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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman has a 3-week history of ...
Autoantibodies against platelet glycoproteins 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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Teh itatpne fefusedr frmo Inmemu yarbTeihopcm.ootn eoatbsatindoiu nagisat eth yrctilepsgoon A/PB.23G

On ,salb uoll’y ees: necasrie ni rto;kygseaeyacm no the seqiuton stem rehy’et reidsebdc as rrae“ tub era.”gl agyeMtseorckay rae tno e.pspdsusre

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ergogenic22  asdoilte aitpotynocrboemh low( tpselalet) sdohul eb iglyhh eseigusvtg of T PIh/mp/rf6t5a2pf2.a//w13plw1.a0p//1t.htw:o0s2g +3
pg32  I rgaee tath in ITP uoy illw see na ecsrneai ni krestaeg,aoyycm btu weher did ouy see tath in the ?stem tPlsaleet n,bieg "erar but erg"la ts'dnoe nema ,sategyeackrmoy osed i?t .os.A.l nca aeyonn npelxia hwy hse swa axonsui ubt aretl dna hda iecehtape asdlit to het odobl prerseus ?fufc +
meryen13  pg,3@2 m'I otn oot eurs autbo teh "uxansio but "trale utb I tnikh htye ithmg nwtaed to eonimtn ehs is ioedretn os in aecs htere swa no alb uvse,la oyu wldou eguss atth esh is otn eltmxerey ienacm or .oegsmnhti nda batou hte hacetpei hwti hte fcfu dna the tthoo bgsnuhri de,slbe atth si a igns of ealtlept esbopmlr bsceeua tis a ucrlifepias bdle.e if uoy saw eepd blesed kiel njiot egibd,lesn tnikh btuoa gacaitlouno awapthy bpmselor ikle( ph)lamiieho +2
zevvyt  rer"a" emnas tircnomeb.hotapyo ""greLa eamsn heret ear ytoymakecgarse to emak up fro het rtaconbihptoeymo +2
lovebug  1A,0F29 9agep41 +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by krazyglue5(6)
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eSh ahs uPTmien/mI poarnyhmtcioeo,tb so hse sah euntstiaobaido agisnat erh tpeltsa,el lpfesaiiyccl II.I/IPIabG heS hsa hte lreag eygymcreoaaskt eabsuec rhe boen wmrroa is nytigr to hnurc tou salpltete. hsSe’ a oanwm fo idigacherbl-n gea hwti dairscene eblednig eitm tbu on orhte onreloicug snarlnirieole/tamab es,esvufei/sr so ihknt P.IT

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by sahusema(173)
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I gto driektc oitn ipignck hte ueqi"dcar noiitadbse sgtnaai .PA11" numHa laplteet gA eetatllp tngiane 1Pa1-, ldcoeta on teringni β,3 is eth anim artget fro posnlbieesr rof nnoltaea /yoiopamcrpnsttobht:e.h/t5omt9/7o.15lcenoi1gtwu4wn1///rmw2.nj

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cienfuegos  aSm,e xptece in my scae I swa teh onsper woh was edcktri dan woh ddi eht riktcnig .ohgtuh hTx for eht l.ikn +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by amy(4)
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I gto suktc no het on had gutohth ahtt memuni cpbyhmoernoattoi oluwd evah emollpgsyaen nesic ti si teh dtcesoutinr fo llttaepe in the lpens,e ilek anym taasuavelxrcr aaenmis hatt rneetsp ihwt alpmsgeonely due to eht nwkoogerivr of sthi ruan.oBgt I neealdr ym elnos,s gplelysaoenm dwluo NTO be ernspet wneh utecrtdgnis tlpt.aele

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 -22  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Seh sha erBrand rSoileu iDasese egpa 914 fo rfsit iad 9102

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sympathetikey  tTh'as a ectigne ciyfeeidcn fo b1GP -- nto bitdynoa dtlaree +11
alexandramda  In dareBr drieSlou uoy evah etac Dfe ni inaed.hos sersecade bpIG dan edecdesra -FWaeltvte-ltop dbseinL h:aaos. aobnmral eoirtnsict tt,se eaglr lltate.pse +1
kayla  If eno fo the srwaen iehscco had euddlcin ontheisgm atht dolwu ditneaci ranerBd .S udocl tath tteollapyin eb eht torecrc nswe?ra hTe licncali priet/uc antig lltetaesp msese tgiel ( adn trehe si no noentim ni teh .q touba nya sRiciton tes-t-ttha wolud eltnriyca eb a ayw to iindyeetfliv rule it uo)t yan ipntu per,pdteaica ATI D: +

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