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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 48-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased intestinal iron absorption ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—chillqd(44)
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The mtSe si descgiribn rtcomsahs,oemoih edtrrahczcaei yb arnlboam orin ngsnsie dan nsrcdeeia nletistani rntpasoiob. iTsh snisrecea nIro, acsegiinnr iirenf.rt nI p,orsenes BTCI si dareseec,d hihcw esceirsna itnrfnraser srattauino sa rteeh is lses glaicunirct ericarr l.uleoescm

tWhi csesex nroi ni eht ,obodl ti will ceuacmutla ni eissstu cliindngu hte vierl, ,iskn ncraase.p eeuSelqa iuecdln ditdela yroayptiacmod,h nspohoy,agmdi abdtisee, aryatorhpht /22 mucclia hpprehoasotyp td,osopiien nd aeHalleculrpot nrmaCicao

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hello  I ikhtn uoy mdea noe gtislh .sematik ITBC = totla nior nnbidgi .tcpacyai tI is ouyynsnsmo hiwt "rtenafrsnir autin"trs.oa isTh tepnita sah eedacrsin rtiansfrern saonittaur aka ciedneasr B.TCI h Te ransnrtfrie llmseceuo are esadutart -- it is ctcrioren to yas sa" rnsrfieantr asantitoru escer,insa eerht is elss tuinrccilag eicrrar olls"c.meeu tI is eorm rreccto ot say ahtt eth munaot of free odb()nuun natfrresinr si ceerddse.a +1
hpsbwz  lheo@l snrrfarienT asntoairtu dan BCIT rae otn on.yssnymou raerTrfnsni si alcedluact usgni talto doyb niro / BCT.I ei Wlh eht mseur nior eellv inncuesto to rnce,iase eth arsnetrfinr leevl e.esdaserc usTh, the oanumt fo rasntrfnier albeiaval ot nbdi rino )BICT( ecesdsear nad het uoanmt of senarrfirtn aertudsta wtih inro .,.ei( crpeent easrnnfitrr ausrnato)ti eenaricss. +11
mangotango  tusJ to elarc up onniides:itf latoT rnIo iBdnign tCpaacyi )B(TCI = maueser fo nsraitfenrr mseolcuel in het dbloo (oudnb yb Fe ro .t)no % aotartnuSi = gtnceperae fo sanfritrrne slmueoelc taht are uodnb by eF (llnoarmy 3)%3 // oamathP p.g 24 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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rseeht so humc rnio ni the obdol ahtt ti has to go ehsw.eremo it esog noti eth ellcs in eth dyob id(rsaeenc )enrriift dna it sdnbi to teh acrerir otrspratn piornte f.nretanrris uecesba it idsnb ot lla teh sintanrrerf yuo heav olw efre tie.rnfnsarr ubt uyro doyb esssen teh owl free trsfeniarnr nda eogs k"o all my tareinfsrnr rae lflu of rino I ssuge mi ko i ondt dene ayonemr roni" os it ospts agnkmi trefsan.irnr so owl rernitfsarn or talot nroi diinbng paitcayc (emmberre this is jsut a yfcna yaw of agysni ti osendt awtn .a)ns.rinfrt.r.e nwo taeinnrrf%rs sat is jsut mtha i( aeht )tham ist eikl sh:ti n,/BTIirCo we araleyd got ihgh roni os aeomruntr si ihhg, nad wlo edomroatinn cb ekli i dias CBIT si wol so lvroela ryuo frt%nsieanrr tutasaroin si revy ihgh. sith is the tsbe riodtianc rfo oomsshreahmtoic

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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rryateedih hsremtocsham.ooi

HEF si muattde &g=t; eht seitnnseit luteleaprpy eterripnt a nsotrg asrintrefrn iglnsa as fi eht body eerw efientdic in .nori ishT slead ot maiaxml iron oitsboarnp rofm dgistnee fodos nad inro edrvaool in hte .ietsuss


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lovebug  toomuaslA 28C2Y utinoatm ;> H3D6 taountmi no FHE gee,n ldctoae no rmoecoohms saat;ci6oesd htwi HL-A3A 1F[9,20A .]93GP8 +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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samruym of eigahsoetnsp

ootimsmhascerho = atmunoit on HFE cneso(eged ofr na onri e)srson

anmtuoti &t;g ecedft ni noress g;&t oybd ssuemsa lwo n.oir

2 soarng won amek tmtatep ot enerisca doyb oirn.

1, mslal ,inetsntie senesiarc oeixnsresp fo MTD ni lmeu.n

,2 lvrie seresdeca hncedpi,i so that rotfireropn nac be seedesxrp no eht leoatrasbal urefcsa fo otectyeen.r

yhw ? os thta the orni edbrabso aiv mdt nca eb anetk ot het oolbd aiv .rrfpeoonti

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