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NBME 21 Answers

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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sTih ounitesq si oow-dt.fl You tmus nowk teh nsm-iaeicinkdgo harhyirec and aols disnecor utamynoo. Mgaink dmtern""cmaoenosi rfo ecnairt ntstemtaer si wrog,n baeeusc ti stilovae ynoomuta and dineorfm tneonc.s sPhancisyi sluohd smpily nplexai hte 'BARs fo lla amttnrete p,otsino dan allwo the iylmfa ot idcede athw is ebts sbade on feimornd nnocest nda ei"htr conppesrtei fo eth PTTAIE'SN " If treeh si no dvnaedca icvteird,e nteh eht ideosicn dlusoh be alaepedp to a ruoaresgt ndari-.skeiceom irirPyto fo grsruesoat si slptutau-;sdoeg-& ;a-ci;n-rsrt.n-tpedi-s&&igselgbnhlgt e,sY het pseous ulwod evha ierhhg ,rtyioipr but the yfiaml lshodu ta tlsea yrt ot aehcr a cnssunose itsrf fboeer nigpalepa ot oyn"l" teh ewf.i fI a neusscsn,o ntoacn eb ,adme etnh the ewif would heav tirsf ays in teh ns.iideco eof,reheTr arncuoenigg hte iaymlf to eedcdi cnoigdrca to hte sisehw fo teh ATTPENI duowl be a ebtter rstfi ptes, lcyeeiplsa if the hiwess fo eht wife is ronayrct ot ttah fo the taentip. ,slAo ustj as a aenrelg ,uler I lticyapyl aiovd icknigp raswne sotpnio with "tlua"ssobe hscu sa nveer," a,lywsa "yo.ln ehT uprspoe fo a gesrtroau is to tac ni eth tbse stnrtiee of eth tita.pne

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sbryant6  ctoio.errnC cgonirAcd to drUolW loiSca ecniSecs elsiE/Phoc(si:aLtgrlo/fasn)e vcAdnea iDei..retsv.c atoi"stiuns ni whihc alfymi rsbmeme sgdeiaer nda erhet si no ropyx cna eb refederr to het cheist oetmmeitc ro, as a salt r,troes ot eth csro.ut" +1

Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues.

In my experience doing these questions, FA has NOT been very useful as a guide because FA has things like surrogate priority, but then NBME writes questions to teach a point.

+2/- anjum(36)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—home_run_ball(76)
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I etg ahtt thsi rwesna ohicce si the mtos imaabecl w.aesnr

tBu sltyenoh hte awy tyeh aesdk teh osnituqe t"i is stom rprappitoea for eht hisiaynpc to drssaed eth usies fo a fgenide bteu ni hchwi fo het owloifnlg nn"amesr

My nreasnogi :saw eroefeb..lwl. eth amfliy anc even engib ot uarge hwat do do d'tno ouy vahe to oprpeso a aelmdci tem/angememtttnerana re?tsgtya hichw si why I netw twih "mecdmnroe a bteu..."

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home_run_ball  eiLk tahw is hte ninlrgae oibveetcj fo shti iu?tsenqo nO srfit dia if oyu og by het euSgrrtoa ncdsioie mekar :rpirytoi uyo od esposu .stfis.r.o eikl wft ?mnbe +13
uslme123  I inkth s'it auceseb hteer i'nts a laygell adoipnpte lhheat crae erugaotrs in hsti Teh myflai ahyirhecr si noyl an cehilt"a isgsue"go.nt +1
nala_ula  cgionrcdA to trifs ,dia hreet is na oerrd ot how kasem deissconi enwh het aptneti si nto elab to adn thasn' ftle any ridsicevte. My isues saw the asme as l_euno,ar_mlhb secin hyet pielyciacfsl kdesa btuoa teh nidgfee uetb dan ton wo"h is sospeupd ot akme ondsciesi ow"n vene utghho ttah si oasl epdrwa esnic het susoep sha eredpc.eenc +2
badstudent  fI you oolk ta hte gdnrwio rof hte setr of eth ordnmemec a uetb oipnto sua(bec"e inedegf lilw be orem teiefinfc and rpvenet anroas")ittv it emses ikel uyo uwdlo eb puiragnsed hte liafym ot vmoe rwofdar ihwt a ndiefeg btue for hreit seea adn encenienvco rhtare naht rgceiodpen iwth a fneidge etbu ot odaiv teh sspoebli gnsread of an rantaopisi upmn.ienao A lmfaiy ttha is igisvint ilady lylkie e'osdnt mnid yan gsalenhcle sestoaidca hiwt gne.iefd ndteaIs ti wuodl be orme rintopmat ot ecnemdmro a nifgeed ebtu ot avido kris. mbuD tqneoiuss fro su,re sjtu ewtadn ot panlixe ywh i rduel tath sarwen .uot +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—step1soon(51)
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doGo ixnpoaateln

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sahusema(174)
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haWt a AGAEBRG eqt.oisun eH swa naeigt eaabfksrt 2 uorsh gao ujst efni nad own ew rea opdseusp to vhea het ifmyla ceom ot a sseounsnc ubaot a egefdni tebu ilke sh'e on ish ahdte be?d UTLHBILS

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daddyusmle  iDd yuo tge eht quesotni ngorw? +
notyasupreme  ^ ummm.. liche ya.y.swna +

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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I htkni eth nswaer aws nusnocess ebsacue teh tsr"aero"ugs aak amifly mebmers aenthv erbteldiaed ety. If tihs swa terfa ihert boteelniirda adn eyht ,isaegerd hnte it geso psuose ;-g&t taldu rhldncei -;gt& entpsar ;gt&- ssgnibil ec.t hTe suoitenq 'doestn otinmen yna neem,rgdteisas ceehn yhet edne to ceeidd autelimylvuc nad kmae a in.cidseo

Ttah asw jtus my etka on shit iq.tnsuoe

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submitted by thugnisseverdeen(0)
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hsiT is a ilhsbltu qisotune. dgcorAicn to evhyrinegt we've ever eenb ahtgtu eth odesicin gsoe to eht fwei fi rsh'eet on duttacoo.ninem

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—temmy(152)
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i ihktn teh qiutessno si rygitn ot hsow hte aminprtoce fo nituy anomg iylmfa seembrm hwen ehetr si a iatpent woh si elovd yb hbto wfei nad The dtyu of eth corotd si to eusrne the ymfail si eiudnt in tpusopr of eht ptetnai eth nda ni sace erteh is ltsli cnioftlc grgniedra twha ot d,o oyu eus teh yehirrach eewhr eifw ecsom sf.itr i tge it saw a bmud ubt htis swa ym og ilc
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