salyelcpie fi eht whssei fo eht eifw si yanctrro ot ttha fo het Asol, stju as a lagrene reul, I tlayycpli oiadv cniigpk arenws npsioto twih tsas""lebou csuh sa e,rn"ve wsyaal, .on"ly ehT upeoprs of a aroutrgse si to cat in eht bset eetnstri fo the p.tntaei

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sbryant6  riCetrn.ooc gdArncioc to dWolrU icSoal ncSieecs aL/(irscegl:Eelso)tif/anhoPs dAnavec .tri.sevicDe. satsit"iuon ni cwihh ymafil smeebrm dseriaeg dna eehtr si no xypro anc be edeerfrr to eth tecshi etimoecmt ,ro sa a stal or,erst ot eth tco".sru +1

Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues.

In my experience doing these questions, FA has NOT been very useful as a guide because FA has things like surrogate priority, but then NBME writes questions to teach a point.

+2/- anjum(36)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—home_run_ball(76)
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I tge htta hits raswen oeichc si hte toms elcmabai sanre.w

tBu noeslthy eth way hety skaed eht ounesqit "it si stom poparpriaet rof hte iaynihpsc to sdasder eth esisu fo a dngiefe teub in iwhhc fo eht lngflooiw "nnemras

yM arneiogns aw:s l.e.elo.wfrbe het fylmia nca veen ngieb to uaegr hwat do do don't ouy vahe to opesopr a idmacel gmreee/tanmemtnaattn re?gaystt whcih si hyw I ntew thwi om"nermecd a be..".tu

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home_run_ball  kLei thaw si het anngeilr iectovbej of itsh uen?tosqi On rsitf dai fi you go by the rgraSoeut dsoceiin eakmr pyrritoi: oyu do oespsu ..s.soitfr eilk twf ?nmbe +13
uslme123  I inkth it's eeuscba eerht 'sitn a elgllya eapniptdo alhhte race sautgoerr ni ihts Teh yamfli rchhiyrea is ynlo na "althice ogngi"s.stue +1
nala_ula  ridcognAc ot sirtf a,id htere is an eodrr ot who esakm sedcisoni ehwn eht pattine is ont able to and h'tnsa etlf ayn cite.verdis My sesui aws het msea sa hr,oau_m_lnebl eicsn heyt cifleayspilc esdka bauot teh gdienef etbu dan nto who" si sdsouepp to ekam icdensiso o"wn nvee ghhtou hatt si aols perdaw eincs eth uepsos sha epenc.ederc +2
badstudent  If you okol at eth riowndg orf eth tsre of the eoemcrdnm a utbe ptoino baee"(ucs defegni liwl be mero ietifcfne nad tenprve anr"i)taostv it essme kiel oyu dowlu be dunprseiga teh mifayl to omve fardorw ithw a fedenig beut orf itrhe esea nda necionncvee rahrte ahtn gepdrnoiec tiwh a gndeeif bute to vioad the isselobp segndar fo an iianarostp pu.naemion A iymalf that si ivstgiin iaydl iylekl 'odtens nimd ayn eanecshlgl sescdoatia htiw fneieg.d tsanedI it lwuod eb emor mnotatipr ot coeenmmrd a enfidge ubet ot odaiv .ksir uDbm qsnsiuote for ,erus juts natedw to xainelp wyh i rledu atht rneaws uo.t +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—step1soon(51)
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dooG notlenxpiaa

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sahusema(174)
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tWah a EARGGBA qs.eonuti eH was ntigae askbrefat 2 shoru oag ujst nife nad wno ew aer spudoeps to ehva the fmaily ceom ot a nesnosscu tuabo a fiengde ebtu ielk 'ehs no his tdhea bed? STLHILBU

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daddyusmle  iDd ouy egt eth sietuqno ?rgnwo +
notyasupreme  ^ eichl a.syyan.w +

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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I khtin eht wreasn swa sennsosuc absceue het gosau"strer" aak filmay emebsrm anetvh idedtbrelea .ety fI itsh was rafet hiret toaniereidlb adn hety seared,gi htne it seog sspuoe gt-;& tulda dlhircne &g;t- pratsen -t&g; sigslnib ehT oisuteqn oed'snt monteni any agsndemiest,er cneeh tyeh ened ot cdiede mlatyulvucei and mkae a iedscoin.

thaT wsa jsut my eakt no ihts stioenq.u

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submitted by thugnisseverdeen(0)
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hsiT si a bluthsil ienoustq. riccgnAdo ot egethrinyv evw'e eerv eenb hutagt teh iiescodn eogs ot the eifw fi r'eeths on daoiteuon.ntmc

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—temmy(152)
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i ktnih eth utoqsinse is gyrtin to sowh eht ecoinmatpr fo nyuti moang lyifam rebmsme hwne three is a ettpian hwo is vleod yb bhot fwei nda ksd.i hTe udyt fo het otrcdo si ot neusre the amflyi si eidnut in spouptr of the aetpint eht adn in csea etehr si itlls fccinotl girreagnd htaw to od, ouy ues hte raiyrchhe reehw feiw mseco fst.ri i teg it asw a ubmd ubt isht wsa ym cglo i
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